New PSX-P Version from Yoshihiro
Heres a rough translation from PSPgen:
Here's a new version of PSX-P emulator PS1 for PSP. Still very far off, Yoshihiro with nevertheless decided to put online this version to give pleasure with those which support it since the beginning. The great news is especially the setting on line of the sources which will make it possible other programmers to join the project.
What's up doc?
This emulator with known a certain number of changes since its first version and Yoshihiro with taken again more once its work with zero.
The last version to date is in fact a version which always turns very slowly but which offers an increased compatibility. Note that the presence of the BIOS is advised and according to plays' that goes better with or without. For FFVII, you will have to be armed with patience because starting is long, very long, really very long but it goes… (with the BIOS scph1001.bin).
We count on you to give us returns and to offer a new list of compatibility in our forum.
******** PSX-P alpha 0.2 public SRC release by Yoshihiro ********
Known BUGS:
In PSX-P impossible to leave the emulator with HOME thus HOME to decontaminate share defect.
To leave, use L + R + X
**** New and operation ****
GPU to use PEOPS Software 1.17 of Pete Bernett with the SDL;
Addition of the FPS and the resolution of the PSX in real time (decontaminated in release public)
Optimization of the HW rootcounter for Vsync mult share 3;
Config.Bias to add can be modified with the flight to regulate Speed automatically
not finished: =;
Memorycard To fix GFX Fixed for the majority of the plays; =).
Operation of PSX-P in the menu of the roms;
Button X to launch the *.BIN' S/*.ISO' S and also the *.EXE' S/*.PSX' S PlayStation;
Button O to launch the iso' S with Bios psx which this lance in first As the console;
Button START for booter the bios and capacity to publish the memory cards;
Button Triangle to leave emulator under the screen of selection of the roms;
Obligatory files in repertory PSXP;
./SaveState/ *.sav
Addition of the save state and load state
// Function in game only
To return with XMB PSP: L + R + X;
Save state: L + R + START;
Load State: L + R + SELECT;
Special button PSX L2: the button Home;
Special button PSX R2: the button Notes music;
To activate config CPU DYNAREC on PSX-P it is necessary to define - DPSP_DYNAREC
In Makefile.
Official Dev. of PCSX Version PC:
Writing leaves:
principal coder: linuzappz
Co-coders: shadow, Nocomp, Pete Bernett, nik3d;
Original Greatz of PCSX Version PC:
Duddie, Tratax, Kazzuya, JNS, Bobbi, Psychojak, Shunt
Keith, DarkWatcher, Xeven, Liquid, Dixon, Prafull "
Special thanks to:
Twin (we Love you twin0r), Roor (for you too coils),
calb (Thanks for help ), now3d (for great help to my psxdev stuff ;
Yoshihiro Greetings: :
PacManFan, Groepaz from hitmen, Looser, MaGiXieN, Hlide, MrTuto_Alek, Snap06, Mathieulh, Dark_Alex, Fanjita, PSMonkey, Zx-81, Mickeyblue, ds2kx, Zeus, and all the people who supported me in this project.
Official site: http://www.pspgen.com
Official Sponsor: http://www.gamefreax.com
The versions proposed on PSP-GENERATION were compressed in order to have only to decompress them over the ms of your PSP. It is necessary to have winrar installed (winrar is much better than winzip).
- Download the version adapted to your firmware.
- Connect your PSP and pass in mode USB (tuto here if)
- Click with the right button on the file which you downloaded.
- Choose to extract the files…
- Choose like destination the letter assigned to your PSP
- Support on OK and it is all.
Where to put the bios?
In BIOS directory of the PSXP directory (in ms0: /PSP/GAME/psxp/bios)
Where to put the roms?
In the Rom directory of the PSXP directory ( in ms0: /PSP/GAME/psxp/rom)
http://bbs.emu-zone.org/newbbs/viewthread.php?tid=418486&extra=page%3D1 PSP上面的PS模拟器? 我貌似看见斗神传了…… 月下经典啊
不然几乎可以说超越月下了 模拟王者机,其余不作评价 据说没音乐- -
没音乐的月下跟没玩没什么区别 原帖由 飘渺游仙 于 2006-11-20 16:41 发表
据说没音乐- -
同意~ 难道PSP已经到了,只能模拟以前PS游戏的地步拉??
为什么没有PSP上恶魔城的消息那? PSP都闲置3月拉 原帖由 namida 于 2006-11-20 16:33 发表
发烧说胡话??你有看清帖么 原帖由 blackcat 于 2006-11-20 18:19 发表
这次模拟的速度还是差的很远呢,继续期待官方的模拟器 小小的期待下,模拟器也不错啊 期待一个,PS模拟器能完美弄好的话就准备入手PSP了~~~ 月下啊 原帖由 blackcat 于 2006-11-20 18:19 发表
我感慨下NDS的肖像怎么了 原帖由 怪盗キッド 于 2006-11-20 19:18 发表
我说啊......这个算不算是PSP的一大悲哀呢 不是什么悲哀 没关系,入手好,到时候我有的香蕉玩 原帖由 中中 于 2006-11-21 08:34 发表
不是什么悲哀 没关系,入手好,到时候我有的香蕉玩
真难过,抱着我的PS2看Lost去 不过,10年前那主机上的游戏真的不错,PSP的名字更符合PSP了 原帖由 萧楚儿 于 2006-11-21 08:38 发表
其实PSP卖的不错了,比WSC什么的都好多了。仅仅是遇到了史上最牛的NDS而已。 PC上我有完整的ROM,有音乐版本