[7/31]LocoRoco 续作确定登陆PSP
In an interview with Joystiq at Develop conference, LocoRoco director Tsutomu Kouno confirmed that a LocoRoco sequel was certainly going to arrive on PSP, in addition to the recently unveiled PS3 "extra chapter." Kouno revealed to Joystiq that "I'm thinking about a sequel for the PSP right now. I got a lot of feedback from players that they bought a PSP just to play Loco Roco so I feel like I have to make a sequel for them."The full interview will arrive on Joystiq later this week.
简单的说就是LocoRoco开发者Tsutomu Kouno确定了LocoRoco最近除了推出PS3的额外章外,续集一定会登陆PSP,因为很多玩家买PSP就是为了玩Loco Roco ,所以我必须为他们制作一个续集~~~~~
根据国外网站显示,Loco Roco 2将于今年10月17号发售
另外SONY曾说过将在莱比锡的展会上宣布PS3和PSP的重大消息!也许Loco Roco 2会在那个时候正式公布~~~~
2,不错- -+
抓LOLI心的作品 乐扣乐扣和这东西到底什么关系啊?
http://www.youku.com/v_show/id_cz00XNjA5ODQ2MA==.html 希望2代能加强耐玩性,1代新鲜感过去后就只有重复劳动 因为很多玩家买PSP就是为了玩Loco Roco ,所以我必须为他们制作一个续集~~~~~
好人啊 感觉LocoRoco没有那么好玩的说,不是很期待 原帖由 ddddd 于 2007-8-1 12:05 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
一点关系都没有- - 快点出来吧哈哈 雖然我是男的, 但是見到這可愛的橙波還是很著迷的...