请问怎么解决? Our experience has shown that this error message is typically caused by WEP Key issues.Please read the following information:
Check Nintendo’s router info for special notes, if available, for your router.
1.Use the drop-down box on the left to select, if available, your router manufacturer.
2.Read any "special notes" at the top of the router's page.
Many issues can be solved by changing settings described in the "special notes."
Are you using WEP security on your router?
1.Log into the router using the default IP (consult your router's manual for assistance)
2.If you are using 64-bit encryption, the WEP Key must be a 10-character key consisting of numbers or letters A through F.
3.If you are using 128-bit encryption, the WEP Key must be a 26-character key consisting of numbers or letters A through F.
4.The WEP Key must be a Hexadecimal (1-9, A-F, no other special characters or letters).
5.Verify they are using the WEP Key in the first (#1) slot. Even though their router may have multiple slots, the Nintendo DS is only compatible with the WEP Key in slot #1.
Check to see if your router is using MAC filtering.
1.Log into the router using the default IP.
2.Find the section for MAC Filtering (typically under "Security").
3.If MAC Filtering is on ("enabled"), enter the Nintendo DS’s MAC address to the list of approved MAC address. (For assistance with locating the MAC Filtering section of your router’s setup tool, please consult the router’s manual or contact the manufacturer.)
[ 本帖最后由 萧楚儿 于 2006-11-21 16:39 编辑 ]