http://www.lebanoncircle.co.uk/DeadFairy.htm说是英国发现的妖精尸体来着. 这模型做的真好 这妖也太................ 我晕,是恐怖东西来的吗??是的话我不敢看哦 恐怖吖........ 那树叶贴得...
[ 本帖最后由 理亚 于 2007-4-3 22:39 编辑 ] 这个妖精..从埃及过来的么.. 作假的技术不错,近乎艺术了 Alas the fairy is fake but my interest and belief has allowed me to create a work of art that is convincing and magical. I was also interested to see if fairy folklore is still a valid belief in modern society and I am pleased to say that yes it is! I have had more response from believers than I ever thought possible.
- -... The following statement was issued by Dan Baines on 1st April 2007
Happy April Fool's Day! Bullshit……明明就是假的来着…… 制作水准不错 完全不适合我的审美观~~~ 第一眼感觉就像假的... 不可爱……