评价:The stellar presentation and fantastic level designs combine to make Super Mario Galaxy the Wii's game to beat and one of Mario's greatest adventures yet.(杰出的表现力和极赞的关卡设计合而为一令马银成为Wii上代表作并跻身迄今最佳的Mario游戏之一)
优点:* Some of the best level designs of any 3D platformer(包含了3D平台动作游戏中最叫绝的设计)
* Beautiful, colorful graphics(美丽,多彩的画面)
* Controls work just about flawlessly in nearly every situation(操作在各方面都几乎完美无瑕)
* Soundtrack is a delight(赏心悦耳的音乐)
* Lots of stages and tons of stars to find and collect.(关卡够多,可收集的星更多的多)
缺点: * A couple of Mario's special suits can be frustrating to use(一两件Mario的特殊服装用起来很恼人)
* Minimal amount of story doesn't tie everything together especially well.(如此简单剧情并没把游戏的流程很好的联系起来)
9.5 表现 Presentation
An unnecessary side-tale contrasts with a traditional story. Otherwise, very slick menus and production values, not to mention WiiConnect24 support and a coop mode.
9.5 图像 Graphics
Outstanding on Wii. The first Wii title that looks like it's really pushing the console. Great art combines with great tech for stunning results. Runs in 480p and 16:9 widescreen.
10 声音 Sound
Normally, we'd harp on the lackluster voice acting, but whatever -- the orchestrated music is so totally amazing that it obliterates any other aural shortcomings.
10 游戏性 Gameplay
Mario 64 in space. Phenomenal platforming and a huge variety of galaxies to see and explore. Doesn't get any better.
9.5 耐玩性 Lasting Appeal
40-plus galaxies -- all vastly different and filled with unique challenges. 120 stars t collect. Plus, a two-player semi-coop mode. Send your accomplishments to friends over WiiConnect24.
总评:绝妙的 Incredible OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average) 美版啊美版, 何時才出來 看来这个应该能在老美那里好好捞一把,小日本那边完全不行啊~ 原帖由 shouldbai 于 2007-11-8 17:48 发表
看来这个应该能在老美那里好好捞一把,小日本那边完全不行啊~ 长卖啊,无所谓了 这得分也太强悍了吧