http://album.xmnext.com/Album/Upload_25/publicphotos/11_1477406.jpgTitle: Home invasion gone wrong for illegal criminalsPublished: Apr 25, 2007
Two illegal aliens, Ralphel Resindez 23 and Enrico Garza 26, probably believed they would easily overpower a home alone 11 year old Patricia Harrington after her father had left their two story home.
It seems the two crooks never learned two things, they were in Montana and Patricia had been a clay shooting champion since she was nine. Patricia was in her upstairs room when the two men broke through the front door of the house. She quickly ran to her father's room and grabbed his 12 gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun.
Resindez was the first to get up to the second floor only to be the first to catch a near point blank blast of buck shot from the 11 year olds knee crouch aim. He suffered fatal wounds to his abdomen and genitals. When Garza ran to the foot of the stairs, he took a blast to the left shoulder and staggered out into the street where he bled to death before medical help could arrive.
It was found out later that Resindez was armed with a stolen 45 caliber handgun he took from another home invasion robbery. The victim, 50 year old David Burien, was not so lucky as he died from stab wounds to the chest.
2个非法移民,23岁的Ralphel Resindez 和26岁Enrico Garza以为他们能轻易的制服一个11岁独自在家的小女孩Patricia Harrington ,当时她父亲不在她家的两层楼房中.
显然这两个SB不知道2件事:(1)他们在蒙塔纳 (2)Patricia 9岁的时候就获得过射击冠军。当这两个人从正门侵入的时候Patricia 正在二楼上,她立刻跑到她父亲的房间拿起一把12口径Mossberg 500 霰弓单木仓.
[ 本帖最后由 Wing0C 于 2007-5-4 14:14 编辑 ] Loli杀人原来不只在秋蝉鸣泣之时吖~~~ 哪个国家的啊?家里有木仓而且还放在LOLI能拿到的地方~ 原帖由 &黑百合& 于 2007-5-4 14:22 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
美国................. 11岁的小孩能承受这种后坐力?
其实只要把手指塞在木仓管里这把木仓就会爆膛了 原帖由 原始恶魔 于 2007-5-4 16:20 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
手指怎么办..... 原帖由 fremen 于 2007-5-4 16:21 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
手指重要还是命重要? 原帖由 samiul 于 2007-5-4 16:42 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
这是常识阿! 是个人都不敢那么做,大脑的第一反应就是逃跑