Digimon Adventure 2: D1 Tamers - FAQ/Walkthrough
Version: 0.4
Started: 17/11/2001
Last Updated: 28/11/2001
Digimon Adventure 2: D1 Tamers
Console: Wonderswan Colour
Designed By: Bandai
JP Release Date: 12/09/2000
US Release Date: Unknown
Genre: RPG
Number Of Players: 1
Support: WonderWave, Link Cable
Author: VHUNTER69
Name: Matthew Mathers
EMail: i_devil_i69@hotmail.com
MSN: i_devil_i69@hotmail.com
AOL: mattvd3
Y!Messenger: trunks_supersaiyan3
Copyright 2001 Matthew Mathers
1. Please do not change any part of this FAQ in any way .
2. Don't copy this FAQ without permission.
3. I am not to be held responsible for damages done in its content.
4. You are not allowed to mail me asking for the latest version.
5. Latest version will always be at GameFaqs.
6. Any contribution will be welcome.
7. If you want this Faq on your site, please ask first.
8. If you see any error on the page, please tell me.
Version 0.1 - 17th November 2001: First update, starting to add stuff... Things
such as story, hints, tips and cheats..^-^
Version 0.2 - 24th November 2001: Second update, added lots more stuff...
Translations, jogress list and priced digimon
also fixed errors and got started on the
Version 0.3 - 26th November 2001: Not actually a update. Dragoon Khan send me
a email which contains everything you need
to know about DES. So I put it in the faq.
Version 0.4 - 28th November 2001: Third update. No school today so I added lots
more stuff. Completed the walkthrough.
Also added section 11...and ready to submit
to GameFaqs..... ^-^
Special Thanks
I would like to thank the following people
01. Story
02. DES
03. Hints & Tips
04. Menu/ Shop Translation
05. Jogress List
06. Walkthrough
07. Cheats
08. List Of Digimon
09. Holy Beast
10. Priced Digimon
11. How to get them all!
One - Story
The story follows on from the previous Digimon Adventure Games. Mainly
from Draco's post at Gamefaqs's Board.
It all started in Digimon Adventure 01 : Anode and Cathode Timers,
where Ryo, began his journey in the Digital World. Ryo was playing on
his laptop, all of a sudden, Agumon appeared on the screen and he was
transported to the Digital World. Then Gennai told him that Milleniummon
had captured all the DigiDestinied and told Ryo that he'll have to save
them and defeat Milleniummon... continue on to Tag Tamer
In Digimon Adventure 02: Tag Tamer, Ryo and Ken were transported to the
Digital World where they meet up with their Digimon. Gennai told them
Millenniummon had appeared again with Diablomon. Ryo and Ken then walks
up the mountain and defeat them. But its not over yet, as Milleniummon
returns again as Moon=Milleniummon. Now Ryo and Ken have to find some
way to defeat Moon Milleniummon...continue on to D1 Tamer
In Digimon Adventure 02: D1 Tamer. It all started in Ken's house,
Ryo was transported to the Digital World to participate in D-1
Tournament. Moon=Milleniummon has reappeared and now Ryo has to
both win in D-1 Tournament and defeat Moon=Milleniummon...
Two - DES (Digital Evolution Scale)
This part was from the email Dragoon Khan sended to me.
Yesterday, I found my Hiragana / Katakana alphabet, and started to play
around doing fusion with my digimons. When you choose two digimons to
fuse, Digitamamon will speak something. In that text box, the result
digimon name will apear. I wanted to see every combination of the
digimons on my store system. One of those fusions was Kabuterimon and
Yanmamon. The result was a Tubumon. Curious, i took Tubumon to a walk,
and he started to evolve to Tokomon - just like when you fuse Angemon
and Ankylomon. So, my theory of the 'Digital Evolutional Scale' wasn´t
wrong after all; there is more than one way to reach the same DES
- in this case, i found another way to get an Holy Angemon or Shakkomon.
I came back with an Angemon, but i noted that he had some different
stats of the Angemon i got evolving an captured Tokomon.
I had to make it sure, so i took another Tokomon and made it evolve
to Angemon. And the two really had diferent stats.
The explanation can get a little confusing here, so i will make it that
way: the Angemon that can´t evolve further (the one from the Tokomon)
i will call Angemon A; the Angemon that can evolve to Shakkomon i will
call Angemon B. Well, just came in my mind that those two angemon were
completely diferent. I decided to let this by side and fuse some more
digimons. There came my surprise...
I took my Paildramon in the same team with Angemon A and B. I tried to
fuse Paildramon with Angemon A, and the result was an DES that would end
as Paildramon. But when i fused Paildramon with Angemon B, the result
would end in HERCULES KABUTERIMON! Amazed? It´s not even the half of
the story! I tried with every one of my stored digimon, and it was
always the same thing. The result for fusing a digimon with Angemon A was
totally diferent than fusing with Angemon B.
I just came at one conclusion: the DES have an heavy influence on fusion.
I got happy by that discovery, of course! But then, the lucky smiled once
again for me. I was going to fuse the Angemons once again, but i choose
the second option, by mistake. When i choosed Angemon A, it showed a text
with the number 05 on it. 'Well, why not check the other ones, anyway',
i thought. When i choosed Angemon B, it showed the number 20. Once again,
the two Angemons were diferent.
I picked my Hiragana / Katakana alphabet. Then i started to translate the
text. My surprise was the word together with the number: DIGITAMA. Well
digitama, as you all probably know, is the Digital egg from were the Digimon
born. But why the digitama would have a number? I concluded that every
number of digitama have a diferent DES. To prove it, I made Angemon B
evolve to Holy Angemon and the digitama number remained 20; I fused it
with an Toy Agumon (that i knew it would end in Shakkomon again), and
the new digitama number was 20 again;
I fused two Yanmamon together, and i got and digitama 20 again - Shakkomon.
So my theory of DES was totally RIGHT! I just started to check and mark every
Digitama number of every digimon on my server and store, and fused some,
trying to find out how to get an Tailmon. Then i fused two Raremon. Raremon
is the slime digimon that you evolve into Metal Etemon or King Etemon. But
just by fusing two Raremon,Digitamamon told me the result was a Milleniummon
I tried some fusions and came to that conclusion: it´s NOT the digimon you
fuse, but the digitama it was born that matters. If you fuse two digimons
from the Digitama 26 (Reamon/Etemon/Metal Etemon or King Etemon), the result
will be the Digitama 33 (that will end as Milleniummon). If you fuse two
digimons from Digitama 59 (Devimon or Devidramon/Lady Devimon...), you will
get and Digitama 31 (the Vandemon egg).
Well, if you all doesn´t have understood my story, i will resume it below
- Option 1: Fusion You pick two digimons to fuse (ok, that is old news)
- Option 2: Digitama You see the number of your digimon´s digitama
- Option 3: Exit
- First, select the father digimon
- Second, select the mother digimon
In your digimon stats, second screen, under the Exp and Jogress fields,
there is an field named PAPA and other one named MAMA - in japanese, of
course. If your digimon is pure, those fields are empty; if the digimon
is result of a fusion, these fields show the name and nick of the digimons
that fused.
- Now, Digitamamon will say what will be the resulting digimon. He will ask
if you accept that result (YES/NO)
- Digitamamon now ask if you want to use a Digimental (YES/NO). The
Digimental screen will show up.
** The Digimental have NO influence on the result of a fusion.
- The order you choose your digimon matters. First, the papa; second,
the mama. The result of Digimon A + Digimon B is Digimon C, but sometimes,
Digimon B + Digimon A = Digimon D. I hope you have understood this...
- Doen´s matter what stage your digimon is, the Digitama is the most
important. You don´t need to evolve two Raremons into one King Etemon and
one Metal Etemon to fuse then and get an Milleniummon. See this:
>> Digitama 26: (???? / ???? / ???? / Raremon / Etemon / Metal Etemon,
King Etemon)
The Metal Etemon and King Etemon used to obtain Milleniummon are in the
same Digitama DES, the number 26. So if you fuse two digimons from
digitama 26 (Etemon + Raremon, Metal Etemon + Raremon, King Etemon +
Etemon), the result will be the same, you will get the digitama that have
Milleniummon, the digitama 33.
- In this option, select a digimon. A text box will come and show some
japanese text. In this box, a number will apear; that is your digimon´s
digitama number.
- Each digitama have his own digital evolutional scale. So far, i have
found 74 diferent digitamas. They all start in the New-Born stage, but
end in diferent levels. Some of then only goes to Ultimate. Some goes
to the last stage, Mega.
- Okay, in order to evolve, we need JP (jogress) and XP (experience). But
sometimes you have to equip digimental to reach certain evolutions. This is
when you should equip a DM:
- AAAA / BBBB / CCCC / D1D1 / E1E1 / FFFF
/D2D2 / E2E2 /
-When you don´t have two choices of evolution (like from AAAA to BBBB,
or from BBBB to CCCC), you don´t need do equip a DM.
-When you have two choices of evolution (From CCCC do D1D1 *OR* D2D2),
remember this: if you don´t equip a DM, the evolution will follow the
lower line (D2D2). If you do equip a DM on your digimon, the evolution
will follow the upper line (D1D1).
-Doesn´t matter what choice you have made before (D1D1 or D2D2), if the
next evoltion have two options again, the above mentioned process need to
be repeated in order to obtain the desired digimon (no DM, lower line -
equip DM, upper line).
-If you pass by a two choice evolution (like E1E1 / E2E2) and the next
evolution have only one option (FFFF), you WILL need to equip a DM in
order to evolve further - you need to force your way to the upper line
again. That can be noticed if your digimon have enought JP to evolve but
the red star still is on him. Equip a DM and the star will be gone.
Well, i think that explain all we need to know about fusion and evolution.
Don´t you agree?
Well, just came at my mind that the digitama being the main factor of
fusion let the chalenge kinda stupid on making top killer digimons. But
some things have came to my knowledge, and deserve a little more attention.
Evolving your digimon to fuse maybe it´s a great deal. Supose that you
fuse two hagurumon (digitama 29), to get the BlackWarGreymon digitama 25.
Let´s call this one BWG 1!! Well, if you evolve two Hagurumons into
Mugendramons and fuse then, you will have a B.Wargreymon aswell. Call it
BWG 2.
Let´s analize some aspects (just remember, i have NOT tested this theory
yet! I´m just making digimons to progress in game and beat Yamato at once,
so if anyone what to take the challenge, do something like the mentioned...)
It´s a fact that a fused digimon learns his parents attacks. But how deeply
this goes? Let´s just see...
BWG 1 will gain all attacks the Hagurumon had the chance to learn. this
means New-born attacks, baby attacks and child attacks. If he evolves
further, he will NOT gain the adult attack of the Hagurumons, cause none
of then reached this stage. If a father don´t know, he can´t teach to his
BWG 2 will learn all attacks from his parents - two mega digimons - which
means that he can learn ALL his parents attacks; new born, baby, child,
adult, ultimate, mega (uh, i think i mixed the japanese/english terms for
digimon stages, oh well...). Surely a more versatile monster...
My angemons had some diferences i their HP and DP number. Maybe fusing
add one digimon HP to another one and get a new resulting HP. Same to DP.
Probably BWG 1 and BWG2 will have the same amout of HP and DP in Agumon
stage, but when they reach the BlackWarGreymon stage, BWG2 may have bigger
I don´t know about age. My digimons never died from it (but my Metal
Greymon virus have 25 year...), and i don´t think fusing will get you a
larger lifespan. But probably if you fuse two older digimon, you may get
better result in fusing younger digimons. Age brings experience, is what
they say...
There is two know reasons for you evolve your digimons before fuse then.
First is to complete your Digimon Data (get info about all digimons). The
second is to gather JP. WereGarurumon (45 JP) fused with Omegamon (45 JP),
will give you an Omegamon digitama with 90 JP, what is handy to get this
powerfull digimon more quickly
Three - Hints & Tips
1. Catching Digimon
When you use the D-3 item on the enermy, it will remove that digmon
from the battle and send it to the Server. (Note: Sometimes it doesn't
work, it is because you don't have enough of the D-3 item.
2. Digi - Envolving
In this game, Digi - Envolving requires JP (Jogress Points). Rookies
don't need JP, champion need 2 JP, ultimate need 11+ JP, Mega need
48+ JP.
3. Stronger Digimon
If you do a lot of fusion, continue fuse one digimon with lots of
others and it will get stronger, such as higher HP and DP, and maybe
stat change too. Also you may get new digimons.
4. Jogress Points and Fusion
When you fuse two digimon, it add the JP of both digimon. I'll use the
Argumon cheat as an example: I got a 6JP Hagurumon and a 7JP Hagurumon,
i get a 13JP Botamon. (6+7=13).
5. 5JP Item
A 5JP item can be found in Etemon's Dungeon, VenoMyotismon's Dungeon
and Boltmon's Dungeon. (Note: This is a secret item, so it can not be
bought in shop).
6. Upgrade Shops
You can upgrade shops at Clockmon's Shop. It cost 3000+ bits for a full
upgrade in each shop.
7. Digimon Storage
If you go to Deramon's shop, you can store up to 9 Digimons in the
shop, if you fully upgraded.
8. Digi Mental and Special Attacks
If you ever visited Centaurmon's shop you'll notice all the items start
with DM. It is called Digi Mental and it does special attacks if you
attach it to your digimon and if the digimon has two evolutions, it
will always get you the good one. Some DM in the price range of 1300+
are special digi - envolve item, it will digi envolve your digimon if
it has a special evolution. Example: Armodillamon to Submarimon,
it needed the Digi Mental to envolve to Submarimon otherwise you get
the normal evolution(in battle only).
9. R/G/M Veedramon and Galgomon
If you got a either a RedVeedramon, GoldenVeedramon or a MasterVeedramon
and you've got a Galgomon, you may want to fuse it together and RedVeedramon,
GoldenVeedramon or a MasterVeedramon's DP will become very handy for the 30DP
bomb attack.
10. Catching Boss Digimon
If you talk to Ogremon and answer OK, he'll send you into a battle.
Sometimes you fight at the boss battle ground, it might look like a
boss battle but using your D-3 you can catch the Digimons.
Also sometimes in Crystal Tower you can sometimes encounter fake bosses, it
might seem like the boss but it is actually not the boss, and you can catch
11. Special Gift From Genni
If you want a RedVeedramon / GoldenVeedramon but don't know where to
get it? It is a special Digimon, you have to catch/ seen a certain
amount of enermy before you can get one of those. When you gotten
one of those, don't waste it and envolve it to AeroVeedramon,
but get it to goddramon/ get both of them and fuse it together and
you'll get a MasterVeedramon, which has over 2500HP and 900DP.
12. Stars and Crosses
When you check your Digimon's stats you may see a star and sometimes a
X. The star means that the digimon can no longer digi envolve or
haven't filled a requirement in order to Digi Envolve. The X means the
Digimon is going to De Digi Envolve. You don't normally see's this, but
if you train a digimon hard out then its very common.
13. D - Terminal
You know aboutthe D-3 item, now you need to learn about D-Terminal.
-The first option shows the digimon you caught and seen, with some info.
It works like a Poke-Dex.
-The second option is a map of the Dungeons you've visited. It shows how
many battles and breaks in the dungeon.
-The third option is the Digital Evoulution Scale
-The fourth option tells you where to go next
1. A Good Training Place. A good training place would be either Etemon's
Dungeon, Boltmon's Dungeon / VenomVamdemon's Dungeon as you'll get 5JP items.
Etemon's place is the best place to train up your Digimon. The enermy
are quite easy to beat and they give you a decent amount of exp and
plus you get a 5JP 'secret' item. If you train in Etemon's
dungeon you should bring one strong and one or two weak ones.
2. Jogress alot will make your Digimon stronger
I always jogress my digimon alot, and i got some strong digimon (higher AP).
I always jogress one digimon with another rookie. When you jogress alot with
one digimon, you'll find it is stats will be alot higher, than usual.
3. Fight without Graphics?
When you press start at the beginning of a battle, it'll ask you yes/no, answer
no and ontinue fighting, but you don't see the digimon hitting each other, and
it'll speed up the battle.
4. Always Train your Digimon
Some digimon you can find in dungeons, but if you know it can be
envolved by a certain baby digimon, then raise it to that digimon.
It will have higher stats.
5. Always check for evolution
If you go to the item screen, use the second item and choose the third
option. It will show a shadow if your digimon can digi envolve, if
there is not shadow then your digimon can't digi envolve. Also Ken will
tell you the experience and Jp needed in order to digi envolve.
6. A good Team
A good team would always have
- A healer/Reviver
- A poisoner
- A Summoner
- A Digimon has a 'Attack-All' attack
- A Digimon resistant to attack-all
7. Digi Egg
When you fully upgraded Centaurimon's shop. The first page will contain
all the Digi Eggs, so you can use Armored Digimon in battle.
8. Getting D-3
When you catch a Digimon, it uses quite alot of D3, and you always gain
less. The number rises every turn, about 4 or 5 for a head on attack. So
when you are low on D-3, go to a dungeon and fight head on, you'll get
about 15 a turn.
9. Stronger Attack and Defence
When you use a Digimon to attack just before it hit the opponent, press
A and the screen should falsh. That digimon will take more damamge.
When a enermy digimon attack one of your digimon, then press A before it hit
you and your digimon should hit back and take less damage.
10. Lost/ Dunno where to go?
If you don't know where to go, either go to Gennai or you can use the
Four - Menu/ Shop Translation
These are what i think they meant. It is not the exact translation
since my Japanese is not that good. If you want the exact translation
then I can't help you. If i missed out something, then please tell me.
Menu Translation
The first option is checking your Digimon's stats.
The second option is changing your Digimon's battle position.
The third option is your item screen.
The first option in your item screen is use your items.
The second option in your item screen is throw away your items.
The fourth option is save.
The fifth option is your Digi Mental screen.
The first option in Digi Mental screen is attach Digi Mental to your
The second option in Digi Mental screen is remove Digi Mental from your
The third option in Digi Mental screen is throw away your Digi Mental.
The six option is cancel or exit from menu.
Battle Translation
The first option is choosing your Digimon's attack.
The second option is your item screen.
The third option is checking your Digimon's stats.
The fourth option is A.I. It is when your digimon attack with out you
choosing its attack.
The first option in the A.I screen is return to battle menu/ cancel.
The second option in the A.I screen is Strong Attack - Weak Defence.
The third option in the A.I screen is Medium Attack - Medium Defence.
The fourth option in the A.I screen is Weak Attack - Strong Defence.
The fifth option is skip one of your digimon's turn.
The sixth option, it is escape. It'll make you escape from battle and
you'll be out side the dungeon. It might only work if you get two of
your Digimon to use it.
Shop Translation
Centaurmon's Shop
Centaurmon's Shop is where you buy the Digi Mentals from.
The first option is buy Digi Mental (DM).
The second option is sell your Digi Mental.
The third option is cancel/ exit from shop.
Digitamamon's Shop
Digitamamon's Shop is for DNA/Fuse your Digimons.
The first option is fuse/ DNA your digimons.
The second option is ???. I don't really know, it shows a diffrent
number for each Digimon. Jogress Points? I don't know. Sorry. I'll
try and figure it out, hopeful i'll add the info in my next update.
The third option is cancel/ exit from shop.
Deramon's Shop
Deramon's Shop is where you can store your Digimon. It can store
up to nine Digimons.
The first option is store your Digimon.
The second option is withdraw your Digimon.
The third option is cancel/ exit from shop.
Datamon's Shop
Datamon's Shop is what I called the 'Server'. It stores all the
Digimon you've captured and special Digimons you've received.
The first option is withdraw Digimon from server.
The second option is delete Digimon data/ release Digimon.
The third option is cancel/ exit from shop.
Clockmon's Shop
Clockmon's Shop is where you can update other shops.
Unfortunately i've updated all the shops (except for
Centaurmon's Shop) way before I start making this FAQ so I
don't know what shop is which.
The first option is update shop.
The first option in update shop is update ???'s Shop.
The second option in update shop is update ???'s Shop.
The third option in update shop is update ???'s Shop.
The fourth option in update shop is update Centaurmon's Shop.
The Second option is ???.
The third option is cancel/ exit from shop.
Penguimon's Shop
I have no clue what this shop is about, so i'll try and add any
info i could possibly find.
The first option is ???.
The second option is ???.
The third option is ???.
The fourth option is ???.
Nanimon's Shop
This is that man dude's shop. Sorry i just forgot the name.
The first option is buy item.
The second option is sell item.
the third option is cancel/ exit from shop.
D1 Arena
This is just like that A.I option.
First option is Strong Attack - Weak Defence
Second option is Medium Attack - Medium Defence
Third option is Weak Attack -Strong Defence
The tower is mainly trade/battle Digimon from other things like
Virtual Pets...etc. Also trade Digi Mentals. I'll add more info
later, since i'm playing on emulator.
Five - Jogress List
Jogress List
1.Wargreymon + Phoenixmon/Griffonmon = Imperialdramon
2.WarGreymon + MetalGarurumon = Omnimon
3.KingEtemon + MetalEtemon = Milleniummon
4.Greymon + Galgomon = Palidramon
5.Hagurumon + Hagurumon = BlackWarGreymon
6.Weregarurumon + MagnaAngemon = MetalGarurumon
7.Angemon + MagnaAngemon = Shakkoumon
8.Birdramon + Aquillamon = Garudramon
9.Garudramon + Sylphimon = Pheonixmon
10. Asukamon + Hagurumon = Machinedramon
11. Milleniummon + Milleniummon = Moon=Milleniummon
12. Zudomon + Shakkoumon = Preshaumon
13. Jagamon + AngeWomon = Rosemon
14. Ex-Veemon + Stingmon = Palidramon
15. Palidramon + MetalGreymon = WarGreymon
16. Tyrannomon + DarkTyrannomon = MetalTyrannomon/ ExTyrannomon
17. RedVeedramon + GoldenVeedramon = MasterVeedramon
18. Lilymon + Sylphimon = Rosemon
19. Devimon + Musyamon = Puppetmon
20. MagnaAngemon + MagnaAngemon = WereGarurumon
21. Greymon + Greymon = Palidramon
22. MegaKabuterimon + Shakkoumon = HerculesKabuterimon
23. Moon=Milleniummon + Moon=Milleniummon = Mummymon
24. WarGreymon + Griffonmon = Imperidramon
25. MetalMamemon + Mamemon = Anomocarimon/ Whamon
26. SkullSatamon + Myotismon = Venom Myotismon
27. Griffonmon + Pheonixmon = Seraphimon/Vikemon
28. Sylphimon + Griffonmon = Pheonixmon
29. Anomocarimon + Whamon = BigMamemon/ Giromon
30. MaganAngemon + AngeWomon = Plesiomon
31. Diablomon + Diablomon = Volcamon
32. Diablomon + Milliummon = Moon=Milliummon
33. Piximon + Piximon = MarineAngemon
34. BigMamemon + Giromon = Jijimon
35. BigMamemon + Dagomon = MetalSeadramon
36. DeathMeramon + DeathMeramon = Mammothmon
37. Hangyomon + Dagomon = Pukumon
38. Orgemon + LadyDevimon = SkullMammomon
39. Yanmamon + Yanmamon = Shakkoumon
40. Plesiomon + Sylphimon = Valkerimon/ Holydramon
41. Devimon + Devimon = SkullSatamon/ Vamdemon
42. Apoclymon + Demon = Milliummon
43. Kimeramon + Megardamon = Milliummon
44. Milliummon + Kimeramon = Moon=Milliumon
45. VenomMyotismon + VenomMyotismon = Apoclymon/Demon
46. MarineDevimon + Giromon = Pukumon
47. Mugendramon + Mugendramon = BlackWarGreymon
48. MetalSeadramon + Kimeramon = BlackWarGreymon
49. Asukamon + Asukamon = Boltmon
50. Volcamon + Volcamon = Arukenimon
51. Palidramon + Shakkoumon = HerculesKabuterimon
#36 Diablomon
- Zurumon
- Pagumon
- Greymon/Devimon
- VirusMetalGreymon/Vamdemon
- Diablomon
#35 Apoclymon/Daemon
- Zurumon
- Pagumon
- PicoDevimon
- Vamdemon
- Apoclymon/ Daemon
#25 BlackWarGreymon
#78 Volcamon
- Zurumon
- Motimon
- Gotsumon
- Golemon
- Volcamon
#79 Mummymon
- Zurumon
- PicoDevimon
- Dokugumon
- Mummymon
#49 Deramon
- Zurumon
- Pagumon
- Gazimon
- Kiwimon/Cocketerimon
- Deramon
#6 Tailmon
- SnowBotamon
- Salamon
- Tailmon
# Of JP Needed
Fresh Digimon - None
In Training Digimon - None
Rookie Digimon - None
Champion Digimon - 2+
Ultimate Digimon 8+
Moon=Milliummon - 134JP
Six - Walkthrough
PART ONE: The Southern Part
The Map
This might not be the best map you've seen, but its the best i can do.
Anyway this is a map of the town.
XD-1 X
X JC SR X SR - Deramon's Shop
X X DMS - Centaurmon's Shop
X X CS - Clockmon's Shop
X IS X TC - Penguimon's Shop
X TC X TWR - Tower
X DT XXXX HT XXXX MED X Empire Dungeon
X XX XX CD X CD - Coffin
AT - Angel Tower XX GH - Gennai's House
DT - Dark Tower XX DH - Digimon's house
XX DS - Datamon's Shop (server)
XX HT - Big Tree
X VD X BCD - Bug Cage Dungeon
X BCD X TD - Tree Dungeon
Volcano Dungeon
It start of by Ryo teleport to the Digital World and you'll have to
answer some questions, when it get to a question with four choices
then answer the last one to get Qinglongmon (recommended) as its the
only way to get Veedramon. After all the talking and when you can
control your digimon, make your way down the map. When you see a Volcano,
enter it you'll battle some Digimon. Make your way to Meramon (keep going
up) You should not have any trouble beating this dungeon. Since the enermy
can be killed in 1 turn as they only has about 35-45HP.
Boss Battle - Meramon
Ok, this battle is easy. You can easily beat it with Auto Battle. First
you should take out Meramon. Don't worry about Candlemon since Meramon
sometimes can hit you twice. After you beaten Meramon, then beat Candlemon.
After you beaten Meramon, I suggest you train up and buy some healing
items. When you go buy items, look for items say HP/DP. HP is your life
and DP works like MP in RPG games like Final Fantasy Series. After you
decided you've done enough training then make your way to the D-1 Arena.
D-1 Arena
In D-1 Arena, you fight three battles. In each battle you choose which
kind of attack you want to use and you can't use items. It is just like
Auto Battle. It tests how you've trained your Digimon.
First Option - Strong Attack, Weak Defence
Second Option - Medium Attack, Medium Defence
Third Option - Weak Attack, Strong Defence
You shouldn't have much problem beating this D-1 Tournament. You will see
few more of these tournaments when you reach further into the game. If you
can't beat this tournament then train some more and try again.
After 2 battles, you'll meet Izzy, beat him and you'll receive a tentomon
along with armodillomon's pre evolution.
Bug House Dungeon
After you've beaten the tournament, then go back to where the Volcano
Dungeon is but this time instead of going in, you see a Green House and
go into that place. Make your way to the top then you'll fight Kwuaguamon.
Boss Battle - Kwuaguamon
Not so easy battle this time. Kwuaguamon has a 'attack-all' attack which
does 100+ of damage to each of your digimon (Except for Agumon). So get
all your digimon to gang up on Kwuaguamon first. After you defeat
Kwuaguamon then take down the weaker one and leave Roachmon last.
If you can't beat it and you got more than 4000Bits, then first goto
Clockmon's Shop and choose the first option which will lead to 4 more
options, choose the fourth option and you've upgraded Centaurmon's Shop.
Then search the last page which will contain a 900Bit DM that uses 28DP.
Its allow you to 'SUMMON' either SaberLeomon or MetalGreymon which will
do over 170 of Damage.
D-1 Arena
After you've beaten Kwuaguamon's Dungeon, it is time for another D-1
Tournament. This time it is a little harder than the other Tournament
but you shouldn't have any trouble beating this tournament if you trained
alot. After the 2 battles, you'll fight a Dude which carries a Terriormon.
Beat him and you'll receive both Terriormon and Gummimon.
Tree Dungeon Area One
After you've beaten the tournament, make your way to the place where the
other Dungeon's where and enter the tree dungeon. First go into the left
one and fight your way to the top. Eventually you'll fight Mushroommon.
Boss Battle - Mushroommon
This battle isn't going to be easy. First eliminate one at the time, I
suggest you take out the weaker one first as its one less digimon to deal
with and leave the boss for last because it can envolve in battle, which
recovers its HP to full, which make your work useless.
Tree Dungeon Area Two
After you've beaten the first tree dungeon then back and go in to the
right one this time. Make your way to the top and you'll fight Blossomon.
Boss Battle - Blossomon
Do the same like what you did in Area One. One thing interesting about
the boss is, that when it envolve, it envolve back to previous forms,
makes it easier to beat.
D-1 Arena
After you've beaten the tree dungeon, then make your way back to the D-1
Arena, and this time you are going to fight your hardest battle yet, you
are going to fight Mimi.
The Mimi Battle should be hard, your Digimon usually take out either
Mushroomon, then Togemon, which leaves Monchomon last, and since it uses PP
up attack, when you fight it, could have a very high defence which makes it
almost impossible to beat, as it can revive the dead digimon and you only
get 10 rounds of fighting. It shouldn't be that hard if you have a Veemon
with 10Y and the summon DM equiped.
After the battle either you win or not, a new bridge will give you access
to three new dungeons. First go to the toy house dungeon. (Note: If you
have beaten Mimi the first time, then you can go straight to Metal Empire
Dungeon. But I don't recommend you to go there yet, as you only have rookies,
possibly a champion if you caught one at previous dungeons..they're useless
kind of)
PART TWO: The Eastern Part
Toy House Dungeon - Area One
After the battle, win or loss, cross the new bridge and into Toy House.
Make sure to catch some Digimon like ToyAgumon, Patamon's pre evolutions
(puyomon, tokomon.) Make your way to the top and you should fight Monzaemon.
When you train it this dungeon make sure you catch lots of Toyagumon and
catch at three Puyomon/Tokomon.
Boss Battle - Monzaemon
Monzaemon uses bomb attacks that hit front row only, so if you have your
Digimon at back row then you wouldn't get hit. At the end of the battle,
he will ask you for an item. Give him anything item.
Toy House Dungeon - Area Two
Capture Digimon as you go through to the top and move your digimons to
the front row. At the end you'll meet Vadermon.
Boss Battle - Vadermon
This battle should be easy since he can't hit you with bomb attack.
Give him anything item at the end of the battle.
Toy House Dungeon - Area Three
Capture Digimon as you go through to the top and move your digimons to
the back row this time.
Boss Battle - Digitamamon
Digitamamon can't hit you with the the bomb attack if you move Digimon in
the back row. It should be quite easy battle. When you defeat him, give
him a item. and Digitamamon will now open up his store which let you
jogress digimons. Its the one that you can't enter.
After you get out Gennai's house. Take couple of Digimon out of the storage,
and get them to at least rookie form. You should have at least one Toyagumon.
Jogress Terriermon and Toyagumon and it should envolve straight to Galgomon
after a battle. You should jogress Veemon with some other digimon and get
it to Ex-Veemon. Do the same to Wormmon and get it to Stingmon. Train them up
at Meramon's Dungeon until rookie and train at the Toyhouse until its at least
3Y old. Do the same for Agumon and Armadillomon and Tentomon.
Train the Puyomon or Tokomon to Patamon and jogress with ToyAgumon. When you
get three of them jogressed with Toyagumon and trained to Angemon. Jogress two
Angemons and you'll Punimon. Train it up to Garurumon. If you get it to 12JP,
it'll turn into WereGarurumon. You should equip the digimentals to VeeMon,
Armadillomon and Patamon to get Flamedramon, Lightdramon, Magnadramon,
Submarimon, Digmon and Pegasusmon recorded in the D-Terminal.
Toy House Dungeon - Area Four
Make your way to the top, catch Digimon on the way. You should eventually
meet Garbamon and make sure to move your Digimon to the front row.
Boss Battle - Garbamon
Another easy battle. His bomb attack can't hit you so finish it of and
give it a item.
Toy House Dungeon - Area Five
This is the last dungeon in Toyhouse. Make your way to the top and
you'll fight Etemon. This time, no matter what row you move to its bomb
attack will hit you. It depends on if you want attack over defence (front)
or defence over attack(back). When you make your way to the top, make
sure to get the 5JP item after fight Poomon and talk to MagnaAngemon to
heal your HP.
Boss Battle - Etemon
You should take out Etemon out first then Toyagumon then Nanimon. It
shouldn't be so hard as you've got Champions and you might have 'SUMMON'
D-1 Arena
Fight Mimi here if you haven't beat her yet. If you have beaten her, goto
Metal Empire Dungeon.
Metal Empire Dungeon - Area One
Capture some Digimon on the way, get at least 3 Hagurumons. Go through and
defeat all the Digimon until you meet Datamon.
Boss Battle - Datamon
Datamon is just like Etemon, he uses bomb attack that hit all rows so
defeat him first then the healer then the other.
Metal Empire Dungeon - Area Two
Cature Hagurumons on the way along with some other Digimon. Soon you
should meet the boss: Andromon.
Boss Battle - Andromon
Andromon is basicly the same as Dattamon, uses bomb attacks hit all rows
so kill him of first or you can kill of the healer first.
Metal Empire Dungeon - Area Three
Catch Hagurumon and some others if you like. When you reach the top
you'll fight Megadamon.
Boss Battle - Megadramon
He uses same kind of bomb attack like the other two bosses, so take out
him or the healer first. It shouldn't be hard as you should use the same
techniques you did on other two bosses.
Metal Empire Dungeon - Area Four
Keep going up the top until you reach Boltmon. Talk to Orgemon and you'll
fight some Digimons, don't forget to catch them and pick up the 5JP item
on the way.
Boss Battle - Boltmon
He is a strange boss. At the beginning you get 3 choices. He wants you to
choose either AP Gear, PP Gear or SP Gear. If you choose AP Gear he'll try
and raise Attack, if you choose PP Gear he'll try and raise defence and
SP Gear raises speed. I recommend you choose SP gear as he raises speed and
you can use bomb attacks to defeat him.
It is time to make your Digimon to their Mega forms.Make sure they have at
least 6JP each. First jogress Ex-Veemon with Stingmon and get and you'll
receive Palidramon. Jogress Angemon with Ankylomon to recieve either
MagnaAngemon or Shakkoumon. Envolve Greymon to Metal/SkullGreymon. (All
Ultimates should be at least 12JP or more.) Jogress Palidramon with
Metal/SkullGreymon to receive WarGreymon at 48JP. Jogress MagnaAngemon or
Shakkoumon with WereGarurumon to receive MetalGarurumon at 48JP. Jogress
WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon to receive Omnimon.
If you have a RedVeedramon, make sure to jogress that with a Galgomon.
If you caught 2 Hagurumon jogress it and get it to 60JP and you get a
Coffin Dungeon - Area One
First, carry two of your best digimons and get a useless digimon from
server (such as Numemon.) Then make your way to the top. Battles are
getting harder...
Boss Battle - LadyDevimon
This battle shouldn't very hard. Defeat Metal Greymon first as it can heal.
Defeat the other digimon then LadyDevimon. When you defeat her, she will
power up and do some explosion. Choose OK and send the useless digimon
into LadyDevimon and you defeat this dungeon.
If you answered no, then you have to go beat her again and again until
you send in the useless Digimon.
Coffin Dungeon - Area Two
Get another useless digimon and two of your best digimon and go right
where LadyDevimon's Dungeon was and enter the dungeon. Make your way
to the top and you'll fight SkullSatamon. Make sure your have Digimon
on both rows.
Boss Battle - SkullSatamon
It is best to get rid of Vamdemon first as its the healer and reviver.
Skull Satamon can do a suicide move which can do 200+ damage to each
Digimon on one row. After this battle you know what to do, send the
useless Digimon into SkullSatamon.
Coffin Dungeon - Area Three
Get another useless digimon and make your way to SkullGreymon. Don't
bother about changing rows. Catch Bakemon, Soulmon and any other Digimon
as you go.
Boss Battle - SkullGreymon
SkullGreymon does bomb attacks so finish him or the healer, then kill
the other Digimon. After the battle send the useless Digimon into
Coffin Dungeon - Area Four
Make sure you catch a Raremon and get the 5JP item. This time carry
your best Digimon. At the end of the Dungeon you'll find VenomVamdemon.
You should have Soulmon's 'SUMMON' attack and Phantommon's 3 Round KO
Boss Battle - VenomVamdemon
This battle shouldn't be so hard if you have Galgomon's attack.
VenomVamdemon will raise AP,SP on one of the Digimons and
disable your attacks. So kill him first then Dokugumon as it poisons
you with an attack.
You you got 8 Raremons then you get a Mummymon, and get Galgomon's
attack if you haven't used Galgomon. 2 Raremon will get you MILLIUMMON.
2 Milliummon will get you MOON=MILLIUMMON and 2 M=M will get you
MUMMYMON. You should have some Megas. By this time you should get
a RedVeedramon from server.
A Omnimon, Mummymon and RedVeedramon with some good attacks like
Phantommon's, Soulmon's, MetalGreymon's, Moon=Milliummon's,
Mugendramon's attacks should get you through all the way to the end.
D-1 Arena
This is a hard tournament. Alot of people had trouble in this
tournament. But if you got a Mummymon then the victory is yours.
You'll fight Matt at the end of Tournament. His Angemon will heal,
WereGarurumon use bomb attacks and Leomon does triple attack.
You should able to win this. You get a Garurumon for beating Matt.
PART THREE: The Western Part
Angel Tower
Battles are getting harder. Now there are series of 2 or 3 battles and
two passage to choose from. Catch any Digimon you want. At the end
you'll fight Goddramon.
Boss Battle - Goddramon
This battle is quite hard as Goddramon can revive and raise PP, DP for
one Digimon and Pixiemon does bomb attacks and heal. Phantommon's
3 round KO attacks will get rid of them easily. You'll get s MagnaAngemon
in the end.
Dark Tower - Area One
Similar to Angel Tower but Digimons are stronger. Series of 2 or 3
Battles and two passages. At the end you'll fight Kimeramon.
Boss Battle - Kimeramon
Beat Piedmon first then Kimeramon then the other Digimon. Use Phantommon's
attack on Piedmon and then Kimeramon then you can easily beat the rest.
You get a Dagomon for Winning.
Dark Tower - Area Two
This is another series 2 or 3 battles with 2 passages. But
even more harder enemies. Keep going until you reach Mugendramon.
Boss Battle - Mugendramon
This battle could take a while as Mugendramon can change its resistance.
Jijimon has a '3 round KO' attack so use your '3 round KO' attck on
Jijimon. Use Summon or one on one attack to finish the other Digimon
then focus on Mugendramon. You may need to heal when you get weak.
You get a Giromon at the end of the battle.
PART FOUR: The Northern Part
D-1 Arena
This will be a hard D1 Tournament as its the final tournament.
You'll fight Tai. He is easier than Matt if you have a Omnimon.
If you have a Mummymon with a good bomb attack (such as
Mugendramon's 58DP) then victory is yours.
Make sure that your Digimon can do some heavy damage and can
has DP that can last 10 rounds. If you ae winning after the
10 rounds then you'll won.
D-1 Arena Basement - Crystal Tower
In this basement enter the little Red Telepad and you'll be teleported to
a new dungeon. This dungeon you'll fight a different digimon depended on
the God you chose at the start.
If you choose Qinglongmon at the start you'll fight BlackWarGreymon.
If you choose Quanwumon at the start you'll fight MetalSeadramon.
Boss Battle - BlackWarGreymon
This could be a long battle. BlackWarGreymon uses bomb attacks, Cyclomon
uses one or one attack and Palidramon heal. It could take awhile....
To make a long battle short, use Phantomon's attack ( you know what I'm
talking about.)
Gennai's Place => Moon=Milliummon's Dungeon
First you talk to gennai, then it shows a little scene and you'll be
teleported to Moon=Milliummon's Dungeon using your Digivice. This is the
hardest dungeon since its the last battle. You better come perpared cos
in this dungeon you'll fight 9 Battle with no breaks, with Megas and
Ultimates every battle with HP close to 1000 or more. A good way to reach
Moon=Milliummon would be have 0000 of D-3's. If you want any Digimon,
catch it now it will be your only chance, they disappear after you defeat
Moon=Milliummon, if you lose in the dungeon say goodbye to 1/2 of your
money and you'll have to fight the megas again.
Boss Battle - Moon=Milliummon
After 8 straight battles, you have reached Moon=Milliummon. This battle
WILL be the hardest battle yet. Moon=Milliummon has a attackwhich allow
one digimon to attack one of your Digimon 4X. Each one does approximately
150 and times it by 4 (150x4 = 600) it means you die in few rounds.
This battle is hard, Diablomon will delete one of your attack PERMANETLY.
Apoclymon will lower you stats and disable your attacks.
Moon=Milliummon will use bombs or attack you.
If you have Phantommon's attack, then it should be really easy.
Moon=Milliummon's Dungeon - Again
After you beat the battle, watch the credits and its time to prepare and
you are going back to Moon=Milliummon's dungeon again. This time you'll
fight all the Digi Destined's digimon's with 1200HP + (except for Stingmon
but Galgomon's avaliable.)
When you reached Moon=Milliummon you'll find he has over 3000HP and
Diablomon and Apoclymon both has over 2000HP. The only way I've beaten
it using Phantommon's 20DP attack with cuts the enermy in 1/2 and they
dies in 3 rounds.
If you beat Moon=Milliummon you'll get
Starting Agumon
Starting Veemon
Starting Wormmon (Note: I think there is no other way to get Wormmon
than this. I've heard Dinobeemon and GranKwagamon are avaliable in the
Seven - Cheats
1. Galgomon
When you get a Terriormon, fuse it with a Toyagumon and it will turn
into a Puyomon. When Puyomon envolves it will envolve to Galgomon (it
skipped Gummimon and Terriormon) and it learn an attack that hits all
the digimon in the room. (Note: It doesn't work if it is a Terriermon
envolved from Gummimon.)
2. Digi Destined Digimon - Argumon
When you get up to the Gear/ Metal Dungeon, capture 2 Hagurumon and
then fuse both of them, and you get a baby digimon. Train it until it
envolve to Argumon, then to BlackWargreymon.
3. Digi Destined Digimon - Armodillamon
When you get to the Angel Tower, capture a Angemon and a MagnaAngemon,
then fuse both of them, and you get a baby digimon. Train it until it
envolve to Armodillamon. (Note: You may need to attach a DM attach to
the digimon).
4. Digi Destined Digimon - Veemon
Train up the Gummimon to a Galgomon, and jogress it with a Greymon,
and you'll get a baby digimon(chicomon). Train it until it envolve to
Veemon then it'll envolve to Palidramon.
5. Remove Digimon from Battle
This is not really a cheat but useful when you find yourself in
trouble. You know how your D-3 catches Digimons right? Why don't use
it when you find yourself in trouble. But don't even try if you have
less than 200. It might still work, but its a slim chance.
Eight - List Of Digimon
This is a list of Digimon avaliable in the game.
I got this from Taichi1212's post in the Megchan's Digimon Board
Pg1 Botamon Ver 1
Koromon Ver 1
Agumon Ver 1
Pg2 Betamon Ver 1
Tyranomon Ver 1
Airdramon Ver 1
Pg3 Numemon Ver 1
Mamemon Ver 1
Monzaemon Ver 1
Pg4 Punimon Ver 2
Tsunomon Ver 2
Gabumon Ver 2
Pg5 Elecmon Ver 2
Yukidaramon Ver 2
Veggiemon Ver 2
Pg6 Skull Greymon Ver 2
Metal Mamemon Ver 2
Vadermon Ver 2
Pg7 Poyomon Ver 3
Tokomon Ver 3
Kunemon Ver 3
Pg8 Unimon Ver 3
Kentarumon Ver 3
Ogremon Ver 3
Pg9 Shellmon Ver 3
Drimogemon Ver 3
Sukamon Ver 3
Pg10 Guillomon Ver 3
Etemon Ver 3
Yuramon Ver 4
Pg11 Tanemon Ver 4
Palmon Ver 4
Cockatrimon Ver 4
Pg12 Leomon Ver 4
Mojamon Ver 4
Nanimon Ver 4
Pg13 Digitamamon Ver 4
Zurumon Ver 5
Pagumon Ver 5
Pg14 Gazimon Ver 5
Gizamon Ver 5
Dark Tyranomon Ver 5
Pg15 Cyclomon Ver 5
Devidramon Ver 5
Tuskmon Ver 5
Pg16 Flymon Ver 5
Deltamon Ver 5
Raremon Ver 5
Pg17 Metal Tyranomon Ver 5
Nanomon Ver 5
X-Tyranomon Ver 5
Pg18 Pabumon P1
Motimon P1
Tentomon P1
Pg19 Gotsumon P1
Otamamon P1
Kabuterimon P1
Pg20 Tortomon P1
Monochromon P1
Starmon P1
Pg21 Kuwagamon P1
Gekomon P1
Atlur Kabuterimon P1
Pg22 Jagamon P1
Triceramon P1
Piccolomon P1
Pg23 Ookuwamon P1
Tonosama Gekomon P1
Saber Leomon P1
Pg24 Metal Etemon P1
Pichimon P2
Bukamon P2
Pg25 Gomamon P2
Crabmon P2
Shakomon P2
Pg26 Ikkakumon P2
Rukamon P2
Seadramon P2
Pg27 Coelamon P2
Gesomon P2
Octomon P2
Pg28 Zudomon P2
Whamon P2
Mega Seadramon P2
Pg29 Anomalocarimon P2
Marine Devimon P2
Dagomon P2
Pg30 Marine Angemon P2
Metal Seadramon P2
Pukumon P2
Pg31 Mokumon P3
Petite Meramon P3
Bakumon P3
Pg32 Candmon P3
Pico Devimon P3
Hanumon P3
Pg33 Garurumon P3
Meramon P3
Wizarmon P3
Pg34 Devimon P3
Bakemon P3
Mammon P3
Pg35 Were Garurumon P3
Death Meramon P3
Pumpmon P3
Pg36 Vamdemon P3
Phantomon P3
Skull Mammon P3
Pg37 Boltmon P3
Piemon P3
Nyokimon P4
Pg38 Pyocomon P4
Piyomon P4
Floramon P4
Pg39 Mushmon P4
V-dramon P4
Birdramon P4
Pg40 Togemon P4
Kiwimon P4
Woodmon P4
Pg41 Red Veggiemon P4
Aero V-dramon P4
Garudamon P4
Pg42 Blossomon P4
Deramon P4
Jureimon 我不懂英文啊 能说中文吗?谢谢了 jogress list下面的翻译一下 谢谢 请问哪里有攻略啊? 我的暴龙兽只会进化成丧失暴龙兽 怎么进化成机械暴龙兽啊? 我的大便jp明明达到了要求 就是进化不到完全体 大便兽 玩这个游戏的人不多 请高人指教 兔子好强啊,看得我眼晕。。。