[4/29]Soul Calibur for PSP
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny announced for the PSP ?!http://www.gamespot.com/psp/action/soulcaliburbrokendestiny/news.html?sid=6208732&tag=topslot;thumb;1
Director Noriyuki Hiyama from Namco gave us a quick overview of the game and highlighted some of the changes. Our demo consisted of a couple of matches, and we couldn't see much beyond a few initial menus. The character menu looked like it had enough slots for roughly 30 characters, but the final count hasn't been determined yet, since the developers are still working on the roster--there will definitely be more than 20, though. Taki, Mitsurugi, Tira, Astaroth, Ivy, Cassandra, Voldo, Siegfried, and Hilde were our only options for now, so we decided to pit the lethal whip-wielding Ivy against the burly katana-swinging Mitsurugi. As soon as we entered the match, it was like watching SCIV except on a smaller screen. The characters move with the same finesse and grace as they do in the console version, and the detailed visuals and over-the-top, epic-sounding music that SC has always been known for are included here. At this stage in development, the graphics and visual effects are quite impressive on Sony's handheld.
Broken Destiny isn't a port, though; the Project Soul team has built this version specifically to target beginners and novice players with SCIV's content but has added improvements. There will be arcade, versus, and survival modes, as well as a character creation mode, but the only details disclosed at this point are that there will be new parts to play with in the creation mode and that the other modes have been "evolved." What we do know is that a new single-player mode is being implemented to bring new players up to speed and show them the intricacies of the game--almost like an enhanced tutorial system. It is designed to help improve your fighting skills, so newcomers who might be intimidated by the series can find a way to ease into an intense fighting regimen. There are more than 80 exercise missions for you to hone your fighting skills in.
[ 本帖最后由 月神侠 于 2009-4-29 08:31 编辑 ] 强.打.格.斗.二.连.弓单?!
勾起我对于当年魔剑的回忆了. 如果是真的 头顶青天了
原链接404了 应该是假的
[ 本帖最后由 rain@memories 于 2009-4-29 08:04 编辑 ] 这画面......华丽啊...... 格斗系么...画面很到家...
回复 椅子# 的帖子
如果是GameSpot的消息,应该不会是假的. 除非中途取消. 期待这个很久了几年前PSP刚发售不久就有传说说要出
结果磨蹭了这么久才有消息 这画面到是不错。。。
不过,灵魂能力实在无爱。。。买过最后悔的正版游戏就是灵魂能力4了。 原帖由 rain@memories 于 2009-4-29 08:03 发表 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
如果是真的 头顶青天了
原链接404了 应该是假的
谁跟你说404的 在S1看到正确链接了 你你你。。
继续头顶青天 头顶青天啊。。。。 卡桑德拉不是4代造型啊 我只對改造/裝備人有興趣~ NGBI的移值那是120%..相当期待..
4代的移植版?东西是不错,只可惜我等键盘流是无福消受了 爆甲系统应该没了吧 PSP要有灵魂能力了么|||