黑色幽灵 发表于 2008-1-10 14:27:17





西罗克 发表于 2008-1-10 14:43:39


lmhg 发表于 2008-1-11 18:59:41


佣兵王子 发表于 2008-1-11 19:59:29

原帖由 lmhg 于 2008-1-11 18:59 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
我连过了,听说现在只有一个IP能连上= =

黑色幽灵 发表于 2008-1-11 20:41:17


Ornithopter 发表于 2008-1-11 20:44:46

其实链接的问题论坛就有 怎么没人注意呢?

Connecting Issues with OCTGN

Quite a few users experience issues with connectivity using OCTGN, these problems generally all stem from the same reasons.This little guide will hopefully give users some insight on how to get their OCTGN up and running fully!

Generally, if your running a connection direct to your computer through a modem, you should have zero problems with running OCTGN.Only reason you would have any issues with OCTGN under these circumstances would be because of the presence of Firewall software or some other security software measure.Now majority of trouble users have comes from them being on a network of some sort or connecting through a router device.

* NOTE: If your connecting through a shared connection such as a university campus, office, business T1 or T3 type of connection, you do not have access to your access ports and hence, you can not HOST a game using OCTGN.You can connect and play with others generally, but you can't host.

1.) Firewalls & Internet Security Programs:These programs tend to block out programs attempting to connect to the internet, or will interfere with any connections attempts being made to you.If you have a firewall program up, make sure you have given the OCTGN client software full access privelages or permissions.Different firewall and net security programs have different ways of doing this, so check your vendor documentation for help on this.

2.) Connecting through a Network, Router, or Wireless Access Point (WAP): This is generally the biggest trouble area for users.When on a network there usually is a router in place which filters all the network traffic to the outside internet, and in doing they tend to have built in security measures.Ports are used by software to communicate over the internet, and routers only allow the common default ports open, so you will need to likely open up the port for OCTGN to communicate correctly over the internet.OCTGN client software default port number is 1001, and this is the number you need to open on your router to get it working.Now for some details on how to open your ports.

- First off you will want your IP address of your computer on the network your on.If you know computers this is easy task, otherwise do this:Go to the Windows start menu, then go to "run".Now type "cmd" without quotes into the prompt which will open a dialogue box.Here, type "ipconfig" without the quotes and press enter, and this should give you a bunch of networking info.Your IP address of your computer connected to your local network is listed under IP Address here, so write it down.

- Next you will need to port forward, which is the process of opening up ports on your router so your computer can communicate.This process changes depending on the hardware manufacturer and router model, so for some detailed help, you can visit http://www.portforward.com/ and you just have to look up your router's port forwarding info.

- Another alternate to port forwarding, is to set your computer up into a DMZ.Again to do this, you will need to look up your hardware's information.Putting your system into a DMZ is not recommended unless you really know what your doing.

Trouble Hosting a OCTGN Game?

The issues above can be things messing with your ability with hosting an OCTGN game, but here is some tips and help to working the software.

For using OCTGN, you will want your REAL IP address.There is various methods to get your IP Address but when your on a network of some sort, you tend to be given a local address, which is not what you need.... you need the IP Address that the outside world sees when communicating over the internet.If you know computers this should be easy for you, otherwise for a quick IP lookup, go to http://www.coolbean.com/ which is a site that shows you what your true IP address is on the internet.

This IP address is the address you give a person, who you want to connect to your hosted game.If you give them your local network IP, they will not be able to connect to you, unless they were on the same local area network.

An issue in OCTGN which can cause problems is when you choose "Serve" from the game menu, you enter your IP Address and click "ok", and the software gives you a bind error.If this happens stop the serve by choosing "Stop Serving..." from the game menu.Now go to "Serve" again and this time, erase the IP address from the box, and click "Ok".This time, you will not get a bind error, and your computer should be hosting a game server now!If you have this problem you will have to enter the ip and then erase it each time, it's just some kind of bug or issue with the software, but this is how you get around it.

[ 本帖最后由 Ornithopter 于 2008-1-11 20:46 编辑 ]

sealro 发表于 2008-1-11 21:25:21

- Next you will need to port forward, which is the process of opening up ports on your router so your computer can communicate.This process changes depending on the hardware manufacturer and router model, so for some detailed help, you can visit http://www.portforward.com/ and you just have to look up your router's port forwarding info.


BobtheDuelist 发表于 2008-1-11 22:51:07

这连接数量= =
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