[转帖] PS3的跌价60G版本将停产, 卖完了就没了。
以下是原话Kaz Hirai says "The $499 price adjustment that we did for the 60 GB version for the American market, we're no longer in production for that product. So once that product is gone from the retailers shelves, then we're back to the $599 SKU only, so it's not like we have a two price strategy here in the U.S. market。。。“
一句话,60G,500USD,卖完了就没货鸟, 想玩, 给我乖乖的去买600USD的,那可是80G的啊!!!
SONY那降价原来是为了清仓卖80G 60G和80G只是硬盘有不同吗?
100美仅仅为了可以自己更换的20G硬盘?这个不太合理吧。 还以为SONY厚道一会了,原来只是清仓而已 原来降价是有目的的~~~~~~~索尼啊~~~~果然是索尼! 索尼可以去死了 估计年底该卖100G硬盘的了. 100G出时80G又该降价啦。。。。 SONY够厚道....... 只看重20G版的 没钱...等到我买的起PS3时,恐怕200G的都降价了...