http://www.gamespot.com/news/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=25609457According to a report filed today, a robber recently burst into a London area branch of Blockbuster Video in the greater London suburb of Thornton Heath. He made off with £500 ($996.30) worth of goods--but what he really wanted was a PlayStation 3.
The site This is London Local reports that the perpetrator brandished a handgun at two terrified female employees and demanded that they give him a PlayStation 3 Problem was, the store apparently didn't have any PS3s, so the disappointed thief asked for an Xbox 360 instead.
After taking the console, he helped himself to £60 ($119) from the till and a selection of games from the shelf on his way out. Nobody was hurt in the incident, although there was a delay in the investigation as police ended up in the wrong store due to a "mix-up."
Though it was made public today, the robbery actually took place at around 7 p.m. on April 14. Any witnesses in the area are asked to contact Crimestoppers anonymously at 0800 555111.
伦敦报:有个抢匪拿着木仓要求两名害怕万分的女店员交出PS3,但是显然的这家店没有任何PS3,所以失望的抢匪只好要求以Xbox 360做替代。然后自己选了几套游戏逃走。尽管因为警察跑错店耽误了调查时间,但在这个事件中没有人受伤。
看看下面的回复更是搞笑啊~ Thief: "OPEN THE REGISTER, AND GIVE ME A PS3, NOW!"
Associate: "...we don't have any PS3's."
Thief: "Oh fiddlesticks... really?"
Associate: " Yeah... sorry?"
Thief: "Got any Wii's?"
Associate: "No!"
Thief: "Do you think you'll get any in soo..."
Assocaite: "No!"
Thief: "Alright... GIVE ME THAT 360!" 真睾~~~ 这是无可奈何的情况~~~囧 家里炉子坏了 没工具煮饭 当然首选PS3 既然没有PS3 至少得弄个锅铲用来炒菜 wii正合适 360什么功能都没有 所以人家看不上 外国有那么多穷人吗?还要靠抢游戏机过日子?? 真怀疑那匪徒是SONY雇的。。。 SB
事先不会去摸底一次呀 Thief: "OPEN THE REGISTER, AND GIVE ME A PS3, NOW!"
Associate: "...we don't have any PS3's."
Thief: "Oh fiddlesticks... really?"
Associate: " Yeah... sorry?"
Thief: "Got any Wii's?"
Associate: "No!"
Thief: "Do you think you'll get any in soo..."
Assocaite: "No! How about the 360."
Thief: "No, I don't give a shit about it, if you don't have those two, then Game Boy Advance will do, better than that junk X360."
无责任改编 LS又在喷,厉害厉害~ 发现某BZ对MS已经恨之入骨了.......... 笑死,这个贼挺搞笑的;9楼的改编更扯。。。。。。。 = = 怎么偏激的几乎和自己口中的小白一样了,晕。 9楼纯小白 自己都在某贴承认观点偏激还不克制 那不说了等于没说
只要有人说一点PS系的负面消息 他就把人家和新闻一起批得狗血淋头
还说攻击PS系的任饭没素质 瞧瞧自己吧 跟疯了一样 看见MS 毫不犹豫 张嘴就咬
自己喜欢PS系也用不着这样 不能以身作则 还好意思批判其他亲任亲MS的粉丝没素质么 实在搞笑