绝望,失望....能望的都望了.... 体验会没了少了个独有卡也就算了,本番跳票了KDE是要与世界的玩家为敌么...虽然不排除UDE造谣的可能(有这必要么) 開來今年一年可以省不少錢了? LS好久不见阿
钱包负担倒是那什么了.....就看他怎么收场了 据还可靠消息称...603SP在原定时间推迟2星期进行..
差不多是快3月那时候..泪流满面 有体验会就好 = =
回复 7381# 的帖子
那正式发售也推迟么? 有就不错了。。。。军曹的消息源是哪(早知道不开DL了,浪费钱啊 ) 但问题所在就是~我今天刚刚去唐人街那里~那里2个老板娘都说下个星期就有最新卡包~其实我超级怀疑~消息~
不过考完时候就知道了~哈哈~话说~温哥华这边的消息~ According to Konami, release dates for these packs are now going to be as follows:
Duelist Pack Yusei - February 24
Crimson Crisis - March 3
某店家消息。。。。估计sp是完蛋了。。。 原帖由 雅克 于 2009-1-21 14:56 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
According to Konami, release dates for these packs are now going to be as follows:
Duelist Pack Yusei - February 24
Crimson Crisis - March 3
sp的话~该来的还是来的~不来的话也没办法~随遇而安~ 上次SP的消息确认真实。
提贴 天啊~~~以后ude怎么打啊 UDE又不仅仅是代理游戏王一个 603到3月才有么 SP直接完蛋那没准有些东西就贵了 看来我可能听错了....SP完蛋..603延迟到3月 January 21st, 2009 - Netherlands – Upper Deck International (UDI) organizes OP-events for Yu-Gi-Oh!™ as scheduled.
Following the successful outcome of the injunction against Konami, in which the Dutch court decided in favor of Upper Deck Panoceanic CV and Upper Deck International BV, we are pleased to announce that UDI launches expansions and events as planned. This means that the following expansions will be released:
Duelist Pack – Yusei (DP8): February 24th, 2009
Crimson Crisis Booster: March 3rd, 2009
As with all new booster releases we scheduled a sneak preview for Crimson Crisis. This event will be held on February 28th and March 1st.
We hope you are all enjoying the current Nationals season and are trying to become your countries’ National Champion.
“Thanks for your continuous support. It is highly appreciated! We will continue to provide you with the best possible support for Organized Play, as you are accustomed and entitled to.”, says Nico Blauw, CEO Upper Deck International.
SP卡是Colossal Fighter/Assault Mode(巨人斗士/爆裂体)。 。 。 么啥兴趣的说
[ 本帖最后由 jillちゃん 于 2009-1-22 10:38 编辑 ] 卡图不能看啊。。。。 什么= = 这东西还要爆裂?
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