[真他喵的精辟] 为什么男人可以HAPPY
Men have a much better time of it than women. For one thing, they marry later; for another thing, they die earlier.H. L. Mencken
米国某高人说:男人之所以这辈子过的比女人幸福是因为:他们结婚晚,又死的早。 为啥 原帖由 cattingPY 于 2007-10-28 10:06 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
不做解释.....= =
回复 沙发# 的帖子
婚姻不仅仅是爱情的坟墓 原帖由 鹤雪翼 于 2007-10-28 10:23 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif婚姻不仅仅是爱情的坟墓 下文 但是现实中很多人毫不犹豫地扑向“坟墓” Women have a much better time of it than men. For one thing, they mate earlier; for another thing, they conceive later.
绘苍雪 所以说嘛......
死了都要爱的啊....... 不方便评论的两句话 不是死了都要记吗 很简练很概括 原帖由 小松溪绘苍雪 于 2007-10-28 10:31 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
Women have a much better time of it than men. For one thing, they mate earlier; for another thing, they conceive later.
绘苍雪 这没有可比性的呀,男人不能怀孕的 好强呀 原帖由 小松溪绘苍雪 于 2007-10-28 10:31 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
Women have a much better time of it than men. For one thing, they mate earlier; for another thing, they conceive later.
我没理解mate earlier跟conceive later道理何在
改成mature earlier我就理解50%了。 基应该还没成家吧?难道能领悟此间真髓? 原帖由 Ginar 于 2007-10-28 11:34 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
我没理解mate earlier跟conceive later道理何在
改成mature earlier我就理解50%了。
那也还是有点不对劲,我再想想看 要結婚就不happy了吧...这是一种压力. 我是个贪生怕死的人``` 结婚晚死的早就幸福
那宅男一个个都升天了 真有哲理``