请高手解答,小弟不胜感激。 要通关升级图鉴 原帖由 fucei 于 2006-10-4 16:38 发表
已做到。 是不是D卡不能传送? 原帖由 紫眸猫 于 2006-10-4 19:05 发表
钻石绝对是Z卡,但火红是D卡。 估计不认D的GBA版吧…… 晕,难不成要我们去买盘Z的GBA卡么=、= 已经有人试过D卡火红是不能传送的。。。LZ死心吧。。。 中文与日文不能共通~~~~~更何况是D版卡...... 火红是Z版的某人路过 Found on Route 221 after you get the National Pokédex, Pal Park is the only means of transferring the Pokémon to your game from your past games. However this only works with games of the same language and region.
发现这个-v- 原帖由 任天堂世界 于 2006-10-5 10:30 发表
Found on Route 221 after you get the National Pokédex, Pal Park is the only means of transferring the Pokémon to your game from your past games. However this only works with games of the same lan ...
gab還有分region嗎= =
不是到處的gba遊戲gba都能玩嗎= = 原帖由 dungaioh 于 2006-10-5 13:11 发表
gab還有分region嗎= =
不是到處的gba遊戲gba都能玩嗎= =