另外再加多一问1.六武衆六武衆大师 可否代破其他六武衆怪兽??
[ 本帖最后由 暗英雄 于 2007-7-29 12:23 编辑 ] OCG没大师,谢谢 1 可以
2 可以
求六武衆大师的最新调整 不是要场上送往墓地才有效果吗? 原帖由 eviloaoa 于 2007-7-29 18:11 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif不是要场上送往墓地才有效果吗?
因对手卡效果破坏 大师的调整以前有人贴过..LZ搜索下..
Unofficial*The only requirement for Grandmaster's effect is that a monster's name contains "Six Samurai". Because Grandmaster has Six Samurai in his name, therefore any effects regarding a "Six Samurai" monster can also be applied to him like Legendary Ebon Steed etc.
* If Grandmaster of the Six Samurai is destroyed by your opponent's card effect, you are able to return one Six Samurai monster from the graveyard to your hand. Grandmaster's effect is not a chain of him being destroyed, you are able to return him to your hand.
* If Grandmaster is removed from play from the field, his effect is not activated.
* If Grandmaster is destroyed from the hand to the graveyard (Crush Card Virus, Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin), his effect activates.