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New Final Fantasy Tactics Set for DSSquare Enix announces a full sequel to the Game Boy Advance title.
by Anoop Gantayat
December 18, 2006 - Hot on the heels of confirmation earlier this week of a port of the original Final Fantasy Tactics for the PSP, Square Enix announced today that the Nintendo DS will be getting an original entry in the series all to itself.
IGN reported last week on Final Fantasy Tactics A2 Fuuketsu no Guurimore, a mysterious title that debuted alongside the PSP port of FFT in the latest issue of Japan's Jump magazine. This is the new DS title in question.
Japanese media outlets are reporting that, as the A2 in the name might have suggested, this new game is being developed as a sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, the Game Boy Advance entry in the series. Details beyond this were not revealed in today's announcement.
While we don't have any screenshots, we do have a logo. But not of the new Final Fantasy Tactics games. Instead, the logo Square Enix passed around to the press today is of the Ivalice Alliance project, which encompasses Final Fantasy XII Revnant Wings for the DS and the two Final Fantasy Tactics projects. The company has stated that it has multiple teams working on games for this new initiative. These games encompass a variety of genres and are for a variety of platforms.
[ 本帖最后由 小松溪绘苍雪 于 2007-1-17 15:07 编辑 ] 我想玩FFT的妇科E文版,怎么办? 要玩复课还不简单......买psp呗!! <無責任YY>
[ 本帖最后由 moonsp 于 2006-12-19 15:15 编辑 ] 这个好...gba除了口袋就数这个玩起来有激情- -+ 希望这款作品能有美版~~ 一定要入手! 大受好評的法律系統依然健在! 原帖由 二甲 于 2006-12-19 22:03 发表
昨天好象听见有人大叫希望快点废掉“SB的法律系统” 就是他……让我确定了买NDS~~法律不正是掌机上战略版的特色么…… 原帖由 笨笨塞 于 2006-12-19 23:51 发表
PS:FF7CC没有能让你确定买PSP,真是遗憾啊 只是觉得FFTA2应该也是一款超级耐玩的游戏而已……起码能玩上200多小时吧……至于画面……一般就行,还真就不太在乎…… 有时候真想可以在攻击判定里加入裁判(当时玩日版,鸟文的法律看不懂撒) 期待,gba上的ffta玩了好多遍啊.300任务达成,呼呼~~ 职业应该更丰富了吧 FFTA 现在还时不时的拿出来玩玩