[转帖]泉水敬‧微軟日本遊戲部門總監‧淚目-- Elite 日本首日存貨銷售一空
http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/9/2007/10/2007-10-15-200.jpgIt's not only Akihabara where the Xbox 360 Elite is selling out, but also Osaka's Den-Den Town. The console went on sale October 11th for ¥45,524 (US $388). By October 12th, the Elite had sold out in Akihabara; however, it wasn't until the 14th that the console sold out in Den-Den Town. There were only something like 5,000 of these consoles at launch. Even in a territory where Xbox is hardly popular, that number certainly does not look like enough 出货少,自然没有。哪像Wii,出货多还是缺! 英文的意思说才放5000台,就算对XBOX不感冒的日本地区这个数目也算太少了
我个人也觉得这是故意放的少,造成销售一空的假相 估计员工就暂了80% = = 也太小看日本人民的消费力了,5000台当然是一售而空啦,我看到题目还在郁闷,咋360在日本high了,呵呵。 5000台…………