月神侠 发表于 2007-5-19 12:48:12

[5/19]《杀戮地带 解放》游戏升级包推迟下载


相信很多PSP玩家都知道这款PSP游戏《杀戮地带 解放》(Killzone: Liberation),本作动作策略游戏的方式进行。《杀戮地带 解放》故事背景延续之前系列设定,以未来太空殖民时代为背景,描述企图征服所有殖民地的军国主义激进势力“Helghast”,与各主要殖民地联合的“ISA”所引起的一场星际间战争。而游戏游戏故事设定在前作之后的两个月,因为“Helghast”闪电入侵,使得“ISA”节节败退,玩家将扮演ISA阵营的士兵,被指派参与一项秘密行动,解救被挟持的人质而奋战。

《杀戮地带 解放》以俯视角的动作游戏方式进行,整个感觉很像KONAMI名作《潜龙谍影》系列,在全3D描绘的游戏场景中,玩家能以第三人称视点更一目了然环境变化,清楚判断敌我位置以采取更精确的战术。在游戏进行中。另外玩家也可使用各种依照真实现代军武装备为蓝本所设计、各具特色的武器,满足各种不同环境战况需求。

之前我们报道过《杀戮地带》官方将在5月21日发布最新的《杀戮地带 解放》游戏的下载包,内容包括:

故事情节继续 (超过两小时游戏时间)
2个人的‘head to head’对战模式


long awaited Killzone Liberation download pack would be ready for May 21st. As always we should take such rumors with a grain of salt.Today, Seb Downie of Guerrilla Games put that rumor to rest for us.

Now I saw that a lot of sites are saying it is coming out on the 21st. We have NOT agreed on that date yet with Sony, so this may not be accurate. We are aiming for the last week of May right now, but these things can fluctuate. So calm down and don’t rely on any release dates unless we announce them. Cheers.

GamePlant Store NZ was right about the official Killzone site relaunch date at the least. So back we go to waiting. We’ll keep you posted as we get news of the official Pack release date.
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