DS-GTA新作《橫行霸道 血戰唐人街》
Nintendo Power magazine has some new details about the upcoming Grand Theft Auto : Chinatown Wars for the Nintendo DS. The magazine reveals that the game will have a cel-shaded look and action will be viewed from an isometric perspective. The first screenshots of the game will be soon available.
- True GTA game - sandbox gameplay, open-world environment, gritty crime narrative.
- M-rating
- Isometric camera angle
- Cel-shaded polygons w/ black borders
- good touch-screen implementation - 'tasteful' minigames, streamlining interface
- UI based on a PDA - hub for email, contacts, map, music player, GPS, stat-tracking
- stats uploaded to Rockstar Social Club website via Wi-Fi
- finger-sized icons
- missions designed for shorter periods of play, arcade quality
- aiming with control pad, auto targeting with R button
- subtle autosteer
- if you fail a mission, you can jump back to the action sequence
- chain gun, flamethrower
- good portion of Liberty City is modeled in the game (different routes than console games)
- no probems with load times, draw-in or frame rate
- lots of pedestrians, cars, etc on screen
- Wanted system - objective is to disable police cars any way possible
- real-time weather effects, 24-hour day/night cycle
- lots of radio stations to listen to (more instrumentals than vocals)
- 800,000 lines of hand-optimized source code (hey, the people like the info, right?)
- no details yet on multiplayer/Wi-Fi features
Rockstar果然是是任黑 雖然我不是愛國主義者但這game真的沒歧視china town嗎 第2张图是激光炮???还是1代的画面标准啊 管他画面怎样,玩起来爽就行 原帖由 BBloli 于 2008-9-20 19:45 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
坏中国人??? ?? 唐人街……………………要和谐啊,自己脑补内容就好啦 雷射炮吗,近未来吗... 玩GTA还是玩PS2和PSP版本好了,受不了这画面 俯视美...GBA那作玩的就很爽 徹底失望了,吾人去玩回PC版好了. 这画面看着很奇怪,,还是放弃了啦........................... 我感觉这个是GTA1.5 打中国人的就不玩了... 中国黑涩会竟然有这么先进的武器··· 原来所谓的回归正统GTA画面是指1 2代啊...................... 那个画面......简直惨不忍睹...
看到这画面我认为这游戏在大混战中肯定会卡... 还是喜欢3D的好点,看俯视图我高低地形会看混乱的 DS你还能指望他怎样了..... 明摆着倒人胃口………………