来自GamesIndustry.biz采访了 SCE英国公司 managing director:Ray Maguire,提到有现在的PSP有点重,有点大,将推出轻,小的PSP版本,详细原文如下:
According to GamesIndustry.biz, SCE UK managing director Ray Maguire told an invited audience of press, teachers and education specialists at the national launch of Sony's PSP in Education initiative that the current PSP is just the "first iteration", and that a "smaller, lighter" system will be introduced in the future.
Maguire also said that any redesigns would not affect the PSP's screen, which is apparently "fixed." Judging by Sony's track record of cutting the size and cost of their redesigned consoles since the PSOne was first introduced, a redesigned PSP could also presumably carry a lower price tag.
Following Maguire's statement, a Sony spokesperson told GamesIndustry.biz that apart from firmware updates, no "immediate changes" are currently planned for the PSP. "In the longest term, of course we are always looking at ways to continue our platform development," said the spokesperson, "and this normal business practice is what Ray was referring to."
希望到时候不要出现老版本不支持某些游戏的情况…… 类似NDS跟NDSL的关系,应该不会有兼容问题,肯定还要用UMD跟记忆棒的 只是大小和重量?那无所谓了 才刚买小P不久,出就让它出吧…不知除了大小和重量外还有没有其它方面的改进? 我关心造型和颜色
快出个图来吧 这个决不用着急,1是价钱问题,2是破解 性能会不会下降..... 等实际图片放出,不是特别期待