Sun, Sep 16, 2007 -- 31337: AIT Assignment 1 ExtensionDear students,
Due to access difficulties to our lab machines, which some students
experienced last weekend, we have decided to postpone the submission
of assignment 1 by one week.
Assignment 1 for AIT is now due by *Thursday the 27th of September 9am* latest!
Since this date falls into the vice chancellors week, all students
will demonstrate their assignments during the labs on October the 4th.
Stefan Schmidt
能活到下礼拜四了 毛主席教育我们:小打不如大打,晚打不如早打 结果都是一样
该做不出来的还是做不出来 伸头也是一刀,缩头也是一刀
So what? 不懂E文滴路过~~~求翻译 我还以为是FINAL……原来你是为了assignment 1苦恼啊~~ assignment 这种东西..最好不要拖到最后一天.... 3,4,5 lougodiegodie8! 我这是结合你上刑场的比喻进行有限的类比延伸, 我也只是根据常理做出的最可能的判断 原帖由 砂·九秋风露 于 2007-9-19 11:42 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
那是多么具有后现代主义的回复阿XDDD 连鸟都不懂的鸟语是上不了的 汗
我英语小白 原帖由 Ginar 于 2007-9-19 11:36 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
3,4,5 lougodiegodie8!
他叫你们去见太白金星 有些事早死就早安,愈迟死反而愈驚慌.
回复 #17 babywong 的帖子
人临死的心态很有意思的 我们越到这种问题不仅缓刑还减刑了(所以现在UOS的工程系都不如UTS的了 ) 英语解读不能