[NDS] A problem with casino
(精灵驿站)"取得鱼杆的方法是:在未装备任何工具的情况下,在晴天的星期六PM12:00~PM14:00去老渔夫家里触发事件得到鱼杆" I was there, saturday, sunny, PM 00:00, didn't have any EQ, but nothing happened when I entered the house!
[ 本帖最后由 jhelen90 于 2007-5-1 16:33 编辑 ] 这是哪个版本? 经常有的情况,多试几个星期六就有了记得12点前后去 I got it! thanx (just tried again) I can only play "Matching Game" in casino, why? How can I play other games? 另外2个游戏对应的精灵你还没找到,建议多调查村里的设施(比如喷水池/井之类) 第一赌场小矮人:调查镇上水池出现,负责游戏梭哈
第三赌场小矮人:调查宿屋后暖炉后出现,负责游戏神经衰弱 I found them all! There're 3 of them in the casino, but I still can't play other games.
[ 本帖最后由 jhelen90 于 2007-5-1 19:40 编辑 ] 不让你玩,那个小精灵说什么? Hops: "Welcome!" "What do you want to do?"
"Play the Matching Game, Get Instructions, Quit"
Tep: "Welcome! What do you want to do?"
" Play the Matching Game, Get Instructions, Quit"
Jum: "Welcome! What do you want to do?"
" Play the Matching Game, Get Instructions, Quit"
Same thing~~~~ 就是说三个精灵都可以进行游戏,但都是相同的游戏? yes. by the way, I'm playing it with no-GBA in english version 我也是用NO$GBA玩的,不过我玩的是日文版的,貌似没这问题- - 你那ROM坏掉了,E文版卡带没这问题