月神侠 发表于 2006-11-30 10:23:36

devhook 0.5!


闲着无聊加了英文翻译 xD

这是一个运行在 FW 1.50/2.71SE下的PSP FW 模拟/操作程序。

注意 V0.50.0000只是一个测试版=人柱用です (hahaha)



First of all, let's make sure that you have following things :

1. 你必须是1.50或者2.71SE-B/C的系统。
1. Your psp has to be FW 1.50 or 2.71SE.

2. 你准备好了2.71和2.82的两个升级文件的EBOOT.请某人补上这两个文件的地址。
2. You have both 2.71 and 2.82 update eboot, which is required to generate the file dumps for devhook 0.50.

3. 你有一个可以解开PBP文件格式的工具。推荐用PSP UNPACKER : 下载
3. You have a tool that is able to unpack PBP file, I personally suggest you get a PSP Unpacker. download here

4. 你有一个PSAR dumper,可以从Dark_AleX的网站上下载。http://dax.lan.st/
4. You have D_A's PSAR dumper. grab one from his website. http://dax.lan.st/

5. 当然最后就是需要Devhook 0.50了。
5. Devhook 0.50 from Booster.

once you have these things, you're ready for the following.


copy necessarily files into your psp:

If your psp is still tucked in FW 1.50, just simply copy everything inside MS_ROOT folder to ms0:/ 如果是2.71SE-B/C,需要把压缩包内的MS_ROOT文件夹里的所有东西复制到PSP的根目录。然后因为devhook是1.50的程序,所以你知道该怎么做拉。
If it's a 2.71SE, copy everything inside MS_ROOT folder to ms0:/. Now since devhook is an 1.50 homebrew, chose your folder (game or game150) to put these __SCE__DH_ENG and %__SCE__DH_ENG folders.

建议,先把你原来的ms0:/dh和ms0:/psp 这两个目录改名,不然如果你想换回0.46版的时候就不太方便了.
Tip : I suggest you to backup your ms0:/dh and ms0:/psp, in case if you want to go back to devhook 0.46.

然后,复制PSAR dumper到你的ms0:/PSP/game或者ms0:/PSP/game150。视你的系统版本而定。
Then, copy PSAR dumper to your PSP, ms0:/psp/game or game150, depends on which fw version do you currently have.


Install the file dumps.

1. 用PSP Unpacker打开2.71的升级EBOOT.PBP,然后选择下方文件列表中的 DATA.PSAR,然后选 Extract ...并指定把这个文件解压缩(Extract)到psp的跟目录下。
1. Open and extract the DATA.PSAR from 2.71's update eboot by using PSP Unpacker(or any app you prefer). Save this file in ms0:/ 2. 从PSP里运行PSAR dumper 0.2B,然后按方块按钮。程序就会开始解压,完成后会自动退出。
2. Run PSAR dumper 0.2B, when the screen appeared, press SQUARE button. then wait for a while, when it's finished, it will automatically return to the XMB.

3. 在PSP根目录下你会看到一个F0目录,这就是刚才解压出来的文件。你需要进入F0/kd,并把里面的audio.prx这个文件复制到其他地方。我们后面用得着。这步相当重要,否则
3. Now copy ms0:/F0/kd/audio.prx and save it to somewhere else. this file is very important, without it your 2.82 will be muted. When this file is saved, you can delete the whole F0 folder. we don't need it anymore.

4. 重复步骤1~2,不同的是,这次我们要搞定的是2.82的升级EBOOT. 还有就是这次运行PSAR dumper的时候,切记要按X按钮。
4. repeat setp 1 and 2, but this time you'll need to do it with 2.82 update eboot, and this time when you run PSAR dumper, press CROSS button.

5. 完成解压缩后程序自动退出,这时候你的PSP根目录下有一个F0文件夹。你需要把刚才保存的audio.prx覆盖到F0/kd目录中。
5. When it's finished you'll return to XMB, and there is a ms0:/F0. Now, remember the 2.71 audio.prx you've saved at step 3? you have to copy that file and overwrite to ms0:/F0/kd.

6. 然后,我们复制(或剪切)整个F0文件夹,并把它粘贴到ms0:/dh/282目录下。
6. we're almost done, now copy and paste ms0:/F0 to ms0:/dh/282, overwrite everything.

file dumps is now installed.

setting up devhook with FW 2.82 emulation.

要使用devhook 0.50来模拟2.82,你必须要把配置文件刷到Flash1,Devhook会帮你做这一步。如果你还是对刷机这个词过敏,建议你老老实实用0.46就好了。

Note: In order to emulate FW 2.82 with devhook 0.50, you'll HAVE to flash configure file into your PSP, don't worry Devhook 0.50 will take care of it. if you're not comfortable with flashing, well...devhook 0.46 might be your best choice.


1. 运行 DEVHOOK0.50 ENG launcher
1. Run DEVHOOK0.50 ENG launcher from XMB

2. 选择"FLASH ROM" ,然后选择 "flash1: < ms0: install configfile" 并按住O键不放。——1.50的用户注意,如果你之前用过这个功能,那么你必须先选flash1 remove all devhook files 来删除原先的文件,否则便不会通过这步;2.71SE-B/C的用户不用担心,只管刷下去就好了。、
2. Go to 'FLASH ROM' and select "flash1: < ms0: install configfile", some warning shows up, don't worry just press and hold O key for more than 1 second, let it flash configure file to your Flash1. Note to 1.50 users, if you have used this feature in any previously devhook releases, you'll have first to 'remove all devhook files' before go any forward, otherwise you won't be succeed.

3. 在Firmware菜单里,选择2.82
3. In "FIRMWARE", select 2.82

4. 因为第一次启动2.82的时候会提示系统损坏,所以我会建议你在BOOT MODE里面选择XMB MENU.否则如果按默认的选择DEVHOK MENU的话,多语言蓝屏出现的时候会死机。
4. Now, go to 'BOOT MODE' and choose "XMB MENU". because when the first time 2.82 boots up, It will show you the muilt-language erroe screen and you have to press O key to fix it. At this point if you chose "DEVHOOK MENU", your PSP will hang.

5. 接下来就是按START来启动devhook了。 在XMB界面可以按HOME按钮呼出菜单。
5. Now we're ready to go. press HOME button at XMB will bring up setup menu.

V0.46.0000 -> V0.50.0000 変更点
加入: 按下Home 按钮时可设定GUI。
加入: 可以随时切换ISO/UMD模式而不用重新启动。
加入: 2.80/2.82 Firmware 模拟启动。


删除: 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 和 2.60的支持。
删除: 对应1.50版本游戏的NOUMD代码。
改变: devhook的 API大幅度更改,增加simple registry system。
改变: 增进了界面菜单。
改变: launcher界面的配置文件结构更改。
加入: mokr04a的更改字体系统(个人认为Chunglam的才是王道)


・Vshex (XMB的设置界面)有时会卡死

剩下的东西不重要,不翻译了。相比2.71SE现在的进度,devhook 0.5我是纯粹精神上支持它 ,让我们期待0.51吧。
感谢Booster带给我们这个最新版本的devhook。也感谢Dark_AleX, Mathieulh 以及许多开发者们的通力合作。
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