当社取締役副社長執行役員 最高営業責任者(COO)辻本春弘は、このプロジェクトに関して、「映画業界でのパートナーであるハイドパーク社との取り組みで、高品質な映画製作を期待している」と述べており、ハイドパーク社会長であるアショック・アムリタラージ氏も「我々もこの共同映画制作に大変興奮している。カプコンのゲームキャラクターと我々の映画製作の経験との双方の強みが合致し、生かされる最高の映画になるだろう」とコメントしております。
ハイドパークは国際的にも著名な映画製作会社であり、 20世紀フォックス社やディズニー社を始め数多くのメジャーなハリウッドスタジオと製作出資や海外販売の実績があります。最近のハイドパーク社の作品としては、「ブリンギング・ダウン・ザ・ハウス」、「ウォーキングトール」、「ショップガール」、「ドリーマー」や、近く劇場公開される「プレモニーション」や「アシャレム」、「デスセンテンス」などがあります。
ゲームエンタ-テインメント分野において数多くのヒット商品を創出するリーディングカンパニー。代表作として『ロックマン』、『ストリートファイター』、『バイオハザード』、『鬼武者』、『デビル メイ クライ』などのシリーズタイトルを保有しています。本社は大阪にあり、米国、イギリス、ドイツおよび香港に海外子会社があります。詳細については当社ウェブサイトをご覧ください。
Capcom and Hyde Park to Enter Into Joint Venture to
Make New Street Fighter® Movie for Worldwide Distribution
Capcom Co., Ltd, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, announced today the creation of a joint venture company with Hyde Park Entertainment Inc., a leading U.S. movie production and distribution company, to develop and produce a live action tent-pole film entitled "Street Fighter®" and based on one of Capcom's most popular videogame franchises, "Street Fighter®".
The movie features the most popular female fighter from the video game, "Chun Li", and her story. The movie will be released in 2008, the 20th anniversary of the initial release of the "Street Fighter®" video game in the U.S., as a special project. The movie will be distributed as a theatrical film worldwide.
"We look forward to this new joint venture with Hyde Park, an industry leader and innovator in producing quality movies", said Mr. Haruhiro Tsujimoto, Vice President and COO of Capcom. Mr. Ashok Amritraj, Chairman of Hyde Park Entertainment, added, "We are very excited about this joint venture, which we feel illustrates the great fit between Capcom's characters and our movie-making experience, for creating this Street Fighter® movie together".
Capcom is actively pursuing a policy of content multi-use by expanding its intellectual properties to include televised animation and movies. The overall goal of which is the continuation of profitability through generation of a synergistic effect using the video game aspect of the company.
About “Street Fighter®”:
In 1987, Capcom introduced Street Fighter® and ignited the fighting game genre craze. The release of Street Fighter® II in 1991 marked the beginning of a new mass-market video game phenomenon. Celebrating its 19th anniversary, the entire Street Fighter series has sold more than 500,000 coin-operated units and more than 25 million console games worldwide, and generated more than a billion dollars in revenue. Street Fighter®-fuelled innovations and creativity have made fighting games one of the most popular categories in video games to this day.
About Hyde Park Entertainment, Inc. (USA):
Amritraj's Hyde Park is a full production, financing and foreign distribution company that has a first-look deal at 20th Century Fox and a second-look at Disney. Currently, Hyde Park is in the final stages of post production on the Sandra Bullock starred "Premonition", being released by Sony Pictures in early 2007. Hyde Park is also in production on both the David Ellis helmed "Asylum" and James Wan's "Death Sentence", which is being distributed domestically through company’s Fox deal. Hyde Park financed all three films. Recent Hyde Park films include "Bringing Down the House", "Walking Tall", "Shopgirl", "Dreamer", among many others.
About Capcom Co., Ltd.:
As a worldwide leader in the gaming industry, Capcom is proud to have produced a number of hit products such as Mega Man, Street Fighter, Onimusha, Devil May Cry and Resident Evil. Capcom's head office is based in Osaka, Japan with branches in the U.S., U.K., Germany and Hong Kong. For more information, please visit website below. Capcom Website:
Street Fighter® Website:
*Street Fighter® is a registered trademark of Capcom U.S.A., Inc. 果真么?
看着倒是挺象真的 肌肉御姐春丽。。。有点看头
还有还有那个Hyde Park Entertainment Inc.是搞什么滴,怎么米有听说过捏 海德公园娱乐公司 原帖由 月神侠 于 2006-11-1 23:51 发表
期待以红色旋风为主角的sf2电影出现 世界级领跑水准的电视游戏开发出版企业Capcom有限公司,今天宣布将与美国一间顶级电影生产销售商:海德公园娱乐公司(月叔叔说是这么翻译的),合作出品一部题为“街头霸王®”的新片。此影片的背景基于Capcom最流行的电视游戏系列:“街头霸王®”
后面基本是废话 上两楼的头像竟然是委琐大叔..
汗 完全不懂的说 5楼的大叔头真是太强了 話說港星也拍過一部街覇的電影..............(但很爛 ) 红心原子弓单 不会是AV吧.... 春丽当主角应该不错哪.... 哈哈,期待阿,不过我更期待细胞分裂(分裂细胞?) 电影版。 期待。。。。。。。。。 想看剧照
[ 本帖最后由 superpig 于 2006-11-12 00:39 编辑 ] 原帖由 phonixs 于 2006-11-2 04:18 发表
那是GTO里面的垃圾老师!! 原帖由 无情天王 于 2006-11-12 19:35 发表
分数是尔等的全部价值体现!孽哈哈哈 谁演春丽,章子仪?