小白 发表于 2004-1-25 16:55:06

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小白 发表于 2004-1-26 22:53:55


'Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner' Review #1

When Konami first introduced the world to the ways of Zone of the Enders back in 2001, most gamers eyed it as little more than a curious diversion from their then-current Metal Gear Solid obsession. To its credit, ZOE provided fast mech-combat-gaming with solid controls, a great lock-on system, and excellent mech design. But as good as those things were, the game lacked variety in both enemy type and mission objectives, ultimately stranding gamers with one of the most anti-climactic endings ever. Teetering on the edge, the ZOE series was in danger of becoming little more than an interesting footnote, eclipsed by the shadow of Metal Gear Solid. It is, however, with considerable force that Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner crushes that notion.

In the two years since the original game's release, the busy band at KCEJ have taken the potential of the first game and made a superlative sequel. Showcasing a new graphic cel-shading technique that gives the game a more pronounced anime feel (which suits the subject matter), The 2nd Runner ramps up the visual onslaught even further by throwing dozens of enemies at you at every turn. Opponents of all shapes and sizes erupt like bees from a hive behind every canyon wall, down every subway tunnel, and beyond every lunar crater.

Fortunately, Jehuty and it's new pilot, Dingo, are ready for action. While the controls remain largely intact from the first game, Jehuty can now lock on to dozens of enemies, unleashing an equivalent number of homing lasers. When homing lasers don't do the trick (some enemy drones wield barriers), Jehuty's arsenal of grab moves, blade attacks, and dash attacks should. Factor in a dozen subweapons like the enemy-paralyzing Geyser, or the over-the-top Vector Cannon, and you'll soon find that a thousand enemies are no match for a single Jehuty.

The storyline hits you with the formidable one-two punch of reintroducing characters of old while mixing them in to the current context, giving the series a depth it previously lacked. For example, it's a welcome sight to see Leo Stenbuck return, having grown older and presumably wiser, piloting, of all things, Gradius' Vic Viper. It's an inspired move by the development team to have included this classic Konami ship, and in the context of the storyline, it works incredibly well. Seeing Jehuty and Vic Viper fighting by side by side is truly electrifying.

But the biggest improvement over the first game (besides the switch from CG animation to hand-drawn) is that the missions vary widely. Whether you're trying to sink huge warships, or pulling someone's fat out of the fire, or taking on hundreds of enemy drones, the 2nd Runner is never lacking in variety.

The 2nd Runner can be broken down into three distinct parts. The first third basically helps you get to grips with the game's expanded controls. This section also serves as an introduction to some of the game's main characters, like Ken Marinaris, Leo Stenbuck, and the Viola A.I. that constantly hounds you.

The second third of the game is where the game offers the toughest challenges. While ZOE's excellent camera/lock-on system may have worked brilliantly in the first game's open spaces, the claustrophobic interior levels, the narrow canyon valleys and the swarming hordes of enemies in the 2nd Runner make targeting and evasion harder than it should be. If the game's only objectives were to seek and destroy, it would be okay. But with many missions requiring you to safely escort an ally out of trouble, or engage in evasive maneuvers while outmaneuvering the incoming hostiles, the camera often comes up short.

Any frustration experienced in the claustrophobic confines of the middle levels, however, are nothing more than a distant memory by the time you reach the game's final few missions. Towards the finale of the 2nd Runner, where Jehuty breaks free into the open sky en route to a showdown with five massive battle cruisers (each accompanied by swarms of Mummyheads and Raptors), are among the most exhilarating moments in a video game. This battle, among others, offers the gamer the true feeling of 360 degrees of freedom, while the air buzzes white-hot with gunfire, and the atmosphere buzzes with the urgency only dozens of heavily-armed droids could create. To say that the payoff that awaits gamers at the end of the 2nd Runner is worth the price of admission is understatement. The wealth of secret missions and multiplayer characters only makes the game that much sweeter.

In the end, while Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner isn't perfect, it does manage to make you, the gamer, feel like a part of some bigger, galactic event. With a peerless visual palette, an involving storyline, a challenging (but fair) learning curve, and, most importantly, a greater vision at work, Hideo Kojima's team of wiry bandits have built upon the foundation laid by the first Zone of the Enders and created something unforgettable. Caught in the shadow of Metal Gear no longer, the 2nd Runner states its case with authority.

'GMR' Reviews Editor - James Mielke -

'Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner' Review #2

Looking back now, I think it's kind of unfortunate the original Zone of Enders had the demo of Metal Gear Solid 2 bundled with it. Don't get me wrong -- at the time, it was incredibly cool to get a taste of MGS2 so well in advance of the game's release. It's just a shame that the demo ended up completely overshadowing the title it was meant to supplement. Seriously, who didn't first pop in the disc with MGS2 before moving on to ZOE? My point exactly. But that's the problem -- it shouldn't be that way. Especially, when we're talking about a game as unique as Zone of the Enders.

For those of us that were able to see the original ZOE as more than just a glorified MGS2 demo, what we were ultimately treated to was undeniable mechanized bliss -- in short bursts, at least. Sure, the game was too short and fundamentally flawed, but underneath were glimpses of brilliance -- enough to make it a thoroughly engaging experience. But therein lied the problem: one couldn't play the game without constantly pondering over how good it could have been had it actually lived up to its potential.

Which is likely why there's been such a strong interest in ZOE2 (you know, aside from its brilliant visuals). With a brand new director (Shuyo Murata) at the helm and the ability to take into account the criticisms of the original, here was Konami's chance to deliver on what it had set out to accomplish with the first game.

There's an immediate indication that the developers have paid attention to some of what we've all asked for. Your main character, for example, is no longer the diminutive Leo (though he does make an appearance in this game). This time you're in control of Dingo, who is infinitely cooler. Environments are also more varied this time around, taking you from snowy mountain passes to the vast open terrain of Mars. As well, story elements are much better presented, with sleek looking anime sequences replacing the CG cinemas of the original. The story itself is better this time around too, and sports a real ending (sure to please those who played the original). Even the game's length has been remedied here, though only slightly so. I'm of the opinion, though, that with the added difficulty of ZOE2 -- not to mention the cool unlockable extras -- there's more than enough gameplay to be had.

The cool thing is, even things that the first ZOE had right have been improved for the sequel. Take the graphics. Konami's managed to bring the already-outstanding visuals of the original to an almost incomprehensible level here. Not only do the subtle anime-ish touches give the game a cooler style, but there are times when this game pulls off special effects so spectacular you thought you'd have to wait for PS3 to see them. Gameplay has also been taken up a notch with far more impressive firepower and the ability to combat plenty (as in hundreds) more enemies at once. Basically, the entire thing just feels twice as cool as the original.

Unfortunately, ZOE2 is not perfect. The way the game's story was delivered, for example, irked me at times. As often the case in Japanese anime movies, things just feel slightly off in ZOE2, with seemingly key points often not receiving the emphasis they deserve (whether this is a result of the English translation, I'm not sure). Then there are still the lesser offensive things, such as the somewhat linear and repetitive nature of much of the game, and a camera that was glitchy at times.

But what can I say? No other game out there offers such a chaotic, yet brilliantly visceral gaming experience. The rush you'll get from zooming all around, blasting massive space cruisers, and witnessing the insane light show in front of your eyes is simply unparalleled. And for this reason alone, ZOE2 is a game that demands to be experienced by all.

'Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine' - Sam Kennedy -

In the previous game 'ZONE OF THE ENDERS', Jehuty was taken out of Jupiter's colony Antilia and then picked up by the UNSF ship Atlantis. The new game 'ZONE OF THE ENDERS THE 2nd RUNNER' begins from when Jehuty is discovered on Jupiter's satellite Callisto.

What exactly happened to Jehuty, Leo, and Atlantis during the two years after the Antilia Raid in 2172?

Text:Ryosaku Ueno
(assistant director, 'ZONE OF THE ENDERS THE 2nd RUNNER')

Shuyo Murata

Illustration:Nobuyoshi Nishimura

On board the Atlantis 2173.1.17 20:17 (from Celvice Klein's memoirs)
It's been 3 weeks since the Antilia Raid.
The Atlantis has escaped the chase of BAHRAM and is now hiding near Jupiter's satellite Callisto.
According to Elena, Urenbeck Catapults in Jupiter's range have been shut down by BAHRAM's invasion units.
The people on Atlantis cannot make up their mind between raiding a catapult and forcibly opening a route to Mars and slowly but steadily flying through normal space from the asteroid belt to Mars.
Mariko and Siluella seem to trust Co-captain Elena and wait for her decision. Mr. Thunderheart said in rage that they should take over the catapult on Callisto and fly directly to Mars.

Leo has been getting a lot of pilot training aggressively, sitting in the simulator all day long. Something has changed within him that incident. He keeps on saying, 'I've gotta become tougher.' I am worried that one day he might go to war again.

I am also worried about those left on Antilia.
The news said that casualties were not that many. Are my friends safe?

I want to go back to Antilia as soon as possible.

Excerpts from the Atlantis logbook: 2173.1.18 Co-captain Elena Weinberg
We have been surrounded by BAHRAM and are confined within Jupiter's range.

Taking over the catapult on Callisto cannot be done with the V2 LEVs on this ship.
The job would be easier if we used Jehuty. However, doing so will result in the resonance reaction with Anubis.
The enemy will be able to detect us, and we want to avoid that.

Given all this, what we are forced to do is get to the asteroid belt (although this takes a lot of time) and use the catapult at the asteroid belt base and fly to Mars.
I will have the military post research team examine Jehuty. If research progresses, I'm sure findings will lead to advancements of weaponry for our V2.
I must finalize the navigation route tonight and report to the captain tomorrow and leave immediately.

Upon his own request, I have appointed Leo Stenbuck 'special task corporal.' He has been registered as the pilot of V2 #2.
Official training will begin tomorrow under the supervison of Master Sergeant Thunderheart.

Excerpts from the V2 simulation battle report (as of 2173.2.14)

V2 #1 pilot: Rock Thunderheart
V2 #2 pilot: Leo Stenbuck

V2 #1: 7wins, 12 losses
V2 #2: 12 wins, 27 losses

From the Antlantis clinic journal: 2173.4.6 by Mariko Owen
Again treated the wounds of Rock Thunderheart and Leo Stenbuck.
They supposedly got into a fight in the cafeteria. Neither spoke of how the fight started.
They seem to get along, but they never go easy on each other.

From the activation log of Jehuty's on-board independent battle support unit ADA: 2173.10.27 02:09
'ADA, are you awake?'

Canceling Idle Mode.
What are you doing at this time of the day?
I have not confirmed any input for the past hour since you got on board.

'I feel comfortable here... I guess.'

We will arrive at the asteroid belt base tomorrow.
I assume you will be assigned many tasks. I advise you to get adequate amounts of sleep.

'That's why I'm here.'

I do not comprehend.

'Ha ha... You never change.'

I detect motion reactions inside the hangar.

'Leo? I knew you were here.'
'I just wanted to thank you once again. Can I climb up in there?'
'Yeah, sure. It's dark. Be careful. You don't mind ADA, do you?'

I do not comprehend the dialogue or the question.
Do as you wish. This frame is designed to seat only one runner, though.

Excerpts from the V2 simulation battle report (as of 2173.10.27)
V2 #1 pilot: Rock Thunderheart
V2 #2 pilot: Leo Stenbuck

V2 #1: 2 wins, 38 losses
V2 #2: 38 wins, 2 losses

On board the Atlantis: 2173.12.9 3:45 (excerpts from the video mail from Leo Stenbuck to Celvice Klein)
The list of casualties on Antilia included Dad's name.
According to a survivor who hid in a shelter, a man who left the shelter saying 'My son must be near the factories.' never came back. Dad went looking for me and died.
I couldn't save my friends. I couldn't save Dad.
I don't know if I'm saying this right, but...this is why I did not send Jehuty to Mars.
When I set Jehuty at the asteroid belt Urenbeck Catapult... when Thunder died... I...

Excerpts from the Atlantis logbook: 2173.10.29 Co-captain Elena Weinberg
After 9 months of traveling, we have arrived at the 3rd Base on Ceres which sits between Jupiter and Mars.
We handed Jehuty over to the research team.
While traveling, I was worried that BAHRAM would start a military uprising on Mars. So far I have not heard of such actions yet.
If I were to think optimistically, I guess they do not intend to do anything major until they obtain Jehuty.
But BAHRAM's got Anubis. At any rate, their starting a war is just a matter of time.
After basic investigations are completed, we will transport Jehuty to the Urenbeck Catapult and send it to Mars.
After Division 8 finishes taking out the necessary data, we plan to destroy Jehuty which still is a dangerous element.

On board the Atlantis 2173.12.5 20:04@(from Celvice Klein's memoirs)
It's been a month since we arrived at the 3rd Base on Ceres.
According to Siluella, a BAHRAM patrol unit is approaching this base.
The people on the base are preparing in case the base is discovered. Thunder laughingly says that he will take them down with his V2. I was not laughing when he said that.
Leo is preparing to pilot the V2 along with the other people on the base. Why?
After going through such horrifying moments on Antilia, why would Leo want to fight again?

From the Antlantis clinic journal: 2173.12.6 by Mariko Owen
People are busier on the ship preparing for battle. Thunderheart made an unexpected appearance today for the first time in a while. He said he slammed the hatch on his finger. When I said, ' You seem to be getting along with Leo lately,' he seemed very happy and said, 'Leo is going to make one hell of a pilot!.'

Excerpts from the Atlantis logbook: 2173.12.7 Co-captain Elena Weinberg
BAHRAM's unmanned frames seemed to have been flying in irregular patterns until recently when they started flying straight toward the 3rd Base. They have found us. Battle is inevitable. We have 84 LEVs including those at the 2nd Base. The Atlantis has two V2s. The enemy unit consists of about 100 frames. Our force consists mainly of LEVs. The cannons of this base and Antlantis' firepower will not be of much assistance. Our chances of making it are slim. I've also been informed that there was some action on Mars. The worst did not happen, but Code .Ąhas been destroyed completely. Division 8 is pretty much out of action as well.
These factors have led to our changing our mission plans in today's meeting. We will gather most of our forces at this base, lure the enemy here, and in the meantime have Thunder and Leo on their V2s carry the container with Jehuty. The container will be shot out from the Urenbeck Catapult to Mars before us. The container will arrive at Mars along with other cargo and will be dismantled secretly in a civilian factory.
We cannot do without Leo in this mission. However, I don't think we should tell him the real reason for sending Jehuty to Mars. That thing seems to mean so much to him.

On board the Atlantis: 2173.12.9 3:45 (excerpts from the video mail from Leo Stenbuck to Celvice Klein)
It was 30 more minutes till shooting out Jehuty from the Urenbeck Catapult to Mars. I have heard from Thunder that they were going to take Jehuty apart.
Battle has already begun at the base. BAHRAM's unmanned frames have made it to the catapult as well. Thunder told me to stay inside and went outside the catapult. I was going to fight them, but there simply were to many of them.

Jehuty... ADA will sacrifice herself when she gets to Mars and destroy BAHRAM's military fortress Aumaan.
If ADA does not do the job, Elena's people in the UN Space Force will take Jehuty apart.
Jehuty must not go to Mars.
I successfully changed the trajectory angle of the catapult. If BAHRAM were to search for Jehuty, they would have to go after the weak Metatron reaction. Then, all I have to do is hide Jehuty within Metatron.

I am going to fight because I have so much that I do not want to lose.
My friends on Antilia, Thunder, and Dad... if fighting can save them...
I hope you make it back to Antilia safely.
Don't worry. The V2 is strong. I'm sure I can fight those Orbital Frames.
I will stop Aumaan if I had to do it alone.
I will do so with this Vic Viper.

Unlike yesterday and the preceding days of tremendous blizzards, today is one hell of a sunny day.

'The Antilia Colony is a hub port constructed by NUT near Jupiter for the 'rural development.' Thanks to the recycling system enabled by NUT's technology, Antilia is virtually self-sustaining -- it does not require shipments of raw materials from Earth or Mars.'
Standing right next to the wall of a cafeteria filled with chatting LEV pilots is a reporter in his out-of-place suit talking at the TV camera. 'And here on Callisto, Jupiter's 8th satellite, miners collect ice to secure the water supply of Antilia. In the 20th Century, it was said that approximately 40% of humans on Earth struggled daily to secure water supplies. In this space age, virtually 100% of --'
The cafeteria was quite packed with ice mining laborers during lunchtime. There is this open space around the lady with the microphone and the cameraman, creating a population imbalance in the room. The laborers in their mining suits never look at the wall but make sure they are listening to the reporter while standing in line for food. Although Angie seems to be eating stew in the seat in front of Dingo, there is something unnatural about how she is behaving.

Among the group is one guy who seemed a little irritated. The only person in the room who had no clue of what the lady was doing in the cafeteria seems to be Dingo. Instead of poking at the big heap of carrots, Dingo lifted his fork and pointed at the wall.
'Who the hell are they?'
After moving her eyeballs in a circle while gazing at the ceiling, Angie grabbed Dingo's hand and lowered his arm.
'Weren't you listening to the announcements in the morning? The PR people from our headquarters are visiting. They told us to behave.'
'Oh, that announcement.'
'Yeah, right. You probably slept through it.'
Dingo made one nasal sound and turned his back toward the wall as if he lost interest.
'Why would they spend 2 months just to fly over to this middle-of-nowhere hellhole?'
'Because it's the 25th anniversary of the colonization of Antilia. Our headquarters want to make a big deal out of it.
It's about time for some celebrating. Our scars from the incident 2 years ago have finally healed.'
'B*ll sh*t. No one's gonna want to travel to this place, no matter what kind of advertising NUT does.'

Two years ago, there was an incident on Antilia -- under the joint control of UCM (United Colonies of Mars) and the UNSF (United Nations Space Force) in which the UNSF took over Martian firm NUT's research facility area using militaristic means. A month later, Vascilia County -- one of the Martian counties that were opposed to the actions of the UNSF -- sent its military for 'the liberation of the colony.' This was the first time gigantic humanoid weapons called Orbital Frames -- much more powerful than the conventional military LEVs -- were used in real battle. The battle itself was a quick and easy one for Vascilia County. The UNSF, suffering a major loss, retreated from Antilia. Since the colony suffered substantial damage during battle, immigration plans from Mars had to undergo major changes. There were rumors that the reason why Vascilia sent in their liberation force was because they were backed up by NUT headquarters. But as a result, the contrary to the hopes of NUT happened. People looked at the vicinity of Jupiter not as a frontier of hope but instead a dangerous conflict zone.
'I wouldn't go that far. Actually, there are a bunch of newcomers from Mars and Earth's colonies.'
Dingo made another nasal sound to show that he wasn't happy to be proven wrong. Sports programming provided from Mars included a lot of immigration ads by NUT. There probably is a campaign going on on Mars. True, there are more laborers coming in lately. Dingo knew that many of the faces in the cafeteria, he did not recognize. But it is also true that many return to their homes even before Dingo had the chance to remember their faces. Callisto, with its unwelcoming extra cold climate and floating debris (wreckage) from the incident 2 years ago constantly falling onto the surface, was not exactly 'home sweet home.' Dingo himself had been busier dealing with debris than mining ice. Who would want to deal with debris? Miners who have to meet their quota have better things to do than deal with debris. Moreover, it is quite dangerous stuff. With a high accident rate, Callisto was in no way 'a frontier of hope.'

'Oh my...' Dingo looks up to Angie's voice. The cameraman and report have begun interviewing the laborers while they ate. A laborer, obviously not used to being interviewed in front of a camera, recited his name and registration number and clumsily answered the reporter's questions. Dingo happened to catch the eyes of the cameraman who was looking for the next interviewee. Dingo gulped down the rest of his meal and drank his drink. The reporter approaches, winding through the laborers.
'How does my hair look? Do I look OK?'
Angie starts fixing her hair. Dingo stood up and wore his mining suit. He looks down upon Angie and messes her hair up with his hand.
'Hey! What do you think you're doing!?'
'I'm heading back to the ship.'
'What? Let's get interviewed together.!
'Meeting my quota is more important to me.'
'Dingo, you're the one who slept over and lost time to get the job done.'
While fixing her hair again, Angie looked up at Dingo and let out a big sigh.
'You're really one moody child.'
Angie stood up and gave a stare at Dingo who was smiling in an unpleasant way. As Angie returned her tray, Dingo was alreay about to disappear into the route to the dock.
'There's supposedly a lot of debris today. Be careful.'

- In the 22nd century- mankind is freed from gravity. -

The human race expands into space for new land. Terraformed Mars is now a colony of Earth, and the human race covets Jupiter as well. While new resources and new lands bring light to their future, they also bring along some new trouble. People living in space under Earth's oppression are called 'The Enders' -- 'people living in outskirt colonies'. There seems to be a major gap between Earth-born and Space-born people. They turn hostile at each other as the controllers and the controlled.


The mysterious ore Metatron has been discovered during space colonization. A versatile ore, Metatron not only is an excellent energy source but also a great material for militaly purposes. An anti-earth organization on Mars secretly developed gigantic humanoid weapons called 'Orbital Frames' with Metatron. Orbital Frames fought Earth's humanoid weapons known as LEVs. People on Earth are threatened seeing the overwhelming power of Orbital Frames. Mars colonists finally have enough power to match Earth. They have been inferior until they obtained these Orbital Frames.


The year 2174. The BAHRAM army started armed suppression of Mars and Earth after obtaining overwhelming war potential with its army of leading Orbital Frames. Anubis, the Orbital Frame controlled by Aumaan project leader Nohman devastated the UN Space Force. The surface of Mars turned has been scorched. The impregnable fortress Aumaan determinative to BAHRAM's victory is about to be completed.


Dingo, working on a LEV on Jupiter's moon Callisto digging up ice, finds a Metatron reaction. He then discovers an Orbital Frame. The awakening of Jehuty reminds him of his destined past. Ding faces ferocious attacks of BAHRAM. Anubis VS Jehuty, the Aumaan Project... The final decisive battle has begun within the orbit of Mars.


You will meet new Jehuty runner Dingo, along with many new characters as well as returning characters from the previous ZONE OF THE ENDERS. A more dynamic and large-scale drama of war is to unveil in front of you.


Away from the human colony along Jupiter's orbit, the setting of the story is Jupiter's moon Callisto, then moving onto Mars' moon Deimos and then Mars -- the enemy base. You will fight at different places -- space, cities, a fortress, a canyon, and inside a space battleship.

An ice miner on Jupiter's satellite Callisto.
An expert at LEV (manned labor robot) piloting and a leader figure trusted by his pals.
While working he detects reactions of the almighty ore Metatron and goes searching for it.
He finds Orbital Frame 'Jehuty' at the origin of the reaction.
He used to belong to the BAHRAM, the military regime of Mars.

Battle computer aboard Jehuty.
It is programmed to self destruct Jehuty at military fortress Aumaan.

An Orbital Frame secretly developed on the space colony on Jupiter's orbit.
It has escaped the attacks of BAHRAM 2 years ago, thanks to Leo Stenbuck. But it has been lost since.
Dingo discovers Jehuty on Jupiter's satellite Callisto.
It is considered the mech that controls the fate of the entire human race.

Commander of BAHRAM, the military regime of Mars.
He pursues the project of completing 'Aumaan' -- the invincible military fortress to secure the victory of BAHRAM.
He is the frame runner who pilots 'Anubis', the strongest Orbital Frame.

The strongest Orbital Frame controlled by Nohman.
A twin mech developed along with Jehuty.

A BAHRAM frame runner (Orbital Frame pilot).
She controls Orbital Frame 'Ardjet'.
Under Nohman's command, she searches for Jehuty.

Orbital Frame piloted by Ken.
Comes with a tough exterior armor.

The main character of the previous game.
In 'The 2nd Runner' he gets off Jehuty and pilots a new mech.
His battle experience on Antilia -- a space colony on Jupiter's orbit -- brings him back to the battlefield.

Mech piloted by Leo.
Morphs into humanoid mode and flight mode.
Mode Change

A battle A.I. created based on the battle abilities and thinking of BAHRAM soldier Viola who died in the previous game.

Orbital Frame piloted by the Viola A.I.

Runner who pilots Inhert.
A BAHRAM scientist who conducts research on Orbital Frames.
He's worked with Dingo when Dingo was a BAHRAM test pilot.
While having doubts about BAHRAM's dictatorship, he does serve BAHRAM loyally.
He has the key to filling in the gap between the performances of Jehuty and Anubis.

Lloyd's prototype frame.
Unlike conventional Orbital Frames, the cockpit is at the head. It uses magnetic rays in its powertrain.
Its armor consists of a special gel (the black substance on the surface).

A UNSF soldier piloting Phantoma.
He gets to work with Dingo while searching for the VECTOR CANNON -- the subweapon which is the key to entering the military fortress of Aumaan.

A UNSF military LEV.
It was the strongest of mechs until BAHRAM Orbital Frames were invented.
Now it is an out-of-date mech that cannot match Orbital Frames at all.

The 4 runners aboard Zakat.
The one in the middle is the leader Lieutenant Volkovo.

BAHRAM's gigantic Orbital Frame for destroying bases.
It played a central role in BAHRAM's overtaking of Mars.
It is controlled by 4 runners.

Mass-produced unmanned Orbital Frame that made its appearance in the previous game.
It can fight both close-range and long-distance battles.
It morphs to flight mode and approaches its enemy at high speeds.

This also made its appearance in the previous game.
A supportive Orbital Frame specialized in long-distance attacks.
It is basically a Raptor with a shield and cannons.
It has the ability to repair damaged fellow Orbital Frames.
Unless destroyed with massive damage, only the shield is destroyed and a Raptor appears.

Another one from the previous game.
A mass-produced unmanned Orbital Frame specialized in close-range attacks.
Its high-speed punches are very powerful.
Surrounded by a group of them could cause you a lot of trouble.

Morphing high-mobility Orbital Frame.
It makes its approach from long distances in flight mode and crashes into Jehuty at high speeds.
When in close range, it executes 13 consecutive slash attacks.
A speed-oriented Orbital Frame.

A new Orbital Frame which is a strengthened version of the Raptor series.
It skates on its four limbs and then morphs into its humanoid form when its comes close to Jehuty. It then uses its four limbs dexterously to attack. A combat type with unpredictable moves, making it an 'eerie' enemy.

An Orbital Frame new to the series.
A large type specializing in defending bases.
Although relatively slow, it excels in its attack and defence capabilities.
It insistently fires homing missiles when far away and uses its whip attack when near by. Its most powerful attack is its tackle -- it draws Jehuty to itself with its suction devices on its shoulders and slams Jehuty into the floor or wall.
Unless destroyed with massive damage, only the armor is destroyed and a Raptor may appear.

> Z.O.E staff interview: Part 1 - Noriaki Okamura screenplay / director

Comments of the Z.O.E development team members will be shown here in a 4-time series.
Part 1 will be Mr. Noriaki Okamura - director and script writer of Z.O.E.

: Could you please explain what kind of a game Z.O.E is?

Z.O.E is a 'robot animation simulator.' It is not a 'robot simulator.' It is a game in which you can control 'a robot in a robot animation' just like the main character in a robot animation who can control the robot freely with only one stick. I believe Z.O.E turned out as a game in which anyone can control the robot freely - very easily and enjoyably.

A robot animation always comes with a story. The same is true with Z.O.E. While making progress in the game with a feel of exhilaration, the story progresses as well. A game in which you can become the main character of a robot animation - this is Z.O.E!

: As the person who worked on the script, could you talk about the highlights of the story?

I don't know if you can get this - I tried to place emphasis on how to tell the story using the non-story portions of the game.
In other words, 'Just let the demo movie sequence tell the story and set that aside from the game portion' was what I DID NOT want to do. What the entire game as a whole could communicate - the destruction of buildings, the detailed rules for the survivor rescue events, the raison d'etre of the various characters, the story development - all came to existence under one common theme within Z.O.E.

What I aimed for regarding the story of Z.O.E was to 'create a story that could be told only with the use of the game medium.'
Yes, there are many things I could not include in this game. But I hope players could catch these most subtle points when playing Z.O.E.

: The Premium Package (for Japan only) includes an animation DVD. What is it about?

The time setting of this DVD animation is 5 years earlier than that of the game. It touches on the past of Viola and how the humanoid weapon 'orbital frame' was created.

The DVD animation of Z.O.E was created by 'SUNRISE' - the company known for their robot animations. They have done a great job putting together this animation. In addition to the awesome robot action scenes is the deep human drama for the viewer to enjoy.

The game and animation have different main characters and themes. Both versions take advantage of their media and maintain an interesting relationship. I hope you have a chance to enjoy both the game and the animation -whichever comes first.

: Finally, could you give us your message for those gamers out there longing for the release of the game?

The time setting of this DVD animation is 5 years earlier than that of the game. It touches on the past of Viola and how the humanoid weapon 'orbital frame' was created.

Let me put it simple - Z.O.E turned out to be a very fun piece of work.
Those who like robot animations, those who like action games, those who enjoy RPGs and adventure games - all of you will enjoy Z.O.E.

Those who have not had the chance to play Z.O.E yet, please feel it for yourself at stores, with magazine demos, or at your friend's. Just feel it for once!

Z.O.E staff interview: Part 2 Nobuyoshi Nishimura character designer / art director

Part 2 of the Z.O.E development team member interviews is Mr. Nobuyoshi Nishimura - character designer and art director.

: As the person who designed the characters and directed the demo movie sequences, could you talk about the highlights of the game?

I always kept in mind to convey the animation feel while using 3D. 'Animation = toon shade' was not the equation for myself. I introduced animation elements mainly in the expression in the demo scenes.

A lot of the 3D CGs in many games go toward realism. I went in a totally different direction. I'd be delighted if players catch that and enjoy what they see.

: Was it tough to design the characters?

Making sure that everything worked in 3D and coming up with designs that would not be distorted when moved in the game was what I tried to pay special attention for.
For example, trying to avoid parts that interfere with each other when making a particular 3D model move.

And to maximize the benefits of animation-style effects, I tried to avoid realistic designs while creating characters for a realistic-style robot animation.
Another thing I kept in my mind was to come up with relatively orthodox face designs so that facial expressions and acting could be assigned easily to the models.

: What are the differences with direction and camera angles in games and animations?

As for directing the demo scenes, I tried to move the camera as often as possible to take advantage of the 3D models. I avoided long cuts.
However, the bottom line was to do things 'a la TV animation.'
Since the mechs were cool enough in the playable portion of the game, I tried not to go overboard with things going on in the demo scenes.

Since I always thought in 2D regarding the cut scenes, when I did things with the camera, many times I did not get what I expected.
For example, with the cockpit scene, the camera should be inside the cockpit. I wanted to use a wide-angle camera view, but such a view distorted the 3D model too much, and this idea had to be dropped.
Things like this could be done quite easily with animations by drawing the characters so that they look natural. That could not be done in 3D.

I worked on the storyboard as if I was working on a normal animation. Therefore, not too many of my sketches incorporated depth. The other staff helped me on that by working with the camera. Actually there are many scenes are turned out more dynamic than the original storyboard.

: Finally, could you give us your message for those gamers out there longing for the release of the game?

I think this is the first time this much 'TV animation feel' was incorporated in 3D CG sequences. The end result is not exactly 2D or 3D; it is something you've never seen before. Hope you enjoy it.

Z.O.E staff interview: Part 3 - Yoji Shinkawa Mechanical designer

Part 3 of the Z.O.E development team member interviews is Mr. Yoji Shinkawa - Mechanical designer.

: Could you please comment on the orbital frames as the designer? (concepts, design differences from MGS2, etc.)

Not only shall the designs look cool as they are, but they are creations based on my thinking regarding how they are controlled by the player, how they should react, and what kinds of actions they should exhibit in the game. For example, the nozzles on the back that correspond in motion to the speed and direction, blood vessel-like lines that change in color expressing their conditions, the cool-looking and easy-to-read ring radar.
Also are more minute things such as the skate-like landing gear coming out when sliding on flat surfaces, the arms stretching when slashing the enemy, the chest frame sliding along to the motion of the shoulders. And when in high speed motion Jehuty takes on the flying form.
When doing so the arms are spread, the wings pop up, and the cockpit becomes erect. I did think of wild transformations, but what I did ended up being more eye-catching and cool-looking. Simply flying around and skating on surfaces without fighting the enemy is very enjoyable.

: What was your impression when you saw orbital frames actually moving in the DVD animation?

In order to match up the world of the animation with the game, I submitted a conceptual design of IDOLO -- the orbital frame of the main character.
I had Sunrise take care of cleaning up the design. I was really impressed to see my own design move in animation. The final battle seen is really awesome.

: Could you leave a message for those fans who cannot wait for the release of Z.O.E.?

Z.O.E. is a game in which you can experience action that is truly PS2.
The controls are simple and intuitive. I really want those people who are not good at action games to play Z.O.E.

STORY - The background of Z.O.E

In the remote reaches of the solar system in the 22nd century, there is a colony on Jupiter called 'Antilia'...

In a sudden outbreak of war, a shy youth named Leo Stenbuck loses his friends right before his eyes. Blaming himself for not being able to save them, he panicked and ran away from the scene of the attack, inadvertently stumbling onto the cause of the war, the Orbital Frame 'Jehuty', a colossal war machine with a human form that holds the key to civilization's existence.. .

A withdrawn youth who has difficulties getting along with others,
he boarded the Jehuty by accident. He is making a stand against the Antilia crisis.


Installed in the Jehuty, this battle computer understands human language.
Both highly intelligent and rational, it fulfills an important role on Mars.

A girl working as a volunteer for the church. She is both devoted and giving. She looks after the orphans.
The loss of both of her parents during their emigration to Antilia has left her all alone in the world.


She is an adjunct battery officer for the Bahram army's primary offensive unit. A belligerent fighter, she has caused problems for Leo innumerable times.
Not afraid of death, she is always at the forefront of a battle.


A worker on the civilian transport vessel 'Atlantis'. Rides a LEV.
He loves the adventure of taking on dangerous tasks, and he hopes to fulfill his duty by capturing Jehuty.

Second pilot of the civilian transport vessel 'Atlantis', she is a rational and kind woman.
She commands the troupe trying to capture Jehuty.


The prototype new Orbital Frame (OF) that the game's hero Leo rides in.
Compared to former Orbital Frames it possesses an overwhelming amount of power, and is fitted with the battle computer 'ADA',
which is capable of understanding human language. The current struggle was caused because of this war machine, and it holds the key to the future of mankind. The machine has a number of hidden secrets.


The Orbital Frame piloted by Viola. One of the most formidable Orbital Frames in existence.
Neith has the ability to turn its arms into whip-like weapons, has a level of mobility that surpasses even that of Jehuty's, AND THEREFORE terrifies LEO. this war machine has Leo terrified.


A large Orbital Frame manufactured to utterly destroy enemy base camps.
It destroys cities with its 6 arms and powerful energy blaster.


A mass produced, non-piloted Orbital Frame.
There are several different types of Raptors in existence, varrying by installed programs and optional armaments.


A raptor variation with enhanced brawling capabilities.
The strengthened armor covering the chest and arms enhances the defense and offense abilities without reducing maneuverability.

Earth Block
In the middle of the 21st century the orbital transport, which facilitated space exploration in the form of emigration to the established colonies at Lagrange Point, was completed. The subsequent discovery of Metatron revolutionized space travel, and the territory of the human race ballooned to include the Martian block. Earth was totally devoted colonizing of Mars, and each country took over the governance over its own county. A 'United Nations Space Force (UNSF),' comprised primarily of nations serving as permanent members on the U.N. Security Council, was dispatched.


Currently there are 16 counties (states) that make up the United Colonies of Mars (UCM). On Mars the sense of camaraderie and community is strong, and there is a lack of racially and culturally founded prejudice. This ideology is directly related to the low sense of national affiliation with their homeland on Earth, and coupled with the distance between Earth and Mars the supporters of a 'Martian Independence' are continually on the rise each year. In the midst of all this, Vascilia County, where the most vehemently anti-earth ideologies run strong, maintains its own independent military, and has conducted research to develop the anti-earth weapon Orbital Frame.


This Taurus-type colony was constructed on the Jupiter moon Europa L5 as a support base for the excavation of Jupiter's resources. It is the most remote of all civilian outposts, and exists as a residential colony of roughly 100,000 laborers who work to excavate and transport Helium 3 and Metatron resources from the mines. NUT Ltd. research and development facilities were relocated here from Mars after the Deimos Incident, and research on the Orbital Frame was continued until the year 2172, when the UNSF forcibly occupied the area over concerns arising from the Orbital Frames.

: Problems surrounding Earth's population, environment, and energy reach their peak.
: The international project 'Orbital Transport Concept' is announced.

: The fervor for space development is rekindled as a result of the completion of the first lunar foothold.

: Completion of the L1 Mars Catcher outpost.
: Lunar Mars Driver is first used.

: Successful launch of an anchor satellite into orbit.
: Construction on the Orbital Transport begins.

: International project 'Mars Colonization Concept' is made public.

: An unmanned space probe discovers a mysterious flat land on the Jupiter moon Callisto.

: Orbital Transport is completed. Humanity is propelled into a full-scale space age.
: NUT Ltd. precipitates space development projects with the first generation LEV.
: Rapid increase in the number of lunar resource excavation facilities.

: Construction begins on L4 and L5 space colonies.

: Manned foothold is established on Mars. First stage Terraforming is initiated.
: Worldwide generation of nuclear fusion is given first priority.

: United Nations announces that fossil fuel has dried up.

: Manned space probe to Callisto discovers Metatron deposits.
: Age of Space Dependence

: Emigration starts for colonies on L4 and L5.
: Rapid development of LEV as a space work vessel.

: Construction of permanent footholds on the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos begins.

: Applied use of Metatron revolutionizes electrical technology.

: Discovery of spatial compressing effect of Metatron.

: Move is made toward the application of the Urenbeck catapult.

: Construction of the permanent foothold Antilia is begun on the Jupiter moon Europa L5.

: First stage of the Martian Terraforming project is completed. Full-scale colonization is begun. : Fervor for lunar development begins to fade out.
: Outbreak of bacterial contamination on one of the Martian colonies. Earth Block quarantine line is fortified.

: Urenbeck catapult is completed on Martian moon Deimos outpost. Space Transportation Revolution. : Sudden rush for Martian colonization. County system is introduced.

: Candor Incident.
: Discord deepens between the Earth Block and the Ender.

: Armed society Bahram is formed within Vascilia County on Mars.
: NUT Ltd. secretly obtains rudimentary Orbital Frame technology.

: Deimos Incident

EPS System
The energy provision system in use on Antilia. All civilian aircraft are provided with a centralized flow of energy delivered to them by microwave from antennas set up on both ends of the colony.
Urenbeck Catapult
A technology related to Metatron that has allowed for space flight at ultra-high speeds by utilizing distortions in space and their restorative power. Because of the enormous amount of energy and ship capacity that this process requires, normal vessels cannot be outfitted with it. The most common method of use is through catapults readied at orbital spaceports. Currently the Earth block catapult is set up on L2, with the Mars block one on the Deimos moon. The catapult on the Jupiter moon Europa L2 is the doorway to Antilia.
Extra Person
A generic term referring to all persons, including colony settlers, who live outside of earth. Generally speaking, extra persons are universally aware that death is just around the corner, and this has helped them develop a strong sense of camaraderie and community. There is a striking absence of racial and cultural discrimination among them.
Laborious Extra-Orbital Vehicle. A manned robot developed in order to create space stations and colonies.
This term refers to persons living in the farthest reaches of space. It has the connotation of 'country bumpkin'. From Earth's point of view this is everyone living beyond Mars; from Mars, this term refers to anyone living in the Jupiter block.
Orbital Frame
A mobile war machine developed by Bahram on Mars. Through the use of the rare mineral Metatron, Orbital Frames are able to greatly surpass LEVs in terms of mobility. They possess potent offensive capabilities as well.
Candor Incident
In the year 2157 an investigation team fell into danger while exploring Candor Chasm, a zone administered by some anonymous nation. Disregarding three separate warnings from the space forces, a battalion of security troops stationed at the adjoining U.S.-administered zone illegally entered their territory and rescued the investigation team. Citing the presence of 'national security concerns (ore deposits)' in the Candor Chasm, the anonymous nation emphasized the international ramifications of America's actions. In the end, everyone in the security battalion was decommissioned and sent elsewhere, but among the Martian settlers they were eulogized as the 'Heroes of Candor'. This incident clearly exposed the difference between the ideologies of Earth, which were trying to be artificially implanted on Mars to define national boundaries, and those from Mars, in which there was a notable absence of national or societal distinction.
Self-Supporting Armor (SSA)
Orbital Frame armor outfitted with Metatron-related technology. A multi-layered, highly molecular armor that is flexible enough to be pushed in just by touching its surface while at the same time able to withstand impact with a level of durability exceeding even that of ceramics. It also replenishes itself when destroyed by rerouting sufficient amounts of energy and Metatron minerals from other sections.
Deimos Incident
An act of terrorism committed by an officer belonging to the anti-earth faction of Bahram. The officer captured the Orbital Frame being developed with the utmost secrecy at the time by Bahram, and when it was used to attack UNSF officers, the way-station on Deimos became tragically involved. The Orbital Frame became public property, and since this incident the tension between Earth and Mars has increased dramatically.
A 'download' by a Metatron computer. Speaking in terms of a von Neumann-type computer this is a 'file transfer', however, the original data is not deleted after being copied but rather, as the term 'transfer' implies, it is a process in which physical circuits are actually moved and subsequently deleted from their source to be simultaneously reconstructed in the target computer.
Nereidum Universal Technology (NUT Ltd.)
An enterprise conglomerate that has participated in space development projects since the beginning of the 21st century. The largest producer of LEVs and the original developer of Orbital Frames, this company currently maintains its main offices in Nereidum County on Mars.
VR Training
Mock training using imaginary space.
Frame Runner
Orbital Frame pilot.
Vector Trap
When high velocity and rotation are applied to Metatron, the result is an effect such that the space above it is sucked in towards the rotating axis, and the motion of the created distortion trying to quickly restore itself is like a that of a rubber band. This distorted space then snaps shut, and can be used as a type of cargo bay. This process is called a Vector Trap. The make-up of the enclosed item remains the same. Because this process requires an enormous quantity of energy it is only used in colony facilities and large cargo vessels. Jehuty is outfitted with a Vector Trap that serves as its ammunition storage.
Known as a 'Porter' (watchdog), this special mechanism uses Vector Trap technology to spatially hide materials.
A generic term used to refer to all people born and raised in the Mars block.
Along with the LEV, this 'mineral' is considered one of the two essential components for the discovery of space. A deposit of Metatron was first discovered on the Jupiter moon Callisto early in the 21st century, and since then its mysterious properties have been researched and put to use over a variety of different ways.
Metatron Computer
This is a type of quantum computer that uses Metatron in its integrated circuits. There is a clear line of distinction between it and the von Neumann-type digital computers that came before it. The computer balances superior processing speed with compactness. There is no clear distinction between its calculation and memory units, as its constantly changing circuits carry out (in terms of quantum physics, in a separate space) computation and memory functions.
Superior Estimation Index
An index simulating personal and enemy comprehensive combat levels, including war machine data, pilot ability, and the current combat situation.
Lagrange Point
The 18th century mathematician Joseph Louis Lagrange discovered this dynamic gravitational depression, which exists between three celestial bodies. Earth block colonies have been constructed at each Lagrange Point created by the balance of the three forces, that is, the earth's gravitational pull, the moon's gravitation pull, and the centrifugal force created by the rotating moon.
Linear Driver
This system, which is designed for the transport of materials, passes through the outer reaches of Antilia. Special containers storing materials are transported using an electromagnetic floating system.

: United Nations Forces occupy Antilia through force.

小白 发表于 2004-1-26 22:57:29


本周五前放出 --、

八神光 发表于 2004-1-27 12:44:30


小白 发表于 2004-1-27 12:51:52

- -楼上深刻打击了我……

八神光 发表于 2004-1-27 13:08:04


左眼看着过去 发表于 2004-2-24 15:21:27

顶上来 翻译完骗JJ去-_,-
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