今天去卡店跟老板熟 16块 加d 拿了5包
竟然开出了一张 前所未有的9星 恶魔族 虹龙
后面几张是这五包开出来的垃圾 呵呵,全息的错版
着东西值钱鸟。。 16块就有5包了?而且还是E版 - - 加币 不是人民币 有3d安全球啊
LZ你还求什么 这1ST的GR混沌你殴死是批量性的名字印错 我在广州这里也见好几张了,开始几天还是挺吃惊的
但见第二张开始就感觉"看惯了" 批量的,不值钱了.. LZ已经很幸运了,两3D加一GR,而且GR那张还是错版,还要求什么 LZ哪里的…借问下知道Halifax哪里有专卖游戏王卡的么… 印着虹龙名的HR混沌新生侠…挺有趣的- - UDE看来是"真实的"混蛋!!(专搞没用的东西,这样就不值钱了) 嗯!~在哪里都看到有了~已经是不值钱了....16~5包~价格还算不错~一般新卡5包的话要20块加币了~~(ps:lz在加拿大哪里) 说起来没见过有人开中正常版 我只想说LZRP的厉害了
中GR总是美的 http://images.auctionhelper.com/images/14753//GLAS/GLAS%20EN036%20Elemental%20Hero%20Chaos%20Neos%20GHOST1.jpg
Konami Recalls Yu-Gi-Oh! Error Card
Konami Digital Entertainment has announced that it will exchange correctly printed cards for misprint versions of the 3-D Holographic Rare card, Elemental Hero Chaos Neos, from the recently released Yu-Gi-Oh! expansion, Gladiator's Assault. The misprint versions are labeled Rainbow Dragon instead of Elemental Hero Chaos Neos.
Konami is offering to redeem misprint cards for the correct ones by mail or at major Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG events. Of course, it's probably more likely that the misprint card will be collected and escalate in value, making the odds of redemption low. There does not seem to be an established price on eBay yet, with only a handful of misprint cards available at widely varying prices.
[ 本帖最后由 闇紅の魔導師 于 2007-11-29 17:36 编辑 ]