月神侠 发表于 2007-1-27 00:46:44

PSP 2.80-3.03全线告破(意味着2.00-3.03所有版小P都能软降级)

PSP 2.80-3.03全系列版本破解成功(意味着2.00-3.03所有版小P都能软降级),这个可以说是继昨天da发布3.03 OE-C好后,又一震撼的好消息。

这次发布此消息的还是来自给Dark Alex他们帮助的Noobz小组,以上是他们发布的原文:

You remember that the only thing holding us back from a downgrader for v3.03 was the lack of a user-mode exploit?

Well, we don't like to be held back from anything, so we went back to basics and looked over some of the old exploits. And what do you know? We found one! We did a little digging into the old GTA exploit, and discovered that it hadn't been properly patched after all.

We'll leave it as an exercise for the interested reader to figure out exactly how we got past the patch (and to give Sony a little while longer before the head-slapping "Doh!" moment

如果要降级需要一张未被RIP的GTA 自由城故事的游戏,切记一定要未被修改过的,原版的。目前在店内销售的是最新版的,不能使用,一定要用最老的,未被修改的.

大家等待降级程序发布吧,另外开发小组放了一个让大家体验"Goofy exploit & Hello World Proof of Concept"。

* GTA是“自由城故事Liberty City Stories”,而且不是“罪恶都市”。
* 运行GTA,你就会看到了,想知道是啥,可以看下面的视频

下载: Goofy exploit & Hello World Proof of Concept

firered 发表于 2007-1-27 07:55:00


无限自由 发表于 2007-1-28 10:48:32


gyzs 发表于 2007-1-28 11:41:42

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查看完整版本: PSP 2.80-3.03全线告破(意味着2.00-3.03所有版小P都能软降级)