[1/20]SNK经典街机合集1 游戏列表发布
http://bbs.emu-zone.org/newbbs/attachments/forumid_29/20080120_f9955b988d65ba4bfb4duIOD95Ub8M72.jpgIt's sometimes nice to take a stroll down memory lane, especially when companies such as SNK Playmore USA Corporation (the publishing arm of SNK Playmore) offer us a chance to go retro with Neo Geo titles of old in SNK Arcade Classics: Volume 1 for the Sony's PSP and PlayStation 2.
SNK Playmore USA Corporation has confirmed that the following titles will be included in SNK Arcade Classics: Volume 1:
Art of Fighting
Baseball Stars 2
Burning Fight
Fatal Fury
King of Fighters ‘94
King of the Monsters
Last Resort
Magician Lord
Metal Slug
Neo Turf Masters
Samurai Shodown
Shock Troopers
Super Sidekicks 3
Top Hunter
World Heroes
Expect SNK Playmore to release SNK Arcade Classics: Volume 1 to Sony PlayStation 2 and PSP players sometime during the first half of this year.
[ 本帖最后由 月神侠 于 2008-1-20 01:26 编辑 ] KOF94,很有魂...用模拟器的这游戏可以无视了 这个……如果手感稍微改进些还是入手怀旧一下
如果还是街机的手感,在psp上出就是找抽 别报太大希望, 很有可能就是官方模拟器, 啥东西都不加强的 侍魂...侍魂1没爱啊= =
原祖合金弓单头倒是很强大 最喜欢KOF和侍魂了 KOF94其实很不像样