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http://img04.21cn.com/2007/01/05/879336455.jpg病塌上的星星叫 摄/铁皮附:冯明相关情况
冯明 男 1978年6月16日出生 汉族 广州人
Feng, Ming
Gender: Male D.O.B: June 16th 1978 Nationality: China People: Han Residency: Guangzhou
主要病史Main case history:
About 7 months old:Wilm‘s tumor (nephroblastoma) detected in both kidneys; the whole right kidney and two thirds of left kidney operated with nephrectomy. After this operation, only one sixth of the kidney function left; one third of the left kidney worked well.
Childhood:“Undescended testis”, operated twice;
October 1995:Some symptoms occurred, including dropsy, kidney hypertension; chronic nephritic syndrome etc; treated in hospital.
November 1995:Acute appendicitis, operated successfully; but the kidney was further damaged; must be treated with hemodialysis: a catheter was plugged into the vein below the right clavicle for hemodialysis; meanwhile, a native av fistula was developed in the humerus artery of the left hand for long-term dialysis; the operation was successful; after the catheter was unplugged, the fistula worked well, but the piercing was always pretty tough, which needed assistance from specialists.
August 1998:A pseudo-aneurysm found in left hand, which was operated successfully; the tumor was identified as calcified fibers; the fistula still worked but the renal edema on the left hand became worse
August 2004:The renal edema on the left hand made the piercing-dialysis undoable; a catheter was plugged into the vein in the right neck for dialysis; the fistula in the left hand was ligated; another fistula was developed in the humerus artery in right hand; after the operation, the right hand swelled all the time; inspection figured that the narrowness of the vein below the right clavicle prevented the refluence of blood; a catheter was plugged into the vein in the left neck for dialysis
November 2005:The catheter in the vein in the left neck got congested; the catheter was moved to right neck for dialysis; a traumatic arteriovenous fistula was developed at the intersection of the left thigh vein and left thigh artery; the operation was a success; however, the fistula in right hand was ligated unsuccessfully; right hand got even worse;
March 2006:The fistula in right hand was ligated again; the operation was a success; a catheter was tried but not successful; the fistula on the left thigh was used for piercing-dialysis; the piercing was pretty touch and very painful;
December 2006:Another pseudo-aneurysm found in left thigh, which resulted in massive haemorrhage; the haemorrhage was stopped but the fistula was ligated;At present, the dialysis is conducted through direct piercing of the artery in right hand; the success of piercing cannot be guaranteed; once fails, the dialysis will be undoale.
[*]无法再造瘘双手及左腿都已做过右腿再做风险太大;[*]插管困难:颈内静脉由于插过多次已产生疤痕狭窄,尝试过再插不成功。右边锁骨下静脉已知狭窄不行。左边锁骨下静脉离心脏太近,左股静脉已伤,右股静脉只可插临时管道,长期置管则无法达到足够长度且容易堵塞及感染影响行动。 Main issues:
[*]Unable to develop native fistula: fistulae made on both arms and left leg but all failed; too risky to take the right leg;[*]Difficult to plug in the catheter: the vein inside the neck has been plugged so many times that it is too narrow to use,the vein below the right clavicle is also too narrow, the one under the left clavicle is too close to the heart. The vein in the left thigh is damaged; the one in the right thigh can only allow temporary catheter. Long-term catheter is not long enough and gets congested and infected easily, which will constraint the motion of the body. 主要求助
[*]长期置管的手术技术及术后日常护理经验;[*]长期置管的器材选择。 Assistance needed in the following:
[*]Operation techniques of long-term catheter implanting; experience of post-operation nursing;[*]Selection of long-term catheter types. 说明:
[*]本人腹部手术多无完整腹膜不能进行腹膜透析[*]群体抗体过高(PRA)无法进行肾移植配型[*]丙肝病毒携带者(HCV+)[*]一些数据;血色素长期为8-9克现在手术后仅为7克左右;血压偏高平均200-220/100-120(下肢)Yao物控制效果不强低于150/80就会晕厥;先锋4先锋6过敏;酒精过敏;虾蟹过敏;(输液管过敏:此点最重要每次输液必须把管道内空气完全排空并用生理盐水清洗) Notes:
[*]The patient's abdomen has been operated many times;[*]the peritoneum is incomplete, therefore peritoneal dialysis cannot be conducted;[*]High PRA, matched kidney transplant operation is not suitable;[*]HCV+ carrier;[*]Some useful data: Long term heme protein is 8-9 grams; after operations, it falls to 7 grams approximately; blood pressure is high, on average 200-220/100-120 (lower limbs); medicine control doesn't work well; if the blood pressure falls lower than 150/80, the patient will faint; allergic to Cefalexin and Cefradine; allergic to alcohol, shrimps and crabs; allergic to transfusion tube, which means before each transfusion, the air in the tube must be exhausted and the tube itself must be cleaned with physiologic brine; acute appendicitis急性阑尾炎chronic慢性hemodialysis血透aneurysm动脉瘤(partial)nephrectomy(部分)肾切除术nephroblastoma(Wilms‘s tumor)肾母细胞瘤renal edema肾性水肿traumatic arteriovenous损伤性动-静脉造瘘 友情砖 真的吗 我很好奇这里有多少人认识那位站长,转到这里来能起多大作用? TF联盟的= = 原帖由 一目連 于 2007-1-5 16:46 发表
至于我捐不捐,就是另外一回事鸟 看看,送他几张卡? 原帖由 开辟的交易使者 于 2007-1-5 17:17 发表
但是.....不如卖成钱直接 原帖由 <i>美鸟D游戏</i> 于 2007-1-5 17:18 发表<br />
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他有兴趣的话,又不贵,我送米问题<br />
但是.....不如卖成钱直接 <br />
问题是卖不出去= = 星星叫是俺给配音的