紫晶情缘 发表于 2007-9-27 14:33:53

[转帖]Epic 總裁確認 PS3 版 UT3 將無法與 PC 版連線對戰


Epic has finally decided not to support cross-platform online play between PC and PS3 on launch - although it may appear as a future addition.

Mark Rein has explained that the biggest challenge in doing cross-platform play is synchronizing the builds such that the build on the PC is 100-percent compatible with the build on the PS3.

Rein went on to say that cross-platform may be introduced down the line, but that the likelihood of that happening is still small.

原本 Epic 將于 IGN 合作,使用 Gamespy 的技朮,讓 PS3 與 PC 平台雙版本聯動作戰可能,但這個可能性就要破滅了,Epic Games 總裁 Mark Rein 今天確認 PS3 版 UT3 將無法與 PC 版連線對戰,最大原因在於無法克服在 PC-PS3 之間的連線做出 100% 同步,不過 Mark Rein 也說不排除以後追加連線對戰的更新,但他認為這種可能性很小

KaneZMY 发表于 2007-9-27 15:24:12

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