消息来源npd* Nintendo accounted for 52 percent of all video game hardware systems sold in 2007 – more than all other manufacturers combined.
* Since their respective launches, Nintendo has sold more than 17.6 million Nintendo DS systems and nearly 7.4 million Wii systems in the United States alone.
截至2007年年底,已销售1760万 DS 和740万 Wii
Nintendo DS was the top-selling U.S. system of 2007, with nearly 8.5 million sold.
2007年 DS 销量为850万,其中400万是最后两个月的成绩
Wii placed second, with nearly 6.3 million sold through the year
2007年 Wii 销量是630万,最后两个月230万
* Wii Play™, a collection of nine fun mini-games, finished 2007 with 4.1 million units sold.
WII PLAY销量为410万
* Super Mario Galaxy™ sold through more than 2.5 million copies since it launched on Nov. 12.
* The two games in the Brain Age® series each sold about 1 million copies in 2007.
* Half of the top 30 best-selling games of 2007 were made for Nintendo systems, including Pokemon® Pearl, Pokemon® Diamond, Mario Party® DS, Guitar Hero III™: Legends of Rock and Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games™.
* Nintendo continues to dominate the hand-held market: Of the top 30 best-selling portable games sold in 2007, 25 were made for Nintendo DS and another two were made for Game Boy® Advance.
掌机游戏销量前30有25个 DS 游戏2个 GBA 游戏 报喜不报忧
不要告诉我没有忧 哪家厂商会报忧? 原帖由 紫晶情缘 于 2008-1-18 21:44 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
"报优",脑残的人果然连语文都很差劲. 原帖由 艾利伍德 于 2008-1-18 22:59 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif