mark092 发表于 2008-5-26 21:51:34



◇无效在墓地里发动的[奈菲斯之凤凰神][吸血鬼总督]的场合,因为是在墓地里被无效并破坏,不满足那两张卡的"被效果破坏送去墓地" 的诱发条件,故下回合这两张卡的效果不发动

There are basically 2 ways to Special Summon a monster. The first way is with a Spell Card like "Monster Reborn", a Trap Card like "Call of the Haunted", or an Effect Monster like "Magical Scientist". The second way is built in to the monster, and Special Summons it without activating an effect, such as "Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning" or "Dark Necrofear". "Royal Oppression" can negate both of these types of Special Summon. In the first case, you chain the activation of "Royal Oppression"’s effect to the activation of the Spell, Trap, or Monster Card’s effect, and negate the effect. In the second case, right before the monster is Special Summoned, you can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" to negate the Special Summon (the same procedure that you use for "Horn of Heaven" or "Solemn Judgment").

Example 1: If "Marauding Captain" is Normal Summoned, its effect activates. You can chain to this effect by activating the effect of "Royal Oppression". The effect of "Marauding Captain" is negated, no monster is Special Summoned, and the "Marauding Captain" is destroyed. (The monster your opponent intended to Special Summon with the effect of "Marauding Captain" remains in his hand.)

Example 2: If "Cyber Jar" is Flip Summoned and its Flip Effect activates, you can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" in a chain to the Flip Effect. The effect of "Cyber Jar" is negated, no monsters on the field are destroyed by its effect, no cards are picked up, no monsters are Special Summoned, and "Cyber Jar" is destroyed by the effect of "Royal Oppression".

Example 3: If "Call of the Haunted" is activated, you can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" in a chain. The effect of "Call of the Haunted" is negated, and a monster is not Special Summoned.

The effects of face-up Trap Cards cannot be activated during the Damage Step, so this card’s effect cannot negate the Special Summoning of a monster by the effect of “Mystic Tomato” or a “Cyber Jar” flipped face-up by an attack.

You can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" as a chain to "Monster Gate". No cards will be picked up, and no monster will be Special Summoned (The opponent still must have Tributed a monster as a cost).

You can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" to negate an effect that Summons 1 monster, or Summons multiple monsters (like "Cyber Jar", "The Shallow Grave", or "Valkyrion the Magna Warrior").

If "Royal Oppression" is face-up on the field, and "Monster Reborn" is activated to Special Summon "Jinzo", you can activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" in a chain to negate the Special Summon because "Jinzo" is not on the field until the chain resolves.

If you have "Royal Oppression" face-up on your side of the field, and your opponent attempts to Special Summon "Dark Necrofear", and you activate the effect of your "Royal Oppression", then "Dark Necrofear" will activate its effect in the Graveyard and return to the field as an Equip Spell Card. But if your opponent had "Royal Oppression" face-up on his side of the field, and you activate the effect of your opponent’s "Royal Oppression" to negate the Special Summon of your opponent’s "Dark Necrofear", then "Dark Necrofear" does not activate its effect in the Graveyard, because it was destroyed by an effect controlled by its owner, not by its owner’s opponent (even though the owner did not activate the effect, he still controls the "Royal Oppression" card).

When "Insect Queen" destroys your opponent’s monster, an "Insect Monster Token" is Special Summoned during the End Phase, and the effect of "Royal Oppression" can be activated at that time to negate the Special Summon and destroy "Insect Queen".

When "Jam Breeding Machine" activates its effect to Special Summon a "Slime Token" in the Standby Phase, and the effect of "Royal Oppression" can be activated at that time to negate the Special Summon and destroy "Jam Breeding Machine".

If the effect of "Royal Oppression" is activated, and "Mystical Space Typhoon" or "Dust Tornado" is chained to destroy "Royal Oppression", then the effect of "Royal Oppression" disappears because it is a Continuous Trap Card, and the Special Summon will not be negated.

Remember that "Royal Oppression" follows the rules of all Continuous Trap Cards. In order to chain the effect of "Royal Oppression" to a card effect, "Royal Oppression" must have already been face-up on the field. For example, if "Monster Reborn" is activated, you cannot flip "Royal Oppression" face-up and activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" in the same chain.



蓝洛 发表于 2008-5-26 21:56:32

TCG跟OCG调整不同不是一天的事了- -

DeltaR 发表于 2008-5-26 21:59:28


闇紅の魔導師 发表于 2008-5-26 22:01:43


[ 本帖最后由 闇紅の魔導師 于 2008-5-27 07:14 编辑 ]

qhlixpfh 发表于 2008-5-26 22:45:05

这不是调整问题 是英文水平问题

伊猪-贝贝 发表于 2008-5-26 23:49:18

(1)Remember that "Royal Oppression" follows the rules of all Continuous Trap Cards.

(2)In order to chain the effect of "Royal Oppression" to a card effect, "Royal Oppression" must have already been face-up on the field.

(3) For example, if "Monster Reborn" is activated, you cannot flip "Royal Oppression" face-up and activate the effect of "Royal Oppression" in the same chain.

“举例,当 对方发动 死者苏生 时,你不能反转(念起来好纠结)弓单压并在同一连锁中使用弓单压的效果。”





踏歌行 发表于 2008-5-27 03:47:53

原帖由 闇紅の魔導師 于 2008-5-26 22:01 发表



马甲就是马甲 发表于 2008-5-27 04:14:01

原帖由 伊猪-贝贝 于 2008-5-26 23:49 发表
(1)Remember that "Royal Oppression" follows the rules of all Continuous Trap Cards.

(2)In order to cha ...


闇紅の魔導師 发表于 2008-5-27 07:26:39


You CANNOT activate (flip face-up) a Continuous Trap Card and also use its effect in the same chain. In order to use the effect of a Continuous Trap Card, it must have been activated (flipped face-up) before the current chain was initiated.


mark092 发表于 2008-5-27 13:21:13

原帖由 闇紅の魔導師 于 2008-5-27 09:26 发表

You CANNOT activate (flip face-up) a Continuous Trap Card and also use its effect in the same chain. In order to use the effect of a Continuous Trap Car ...


[ 本帖最后由 mark092 于 2008-5-27 15:25 编辑 ]

木瓜豆腐 发表于 2008-5-27 14:06:52


闇紅の魔導師 发表于 2008-5-27 16:06:08


木瓜豆腐 发表于 2008-5-27 20:53:32

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