lc9028 发表于 2006-10-10 08:06:40

求 洛克人EXE6 美版 的改造金手指

(小弟看不懂蝌蚪文 T_T )


(减少大大们的工作量 )

[ 本帖最后由 lc9028 于 2006-10-10 08:13 编辑 ]

lc9028 发表于 2006-10-13 05:09:14

不厚道的自己顶一下...顺便求修改方法... 似乎没有什么方法能找到地址...

独行战士 发表于 2006-10-13 15:36:45

Walk Thru Walls
82012114 0001
*For some weird reason, you can't exit your room, but all others

No Random Battles
82001C16 0001

Have inf. Rush Food (For building shortcuts)
32003160 0009

Have 99 of every chip
4200223C 6363
000000CA 000C
4200223E 6363
000000CA 000C
42002C8C 6363
0000003C 000C
42002C8E 6363
0000003C 000C
4200304C 6363
0000000D 000C
4200304E 6363
0000000D 000C

Have all Navi Customizer blocks (Grega)
42000574 0000
0000005C 0002
42004AE0 5555
0000005C 0002
420031C8 0909
0000005C 0002

Have all Navi Customizer blocks (Faltzer)
42000574 0000
0000005C 0002
42004AE0 6F6F
0000005C 0002
420031C8 0909
0000005C 0002

Put Inf. Mega/Giga Class Chips into your folder
32004797 001E
32004798 001E

Put Inf. amounts of the same chip into your folder
4202A3FA 0001
000002AE 0020
*ONLY use the code in the real world and disable it after creating your folder

Max Subchips (Grega) by AmienZero
320031A9 0008
42000560 0000
00000003 0002
42004ACC 5555
00000003 0002
420031B4 0808
00000003 0002

Max Subchips (Faltzer) by AmienZero/me
320031A9 0008
42000560 0000
00000003 0002
42004ACC 6F6F
00000003 0002
420031B4 0808
00000003 0002

All Viruses unlocked (for Battler Card/ Virus Battling)
00000003 0002

Play as... (in-battle, you need to modify the Charged Attack)
3203CC15 00XX
*00 Rockman
01 Heatman
02 Elecman
03 Slashman
04 Killerman
05 Chargeman
06 Aquaman
07 Tomahawkman
08 Tenguman
09 Groundman
0A Dustman
0B Blues(!)

Play as... (out of battle+in-battle)
32001B81 00XX
*00 Rockman
01 Heatman
02 Elecman
03 Slashman
04 Killerman
05 Chargeman
06 Aquaman
07 Tomahawkman
08 Tenguman
09 Groundman
0A Dustman
0B CircusMan(!), crashes the game when you get into a battle

Cross Modifier by Twilight101/ EdwardVonEinstein
320047A3 00XX
*00 Normal
01 Heat Cross
02 Elec Cross
03 Slash Cross
04 Killer Cross
05 Charge Cross
06 Aqua Cross
07 Tomahawk Cross
08 Tengu Cross
09 Ground Cross
0A Dust Cross
0B Beast Out Greiga, as seen above
0C Beast Out Falzer
0D Beast Out Heat Cross
0E Beast Out Elec Cross
0F Beast Out Slash Cross
10 Beast Out Killer Cross
11 Beast Out Charge Cross
12 Beast Out Aqua Cross
13 Beast Out Tomahawk Cross
14 Beast Out Tengu Cross
15 Beast Out Ground Cross
16 Beast Out Dust Cross
17 Beast Over Greiga (Think control over him, but damn, he knows how to do stuff...and is Invincible, hell yeah!)
18 Beast Over Falzer (Same, just lacking the invincibility.)

Inf. Beast Cross Time
3203CE21 0003

Always Berserk by protego
3203CE2C 001A

Replace the first 10 chips of your sack with some "special" ones. (all are A-coded) (see below for chip description)
4202A3FC 8C80
01000005 0040
4202A41C 8D00
01000005 0040
4202A3F6 0009
0000000A 0020

Always Full Custom Gauge
820352A0 4000

Press Select to kill all normal enemies
D0000020 0004
8203AAAC 0000
D0000020 0004
8203AB84 0000
D0000020 0004
8203AC5C 0000

Buster always charged
8203409A 6400

Always Full Synchro
3203CE0E 00FF

Always Angry Mode (?)
3203CE0E 0000

Always S Rank
3203489E 000B

99 MB
32004795 0063

65535 Zenny from Zenny BMD by Cybertic Dragon (GameFAQs)
82009d24 FFFF
*Only use if you're sure that the BMD contains Zennies

Codes by radical dreamer

Infinite HP
8203A9D4 270F

Infinite Mystery Data Crystals
32009D1D 0001
*Talk to a mystery data crystal, and it will never disappear, you can keep getting items from it.

32038519 00FF

Move modifier
8203A9B8 ??04
*Doesn't affect damage done by move though..
I'm sure that things like transformations can be done through this. Summon chips work as well but everything does 1 damage unless you use the shot damage modifier below.

Shot damage modifier
82034128 ????
*like use 270F to do 9999 damage with every hit.
It works for chips and normal buster shots.

Battle Area Modifier
82001B84 ????
*Affects which types of viruses you fight

Try 0085, you'll do underwater battles. There are many other values, but lots of values don't work as well. Also, the values can also be taken from Lan's areas as well as Rockman's, and those will make your hp meter look all jumbled. Correct values should display the name of the area in the bottom right corner.

Room Modifier..
32011FC1 00??
*This is a bit incorrect, but it works. Go for it. :P

The chips you get with the "replace the first 10 chips..." code

1. After use, charged attack becomes this "Firefist" chip.
2. After use, charged attack becomes a 4 hit autoaim meteor-a-like
3. After use, charged attack becomes Shademan's-a-like attack
4. After use, charged attack becomes a Boomerang(like in the previous games) which generates grass fields on the enemy's side.
5. No idea.
6. DarkSword, 400 dmg, drains your HP after use
7. DarkThunder, 200 dmg, drains your HP after use
8. DarkRecovery, drains your HP after use
9. Puts you into Berserk Mode, you're invincible and have no control, drains your HP after use
10. Just poofs?

Infinite HP
8203A9D4 270F

Infinite Mystery Data Crystals
32009D1D 0001
*Talk to a mystery data crystal, and it will never disappear, you can keep getting items from it.

32038519 00FF

Move modifier
8203A9B8 ??04
*Doesn't affect damage done by move though..
I'm sure that things like transformations can be done through this. Summon chips work as well but everything does 1 damage unless you use the shot damage modifier below.

Shot damage modifier
82034128 ????
*like use 270F to do 9999 damage with every hit.
It works for chips and normal buster shots.

Battle Area Modifier
82001B84 ????
*Affects which types of viruses you fight

Try 0085, you'll do underwater battles. There are many other values, but lots of values don't work as well. Also, the values can also be taken from Lan's areas as well as Rockman's, and those will make your hp meter look all jumbled. Correct values should display the name of the area in the bottom right corner.

No Random Battles
82001C16 0001

room modifier..
32011FC1 00??
This is a bit incorrect, but it works. Go for it. :P

Infinite Zenny (dirty)
82001BDC 423F
82001BDE 000F
82000060 0000
82000062 0000
82004FE8 423F
82004FEA 000F

Infinite Bugfrags (dirty)

82001BE0 869F
82001BE2 0001
820018B8 0000
820018BA 0000
82004FF0 869F
82004FF2 0001

Faltzer: Full Library + PA (dirty)

420008A0 0000
00000100 0002
42004BE0 8181
00000100 0002
4200204C FFFF
00000016 0002

Grega: Full Library + PA (dirty)

420008A0 0000
00000100 0002
42004BE0 1717
00000100 0002
4200204C FFFF
00000016 0002

Body Modifier
3203CE10 00??
Nigoli2: 00=Normal Body, 01=Fire Body, 02=Aqua Body, 03=Elec Body, 04=Wood Body. :-p

cross modifiers??
3203CE2C 00??
*I haven't finished this one yet.. But what it does, is gives you some sort of cross between rockman and another navi, giving you their color and power.

Buster Shot Replacement Modifier
8203CE04 ????
*For example, you can replace it with 0004 to get a gatling buster, or 1111 to get protoman's saber. ^_^
Though these, like the move modifier, require the shot damage modifier code to be on if you want to do more damage than your buster normally would do.

Mystery Data Modifiers
82009D25 XXXX

0MB used in Kaizou screen
3200661A 0000
*So you can use as many e+ cards as you like.

32 card slots in kaizou screen
320065F0 0020
*32 is the official max. You can have more, but it will probably screw with what is supposed to be in the following addresses. :P

First card address and value
02006620 0075

Next card addresses are like this:
02006622 XXYY
One card is XX, another is YY. The example address is the 3rd and 4th cards.
These card modifiers must be used in conjunction with the "how many cards in kaizou screen" code, or else you won't see them. The first card address is picky, and if you modify the XX on it, the game will crash. This means that the 2nd card slot will always be empty.

last card address
0200663E XXYY
*Any address's value after this will automatically reset itself if modified. Not if it's frozen of course, but it's not good to force it.

So here are all the card addresses before I'm corrected by someone who didn't read all that.

Cards 1 and 2
02006620 XXYY

Cards 3 and 4
02006622 XXYY

Cards 5 and 6
02006624 XXYY

Cards 7 and 8
02006626 XXYY

Cards 9 and 10
02006628 XXYY

Cards 11 and 12
0200662A XXYY

Cards 13 and 14
0200662C XXYY

Cards 15 and 16
0200662E XXYY

Cards 17 and 18
02006630 XXYY

Cards 19 and 20
02006632 XXYY

Cards 21 and 22
02006634 XXYY

Cards 23 and 24
02006636 XXYY

Cards 25 and 26
02006638 XXYY

Cards 27 and 28
0200663A XXYY

Cards 29 and 30
0200663C XXYY

Cards 31 and 32
0200663E XXYY

The reason I don't have values written down for any addresses other than #1, is 'coz I can't read the cards to see if any are duplicate or invalid data. The only reason I have the first card's value is 'coz Nigoli from rockmanpm owns the game and the e+ card that gave the effect.

Rockman Zero E-Reader card by Maverick-jin8
82006620 0172

Mystery Data Modifiers
82009D25 XXXX
replace the XXXX with these values.

Standard Chips
0001 - Cannon
0002 - HCanon
0003 - MCanon
0004 - Airshot
00C9 - Timebomb3
00CA - MegaBomb? (redish-coloured bomb)

Mega Chips
00E0 - Protoman?
0118 - Django

Unknown / Useless Chips (like MMBN5)
0119 - ???
0122 -

Giga Chips
012D - ??? (Forte picture)
0137 - Secret Chip
0138 - Secret Chip
0139 - Secret Chip (13A)?

Program Advance
013B - ???
015D - ???

the reason i posted with ??? is that i don't know katakana.....and it seems there's a secret program advance but it's not recorded in the library. i'll finish this list when i get home.

i was experimenting with the crosses mentioned earlier, and BOY is that code weird.
3203CE2C 00XX
00 is naturally normal rockman
01 i can identify as heat cross by emotion window
02 is a silvery dude
03 is a green thing
04 is a purple dude
05 is a red dude
06 is a blu-ish cross
07 is a grayish cross
08 is a gray-yellow cross
09 is a yellow cross
0A gives a dark green with a 'Dust Shoot'
0B gives a glitch on the buster, but has a beast out grega mugshot for me
0C is the same, except the buster thing becomes a weird red shield.

anywayz, gotta sleep now, it's midnight here =.=

EDIT: these crosses just affect rockman's colour and emotion window, nothing else.

Well I went through some more values for the cross code above on the greiga version.

00 Normal rockman
01~05 Color of the Greiga version crosses, and the buster's appearance of them...Charge Cross' ability with the extra chips is enabled as well.
06~0A Same as above just with Falzer version and Dust Cross' Dust Shoot ability is visible.
0B~0C Beast Out Greiga version and Beast out Falzer version
0D~11 Beast out Crosses from Greiga Version
12~16 Beast Out Crosses from Falzer version
17~18 Apparently that is the Beast Over of the Greiga and Falzer version respectively.
19~1C Act like Beast Over with the no control over the Navi, Elec Cross buster, and in the later two Elec Cross Beast Out buster..
1D~FF I haven't tried them all but they seem to create a clitched mugshot, on random movement, and then crash the game.

Edit: Forgot about the letter digits after 19 at first. >.<

3203ce2c 001A gives like a rockman ds except he's mortal and he's the same karma as you are normally... give it a shot.

Grega Cross (only for VBA)


00 Normal
01 Heat Cross
02 Elec Cross
03 Slash Cross
04 Killer Cross
05 Charge Cross
06 Aqua Cross
07 Tomahawk Cross
08 Tengu Cross
09 Ground Cross
0A Dust Cross
0B Beast Out Greiga, as seen above
0C Beast Out Falzer
0D Beast Out Heat Cross
0E Beast Out Elec Cross
0F Beast Out Slash Cross
10 Beast Out Killer Cross
11 Beast Out Charge Cross
12 Beast Out Aqua Cross
13 Beast Out Tomahawk Cross
14 Beast Out Tengu Cross
15 Beast Out Ground Cross
16 Beast Out Dust Cross
17 Beast Over Greiga (Think control over him, but damn, he knows how to do stuff...and is Invincible, hell yeah!)
18 Beast Over Falzer (Same, just lacking the invincibility.)
19 and onwards seem to crash the game

i've been doing some buster modding, but there's a lot of glitches, so bear with me.

normal code: 8203CE04 XXXX
0000 buster glitch, can't charge buster
0001 charged shot
0002 buster glitch, very little chance of hitting something directly in front of you.
0003 beast out faltzer shot?
0004 beast out grega machinegun
0005 regular buster
0006 regular buster
0007 regular buster
0008 regular buster
0009 regular buster
000A a tornado, 3 squares long, branches of at the end by 2
000B eleccross' charge shot
000C aqua cross charge shot
000D hyper spread program advance
000E looks suspiciously like a moonblade from bn5
000F windrack
0010 reverse of windrack, pulls towards you.
0011 suspiciously like a sonic boom
0012 slash cross charge shot
0013 looks like a colonel.EXe's crossdivide.
0014 killercross's charge shot
0015 sends a massive arrow from the sky.
0016 tomahawk swing
0017 strange attack, i think is charge cross' charge attack
0018 crashes the game
0019 groundcross' charge shot
001A looks like a colonel.EXE crossdivide
001B crashes the game
001C enemies freeze, megaman throws a gospel/greiga head
001D megaman flies up, game crashes
001E does grega charge chip slash
001F game crashes
0020 game crashes
0021 dark sword
0022 dark thunder
0023 fire punch
0024 arrows come from the sky
0025 a weird sound wave reaches two squares in front, spreads out by 2
0026 boomer chip, causes panels to become grass
0027 charge cross' charge attack
0028 dust cross' charge shot
0029 game crashes
002A some weird thing, he disappears for a few moments
002B mega buster
002C faltzer buster
002D game crashes
002E mega buster
002F mega buster
0030 proto shield
0031 wide sword
0032 wide sword
0033 long sword
0034 proto shield
0035 the battle chip you get from those turret enemies
0036 wide sword
0037 proto shield
0038 mega buster, game crashes after a while
0039 shooting buster
003A hell's rolling
003B normal shield
003C proto shield
003D glitch, freezes megaman
003E normal buster
003F normal buster
0040 freezes megaman, can't move
0041 freezes megaman, can't move
0042 freezes megaman, can't move
0043 freezes megaman, can't move
0044 freezes megaman, can't move
0045 freezes megaman, can't move
0046 freezes megaman, can't move
0047 same as above
0048 same as above
0049 same as above
004A same as above
004B deletes yourself
004C damage pose
004D normal buster
004E normal buster
004F normal buster
0050 normal buster
0051 normal buster
0052 meteor strikes in random place
0053 3 meteors strike
0054 m-cannon
0055 plants an ice cube in front of you
0056 grass seed
0057 panel grab
0058 chucks a timebomb type thing.
0059 weird thunder thingie
005A spreader
005B ice seed
005C step sword?
005D throws a snowball that rolls on the ground
005E chucks a time bomb
0060 bamboo lance
0061 cannon1
0062 a hand face that swallows the enemy? leaves grass panel
0063 summons a caterpillar to eat your enemy =.=
0064 elec sword
0065 throws a red bomb, 3x3 square explosion
0066 vulcan 2
0067 voodoo doll
0068 bamboo sword
0069 wind racket
006A some random thing, might be poltergeist
006B vulcan 3
006C gunsoldel 1
006D some rainy thing that destroyed met1's in one hit
006E z-saber battlechip
006F normal megabuster
0070 normal buster
0071 invis battlechip
0072 long sword
0073 thunder 1/2/3?
0074 heat burst, same range as vulcan
0075 yoyo chip
0076 met shield
0077 mega buster
0078 flame thrower, cracks panels
0079 normal buster
007A same as value 0025
007B normal buster
007C wide sword
007D minibomb
007E normal buster
007F woodstyle charge attacks from bn2/3, only non-elemental
0080 aqua cross shot
0081 ***** out 1
0082 normal buster
0083 paralyses enemies
0084 circle gun, only 4 units though.
0085 drill arm
0086 northwind
0087 black bomb
0088 a weird honeycomb thing, nothing happens
0089 sword animation, no slashing effect
008A dark sword
008B proto shield
008C met shield
008D megabuster charged shot
008E normal sword
008F normal buster
0090 boomer chip
0091 aqua wide shot
0092 shooting buster
0093 hell's rolling
0094-00A6 game crashes
00A7 black bomb
00A8-00D1 game crashes

Navi Customizer Program Compression Codes
To enter these codes, highlight the program you want to compress and hold right, then input the codes. The Program then will shrink. If you input the code again, it will decompress.Code Effect
ARAABARRBA Compress AimFish
ARBABRRBAL Compress AirShoes
BRBBBBBARR Compress BatteryMode
LRBBALRABA Compress BeatSupport
RLABLRLAAB Compress BodyPack
BAABBBALBA Compress BoosterPack
AAABRLBAAL Compress BugStopper
ALABBAAABA Compress Collector's Eye
LBBRBAALRR Compress Custom1
RALLAABRBA Compress Custom2
BBARABLARR Compress FirstBarrier
RALABLBBRB Compress FloatShoes
ABLRRBRLBA Compress FolderPack1
BBARBLARBL Compress FolderPack2
BLBRLLLABA Compress GigaFolder1
LLABLBABLL Compress HumorSense
ALARBRARLB Compress JungleLand
BLALBRALBA Compress KawaramiMagic (AntiDmg)
ARLALALLAB Compress MegaFolder1
LALRBLRLRA Compress MegaFolder2
RBARALBBBL Compress Millionaire
AAALAABLRA Compress NumberOpening
LRABARBBLR Compress OilBody
LAABRRLRLR Compress Reflect
RLBAABALLR Compress RushSupport
BABARRLLAB Compress RythmicalPoem
RRABLRARLA Compress SearchShuffle
BBBAABAABB Compress SelfRecovery
RBBBAAABRL Compress Shield
BBBABBAARB Compress ShinobiDash
ALAAALLABR Compress SlipRunner
ABLLAALRBA Compress SuperArmor
BRBRRABBRA Compress TangoSupport
RRALLRAABB Compress UnderShirt

Lottery Chip Machine Codes
Once you are able to enter the chip shop in Central Town, go inside to find a green machine on the right-hand side. Upon pressing A in front of the machine, you will be able to enter a series of numbers to receive bonus items.Password Effect
79459146 Get "Spin Pink"
59485971 Receive an Untrap subchip
37889678 Receive HP+50 Navi Cust program
77837421 Receive SpinRed

Enable Icons on Title Screen
*Not exactly sure what they do, they look like medals.

Enable Crossover Trader (Seaside Internet Area 1)
32006772 0001
*You will recognize him as Otenko from Boktai. ^_^

Infinite Trade Points for Crossover Trader
82006740 423F
82006742 000F

Random Battle Chips available through Crossover Trader:

10 Points
GunDelSol1 *
GunDelSol1 C
GunDelSol1 M
GunDelSol1 T
GunDelSol2 B
GunDelSol2 E
Blues B
Blues *
Colonel *
Colonel C
Hakushaku EX H
Django *
Django D

20 Points
GunDelSol2 B
GunDelSol2 E
GunDelSol2 R
GunDelSol3 N
GunDelSol3 Q
Blues EX B
Colonel EX C
Hakushaku *
Hakushaku EX H
Django D
Django V2 D

30 Points
GunDelSol3 N
GunDelSol3 Q
GunDelSol3 W
Colonel EX C
Django D
Django V2 D
Django V3 D
Hakushaku EX H
Hakushaku SP H
GunDelSolEX G

50 Points
GunDelSol3 N
GunDelSol3 W
Blues SP B
Colonel SP C
Hakushaku EX H
Hakushaku SP H
Django V3 D
GunDelSolEX G
Otenko O

List made by Nigoli of RockmanPM

Open Chip Trade Menu Anywhere
D0000020 0004
8200AC84 ????
*This crashes the game after trade confirmation, if you're not linked up with someone I guess.
The "????" value is what chip you're trading for, and I assume it could be any chip in the game. :-)

tryout the 3 secret chips! use these on a mystery data that contains a chip.

82009D25 0137 - Beast Out Cross Attack (Both Beast Out attack together)
82009D25 0138 - Greiga Chip
82009D25 0139 - Faltzer Chip

Kaizou Card System Code

Unlock kaizou screen(Must)
420006C0 0000
0000003A 0002
32000734 0000
42005048 8D8D
0000003A 0002
320050BC 008D
420006C0 0000
0000003A 0002
32000734 0000
42005048 4343
0000003A 0002
320050BC 0043


Replace XX with

Slot 1: 20
Slot 2: 21
Slot 3: 22
Slot 4: 23
Slot 5: 24
Slot 6: 25
Slot 7: 26
Slot 8: 27
Slot 9: 28
Slot 10: 29
Slot 11: 2A
Slot 12: 2B
Slot 13: 2C
Slot 14: 2D
Slot 15: 2E
Slot 16: 2F
Slot 17: 30
Slot 18: 31
Slot 19: 32
Slot 20: 33
Slot 21: 34
Slot 22: 35
Slot 23: 36
Slot 24: 37
Slot 25: 38
Slot 26: 39
Slot 27: 3A
Slot 28: 3B
Slot 29: 3C
Slot 30: 3D
Slot 31: 3E
Slot 32: 3F

Replace YY with: Thanks to Rockmanpm for translations

01 Canodumb
02 Amonacule
03 Cold Bear
04 Jiira
05 Megalia
06 Metafire
07 Kill Plant
08 Dark Shadow
09 Bombeetle
0A Heavy Array
0B Azomata
0C Jellime
0D Volcano
0E Numbers
0F Magutekuto
10 Kumosu
11 Bomboy
12 Wood Note
13 Pikaler
14 Ele-Ogre
15 Darasuto
16 Senbon
17 Hit Desta
18 Gra San
19 Kakajii
1A Zero Preen
1B Remugon
1C Allman
1D Yakarn
1E Tsuboryuu
1F Numberman
20 Iceman
21 Skullman
22 Shadowman
23 Cutman
24 Knightman
25 Toadman
26 Magnetman
27 Planteman
28 Beastman
29 Desertman
2A Yamatoman
2B Videoman
2C Burnerman
2D Starman
2E Blizzardman
2F Swallowman
30 Slashman
31 Killerman
32 Groundman
33 Dustman
34 Blastman
35 Circusman
36 Handies
37 Pukool
38 Jelly
39 Poitton
3A Satella
3B Parala & Remokogoro
3C Yura
3D Takoball
3E Shellkie
3F Magnicker
40 Mete Mage
41 Momoguran
42 Nido Caster
43 Twinz
44 Walla
45 Kill Boo
46 Toto pole
47 Cano Guard
48 Skullabia
49 Dragrin
4A Marina
4B Doldara
4C Gunner
4D Pul foron
4E Bom Corn
4F Morikyuu
50 Hanhoo
51 Nightmare
52 Storm
53 Assassin Mecha
54 Stoneman
55 Colorman
56 Sharkman
57 Pharaohman
58 Airman
59 Freezeman
5A Thunderman
5B Napalman
5C Plantman
5D Mistman
5E Bowlman
5F Darkman
60 Topman
61 Kendoman
62 Coldman
63 Searchman
64 Cloudman
65 Footman
66 Chargeman
67 Tenguman
68 Diveman
69 Judgeman
6A Elementman
6B Punk
6C Dark Rockman
6D Soul Battler's Customize
6E Meijin's Perfect Customize (very useful)
6F Forte BX
70 Django
71 Hakushaku
72 Rockman Zero
73 Cyber Beast Greiga
74 Cyber Beast Falzer
75 Forte Cross Rockman

Enablers (you musn't disable)
3200661A 0000
320065F0 0020

Kaizou (you can delete after you enter)
420006C0 0000
0000003A 0002
32000734 0000
42005048 4343
0000003A 0002
320050BC 0043

or falzer
420006C0 0000
0000003A 0002
32000734 0000
42005048 8D8D
0000003A 0002
320050BC 008D

Cards:(Respect the order, when you are safe, you can erase it)

02006620:YY (the first must be when you put it at first moment)

Example: Try This Combination, if the code doesn't work, thats an emulator prob because it works to me.

3200661A 0000 (Must Be ON)
320065F0 0020 (Must Be ON)

Greiga (put the enabler, check the kaizou and delete it)
420006C0 0000
0000003A 0002
32000734 0000
42005048 4343
0000003A 0002
320050BC 0043

420006C0 0000
0000003A 0002
32000734 0000
42005048 8D8D
0000003A 0002
320050BC 008D

02006620:6E (Meijin Perfect Customize)
02006621:6F (Forte BX)
02006622:6C (Dark Rockman)
02006623:14 (Ele-Ogre)
02006624:2D (Starman)
02006625:6D (Soul Battler Customize)

All Job
3200579E 0023
42000290 0100
02020011 0002
320002B2 0022
42024000 2122
FDFE0011 0002
32024022 0000

these are the codes for secret doublebeast megachip where you'll get the picture and description. again i did not make this, and again credit goes to Zekiryo at UndersquareBBS.

820007D6 C7CB
820007D8 9FAC
820007DA 9FB7
820007DC B0B5
820007DE 0000
820007E0 5B1E
820007E2 9052
820007E4 1A2A
820007E6 00E6
82001186 4E48
82001188 4B32
8200118A 1982
8200118C E61B
82000AF0 7D7F
82000AF2 139F
82000AF4 225E
82000AF6 0D1F
82000AF8 00B1
82000AFA 41D0
82000AFC 3D0D
82000AFE 1330
82000B00 6199
82000B02 77FF
82000B04 4EA8
82000B06 39A8
82000B08 2103
82000B0A 5AF9
82000B0C 5F30
82000B0E 0C61

converted to CB format your pleasure. i'll see if i could manage them like MMBN5 to be able to make your own desription and chip name.


lc9028 发表于 2006-10-14 05:55:46

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