LocoRoco 正式登陆索爱手机 Sony-Ericsson SO703i-
The Sony-Ericsson SO703i--the "smell'O'phone"--will be released inJapan preloaded with a mobile version of LocoRoco, the quirky 2Dplatformer currently available only on the PlayStation Portable.LocoRoco was developed by Sony and released in 2006. In the game,players tilt the onscreen environment to guide the cartoony LocoRococharacters to the end of each level.
The new phone also boasts a series of interchangeable fragranced "aromasheet" faceplates, which smell when the user opens up the phone. Thedisplay utilises some of the same technology that exists in Sony'sBravia televisions, and the telephone will be available on the NTTDocomo network.
http://bbs.emu-zone.org/newbbs/attachments/day_070127/locoroccomobb_UdXJvHBrZdL1.jpg K750的漂过。。。好大的屏幕 索爱有S0703i?应该是只发售在日本本土的机器吧
手机特别大的人飘过 用过n个索爱,现在换了 这个机器只有日本本土用的,中国有不知道会是什么时候了,还是用PSP玩吧 這……硪們k750的沒得玩……估計要等,因爲《隕石方塊》也是恏久才移植 dddddddddddddddddddddd 在用香港的V800 W900的猫飘过 索爱的手机只用过T618和S700,现在只用只能的了:dopod。