Super Mario Galaxy preorder coin won’t come until game launch
October 8th, 2007
If you had plans on picking up your Super Mario Galaxy coin before the game hit stores, you are out of luck. While people that preorder will get the coin, it won’t be available until the game hits on November 12th. For now, you’ll be getting the gift slip you see above which details the information on when you’ll get your coin. Make sure you get one of these if you have put in a Galaxy preorder! Thanks to Moron for the heads up!
业界人士分析指出,任天堂此举想拉动游戏预定销售,同时避免提前获取金币,再放到ebay高价拍卖。 挺cute的 不过仅从人设上看 对这大叔无爱啊~ 英文版才有的东西吗??偶WII日文的玩不了啊