[转帖]liter cell 5 製作人:在PS3上做不出像Xbox360一樣好的AI
http://forums.maxconsole.net/showthread.php?t=72938http://www.gameplayer.com.au/Hom ... caf49&v7Pager=3
在最近的一次訪談中,Spliter cell 5的制作人指出,由于WII的圖形性能太差,而PS3處理AI的能力又不如XBOX360,因此很難在前兩者上做出像360版那麼好的表現。
So, Conviction is confirmed for PC and Xbox 360. But what about the other consoles? Double Agent was a 360 exclusive for a whole week. On this issue, Danny could give us a firm answer. “It’s NEVER gonna come out on the PS3 or the Wii.” It’s a logical decision. Nintendo’s console simply doesn’t have the graphical horsepower, and he candidly told us how the PS3 can’t handle AI nearly as well as the 360.
Less concrete information was available about multi-player. Will there be co-op? “I... can’t say.” That’s not to say Dany dislikes co-op. “If I could, I would make it a co-op game. Period!” He was even more vague on what kinds of competitive modes would be available. “Everything is possible.” About the only thing he confirmed was that multiplayer exists. “We’re playing the multiplayer right now. We started a tournament today.” 想顺路问一下AI处理能力强弱是怎样体现出来的啊?照理讲PS3硬件不应该差的啊 AI应该是依靠CPU的整型运算
http://hardware.mydrivers.com/img/20070723/04521606.gif SPE的工作特性需要对数据的精心组织。而AI往往是整个游戏中对数据访问最随机的模块,在SPE上执行困难极大。最乐观的预测也就是SPE能辅助做一些line check, path-finding的基本操作,结果传回PPE去做进一步的分析处理。假如这样的话,Cell PPE的运算能力仍然要受到巨大挑战。
所以到目前为止,用SPE来运算AI还停留在纯理论层面上。而玩家只会关心游戏所表现出的实际品质。从实践层面说,PS3l没法实现X360能达到的AI水准,这个论断是有力的。 是不是说PS3的AI处理还不如Wii 原帖由 fullishboy 于 2007-8-17 18:31 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
你放心,肯定超过WII。 wii的机能最弱。 现在也没什么AI特别出色的游戏吧 X360最好