[转帖]Will Wright:Wii是唯一的次世代平台!Spore Wii确认
“Somebody asked me what I thought next generation meant and what about the PlayStation 3 was next generation. The only next gen system I’ve seen is the Wii - the PS3 and the Xbox 360 feel like better versions of the last, but pretty much the same game with incremental improvement.” - Will Wright总有人问我什么是NEXT GEN,我的回答就是,Wii就是唯一的NEXT GEN,什么PS3啊、XBOB360啊,统统只是上一代主机的加强版而已。
We're doing Spore on the Wii, and we did MySims. It takes signifcant(typo?). PS3 and Xbox 360 are similar enough that you can. So it comes down to what the interesting major platforms are and which markets we want to hit.
http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=174502 强了这个说法 从外观和操作性层面来说,确实如此。 Spore 那么嚣张么需要?不需要吗?需要吗................. 呼唤爵爷 爵爷该发话了…… 蓝光在Spore 眼里一文不值 好狂妄啊 没什么,又一个了解真相,了解事实的人选择了真正的次世代主机,这样的新闻还会越来越多 有竞争才有进步 他制作过模拟人生和模拟城市两个系列。