永別了次融...新禁卡表 (TCG用)
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Organized PlayImportant Announcement: Forbidden & Limited List Changes
Attention all Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME players, judges and tournament organizers: To continually promote a diverse and enjoyable play environment, a few changes have been made to the Official Forbidden & Limited Lists. The changes are below and are effective for all sanctioned tournaments starting May 9th, 2008.
Advanced Format:
- “Dimension Fusion” is added to the Forbidden Cards List.
- “Return from the Different Dimension” is added to the Limited Cards List.
- “Allure of Darkness” is added to the Semi-Limited Cards List.
Traditional Format:
- “Return from the Different Dimension” is added to the Limited Cards List.
- “Allure of Darkness” is added to the Semi-Limited Cards List.
Duelists cannot include a Forbidden card in their Deck. Only one copy of a Limited card and up to 2 copies of a Semi-Limited card can be included in a Deck.
Dan Scheidegger
Game Designer
The Upper Deck Company
UD Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG R&D Lead
由明天開始 (2008-5-9)
[ 本帖最后由 Henrychanmh 于 2008-5-9 18:27 编辑 ] 万岁万岁万万岁!!!!!!光道要凶了 DAD慢了~~~大喜~~
次融的所有神combo都挂了~~再大喜 Allure降价了~~
万岁!!! 喜什么了..你们都玩TCG么 原帖由 初音ミク 于 2008-5-8 06:43 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
好像是这样没错... 的确,都在国外- -
而且OCG卡表相信也会和TCG同步~~ 万岁…不用买那么多TCG卡… 那蝦米 參考強欲 安息吧 CD人竟然没事..... 因為沒洞貝~而且限蘇剛出 要賣的… 早埋要等到什么时候才进去啊。。。。 等美英57洞賺夠以後… 世界无限跳..不能再跳了...
世界真可怜..刚出不久就... 英美次元系统彻底废了 所以這邊玩AJ的感緊體驗咯… 暗黑众都平安无事呢,等待下一次的改动,嘿嘿, TCG的,到了OCG的时候,我想CD人应该要上榜了,不然埃及使者卡组很夸张....... 只是想卖光道而已~至于这样么... CD才没那么容易挂....