Tample 发表于 2009-7-2 10:10:28

Yu-Gi-Oh Canadian National Championship 2009 (TOP 8 Decklists完成)

本帖最后由 Tample 于 2009-7-14 12:29 编辑


上个星期日,就是6月28日,期待以久的加拿大游戏王国家赛终于开打,在多伦多的metro convention centre(会展中心?)举办。





传说中的Kai同学,卡组中的key card是blue eyes,分明就是个山寨海马。。。由于卡组在上次的regional中大放异彩,格外引人关注,被称为hopeless dragon-_-///   比赛到第6轮是被叫到了一个单独的展区由一个裁判全程纪录(稍候官网会更新战报),可见其关注度。不过可能是有点紧张,有个小小的misplay,未能取胜,有点可惜。


Me vs. Yue Li(sp?)

G1- I gained early advantage, and eventually I burned all of my Lightsworns with DarkStrike, for just barely game.

G2- I had Aurkus on the field, but I couldn’t target my Celestia for Reincarnation. This eventually had me in my OWN lock, which resulted in a deck out! It happens, but I guess Aurkus is a double-edged sword, haha.

G3- He got first turn Plasma , so I responded with a Goyo Guardian, and ran over his Plasma. It eventually ended in him top-decking, but he couldn’t draw any outs. He conceited, and shook my hand, because he couldn’t find a way out, or a way to surpass my advantage.

Post-Match Thoughts: So I won my first-ever Feature Match! This guy was really decent, and had a really solid D-Hero Engine in his Hopeless build. Two Regionals back he came 1’st in Swiss undefeated with it as well. Props to Yue(sp?), for making probably the most innovative, competitive deck I have seen.


Charles Easton 7-1 Synchro Cat (WON 1ST PLACE)
Michael McTavish 8-0 Blackwings
Lincoln Lindo 7-1 Gladiator Beast
Patrick Grenier 6-2 Lightsworn
Matt Peddle 7-1 Blackwings
Curtis Bowles 7-1 LightSworn (Or Synchro Cat)
Traian Hasu 7-1 Synchro Cat (Or Lightsworn)
Tariq Patel 7-1 Blackwings

Total: 3 Lightsworn, 3 Blackwing, 1 Synchro-Gladiator, 1 Synchro-Cat
1st: Synchro-Cat
2nd: Blackwing
Top4: 2 Lightsworn

总的来说,比赛还是BW居多(便宜,强度够),lightsworn也不少,猫僧也算相对常见,但以赤猫为主。搞笑的是冠军的猫僧在写卡表是忘了写monster reborn,在8强被查出,所以在比赛中不能用monster reborn,但似乎不影响卡组,照样拿了第一。



左起:Michael, MG, Kai, 本人




Charles Easton (7-1) - WINNER - Synchro-Cat:


2x Summoner Monk (召唤僧)
3x X-Saber Airbellum (X老虎)
2x Gravekeeper's Guard (墓守番兵)
1x Sangan (3眼)
1x Rose Warrior of Revenge (复仇战士,TCG独有)
1x Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness (冥府)
2x Rescue Cat (救援猫)
1x Ryko, lightsworn Hunter (光道猎狗)
1x Cyber Dragon (电子龙)
1x Blackwing -Gale the Whirlwind (BF 盖尔)
2x Mystic Tomato (杀手番茄)
1x Dark Armed Dragon (暗武)
1x Sea Koala (海濑)
1x Neo-Spacian Dark Panther (黑豹)

2x Gold Sarcophagus (黄金柜)
2x Cold Wave (寒波)
1x Giant Trunade (热带低气压)
2x Mind Control (精操)
2x Pot of Avarice (贪欲)
2x Book of Moon (月书)
1x Brain Control (洗脑)
1x Mystical Space Typhoon (小旋)
1x Heavy Storm (大岚)

1x Trap Dustshoot (陷阱滑槽)
1x Torrential Tribute (激流葬)
1x Crush Card Virus (死毒)
3x Bottomless Trap Hole (奈落)
1x Mirror Force (圣防)

Extra DecK:
1x Stardust Dragon (星辰龙)
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend (精神界恶魔)
1x Red Dragon Archfiend (真红魔龙)
1x Colossal Fighter (巨人斗士)
2x Dark Strike Fighter (轰炸机)
1x Black Rose Dragon (玫瑰龙)
2x Arcanite Magician (奥金)
2x Blackwing Armor Master (BF 老大)
1x X-saber Urbellum (x剑士老大)
1x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth (盖亚)
1x Goyo Guardian (御用)
1x Magical Android (魔力人造人)

Side Deck:
3x Thunder King Rai-Oh (雷王)
2x Gravekeeper's Spy (墓守侦察者)
2x Legendary Jujitsu Master (传说柔道家)
1x Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind (盖尔)
3x Mirror of Oaths (诅咒之镜)
2x Light-Imprisoning Mirror (光镜)
2x Dust Tornado (沙尘)


Matt Peddle (7-1) - TOP2 - Blackwing:

Monsters: 17
1 Dark Armed Dragon
2 Blackwing - Sirocco the Dawn
3 Blackwing - Shura the Blue Flame
3 Blackwing - Bora the Spear
3 Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
3 Blackwing - Gale the Whirldwind
2 Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North

Spells: 13
3 Black Whirlwind
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Brain Control
1 Mind Control
1 Dark Eruption
2 Book of Moon
2 Allure of Darkness

Traps: 10
3 Solemn Judgment
3 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Icarus Attack
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Mirror Force

Side Deck: 15
1 Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
1 My Body as a Shield
1 Trap Dustshoot
1 Icarus Attack
3 Reckless Greed
3 Skill Drain
2 Delta Crow – Anti Reverse
3 Threatening Roar

Extra Deck:
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Arcanite Magician
1 Black Rose Dragon
2 Dark Strike Fighter
2 Blackwing Armor Master
1 Blackwing Armd Wing
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
1 Magical Android
1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

Curtis Bowles (7-1) - TOP4 - Lightsworn:

Monsters: 26
1 Gorz The Emissary of Darkness
2 Judgment Dragon
3 Honest
3 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
3 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
3 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
2 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
1 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
1 Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
3 Necro Gardna
1 Plaguespreader Zombie

Spells: 8
3 Charge of the Light Brigade
3 Solar Recharge
1 Monster Reborn
1 Heavy Storm

Traps: 6
2 Beckoning Light
2 Threatening Roar
1 Mirror Force
1 Crush Card Virus

Side Deck:
2 Raigeki Break
3 Royal Decree
1 Monster Reincarnation
1 Giant Trunade
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
2 Goldd, Wu Lord of Dark World
1 Phantom of Chaos
1 Chaos Sorcerer
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Cyber Dragon

Extra Deck:
1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
1 Iron Chain Dragon
1 Gaia Knight the Force of the Earth
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Doomkaiser Dragon
1 Revived King Ha Des
1 Magical Android
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Dark Strike Fighter
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Avenging Knight Parshath

Patrick-Lepine Grenier (6-2) - TOP4 - Lightsworn:

2 Judgment Dragon
3 Honest
2 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel
3 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
3 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
1 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
1 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior
1 Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid
1 Ehren, Lightsworn Monk
1 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
3 Necro Gardna
1 Plaguespreader Zombie

3 Charge of the Light Brigade
3 Solar Recharge
1 Monster Reborn
1 Brain Control
2 Gold Sarcophagus
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Heavy Storm

1 Crush Card Virus
2 Beckoning Light
2 Royal Decree

Side Deck:
2 Phantom Dragon
3 Trap Eater
1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
3 Waboku
3 Threatening Roar
1 Royal Decree
2 Lightning Vortex

Extra Deck:
1 Magical Android
1 Gaia Knight the Force of Earth
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Tempest Magician
2 Arcanite Magician
1 Dark Strike Fighter
1 Blackwing Armor Master
1 Black Rose Dragon
2 Stardust Dragon
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Avenging Knight Parshath

Michael McTavish (8-0) - Blackwing:

3 Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
3 Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
3 Blackwing – Kalut the Moon Shadow
3 Blackwing – Bora the Spear
3 Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
2 Blackwing – Blizzard the Far North
1 Dark Armed Dragon

3 Black Whirlwind
2 Book of Moon
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Monster Reborn
1 Brain Control
2 Allure of Darkness

3 Solemn Judgment
3 Threatening Roar
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Icarus Attack
1 Torrential Tribute

Side Deck:
1 Sparks
2 Legendary Jujitsu Master
3 Light-Imprisoning Mirror
1 Icarus Attack
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Dust Tornado
1 Mind Crush
1 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1 Mirror Force
2 Mirror of Oaths

Extra Deck:
1 Dark Strike Fighter
1 Blackwing Armor Master
1 Blackwing Armed Wing
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Gaia Knight Force of Earth
1 Iron Chain Dragon
1 Black Rose Dragon
2 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Stardust Dragon
2 Colossal Fighter
1 Magical Android
1 Armory Arm

Lincoln Lindo (7-1) - Synchro-Gladiator:

Monsters: 19
3 Test Tiger
2 Rescue Cat
2 Summoner Monk
2 X-Saber Airbellum
2 Gladiator Beast Laquari
2 Gladiator Beast Darius
2 Gladiator Beast Samnite
1 Gladiator Beast Hoplomus
1 Gladiator Beast Equeste
1 Gladiator Beast Bestiari
1 Gladiator Beast Murmillo

Spells: 11
3 Book of Moon
2 Enemy Controller
2 Gladiator Proving Ground
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space typhoon
1 Monster Reborn
1 Brain Control

Traps: 10
3 Bottomless Trap Hole
3 Waboku
3 Gladiator Beast War Chariot
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute

Side Deck:
2 Mirror of Oaths
2 Legendary Jujitsu Master
3 Dust Tornado
2 Trap Eater
1 Gladiator Beast Retiari
3 Light-Imprisoning Mirror

Extra Deck:
2 Gladiator Beast Heraklinos
3 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
1 Dark Strike Fighter
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
2 Stardust Dragon
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Magical Android
1 Arcanite Magician

Traian Hasu (7-1) - Synchro-Cat:

3 X-Saber Airbellum
2 Mystic Tomato
1 Sangan
2 Rescue Cat
1 Cyber Dragon
2 Gravekeeper’s Guard
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
2 Summoner Monk
1 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 Neo-Spacian Dark Panther
1 Des Koala

3 Cold Wave
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Book of Moon
2 Mind Control
3 Pot of Avarice
1 Monster Reborn
1 Giant Trunade
1 Brain Control

3 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribugte
1 Crush Card Virus
1 Trap Dustshoot

Side Deck:
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Goyo Guardian
2 Arcanite Magician
2 Dark Strike Fighter
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Black Rose Dragon
1 Blackwing Armor Master
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
1 Magical Android
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

Extra Deck:
1 Smashing Ground
2 Lightning Vortex
1 Mind Control
2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
3 Threatening Roar
2 Mirror of Oaths
2 Dust Tornado
2 Trap Stun

Tariq Patel (7-1) - Blackwing:

1 Morphing Jar
3 Blackwing – Kalut the Moon Shadow
1 Blackwing – Blizzard the Far North
2 Blackwing – Sirocco the Dawn
3 Blackwing – Gale the Whirlwind
2 Blackwing – Bora the Spear
3 Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame
1 Dark Armed Dragon
1 D.D. Crow

1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mind Control
3 Black Whirlwind
1 Giant Trunade
1 Monster Reborn
1 Brain Control
2 Allure of Darkness

2 Bottomless Trap Hole
3 Solemn Judgment
3 Reckless Greed
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Icarus Attack
1 Threatening Roar

Side Deck:
1 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Red Dragon Archfiend
1 Thought Ruler Archfiend
1 Colossal Fighter
1 Black Rose Dragon
2 Blackwing Armor Master
2 Dark Striker Fighter
2 Arcanite Magician
1 Goyo Guardian
1 Blackwing Armed Wing
1 Magical Android

Extra Deck:
1 Mask of Darkness
2 Gravekeeper’s Guard
1 Crush Card Virus
1 Lightning Vortex
1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
3 Light-Imprisoning Mirror
1 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1 D.D. Crow
2 Threatening Roar
2 Prohibition

METEOR G 发表于 2009-7-2 11:16:57


Tample 发表于 2009-7-2 11:21:51


马甲就是马甲 发表于 2009-7-2 11:22:57


METEOR G 发表于 2009-7-2 11:31:57

本帖最后由 METEOR G 于 2009-7-2 11:51 编辑

Me vs. Yue Li(sp?)
ME指的是那人本人,JOHN CORNER(大家都这么叫的,算是我的一个朋友.顺带一提这人在NAT之前一周里的REG丢了整个卡组,这次在NAT会场之前血本购买了一幅附带死毒配置完全的卡组并打出了8战6胜的好成绩,但是很遗憾,还是没有晋级T8)

G1- I gained early advantage, and eventually I burned all of my Lightsworns with DarkStrike, for just barely game.
G2- I had Aurkus on the field, but I couldn’t target my Celestia for Reincarnation. This eventually had me in my OWN lock, which resulted in a deck out! It happens, but I guess Aurkus is a double-edged sword, haha.
G3- He got first turn Plasma , so I responded with a Goyo Guardian, and ran over his Plasma. It eventually ended in him top-decking, but he couldn’t draw any outs. He conceited, and shook my hand, because he couldn’t find a way out, or a way to surpass my advantage.
第三局:他在第一回合叫了BLD把我的爱伦抢走了,但是之后我用御用直接打死了BLD,他只能用下个TOP DECK翻盘,但是它失败了.
Post-Match Thoughts: So I won my first-ever Feature Match! This guy was really decent, and had a really solid D-Hero Engine in his Hopeless build. Two Regionals back he came 1’st in Swiss undefeated with it as well. Props to Yue(sp?), for making probably the most innovative, competitive deck I have seen.


R1:对光道,2:1 O
R2:对光道,2:1 O
R3:对BW,2:1 O
R4:对GB,1:2 X(失误后进入转折点,大好势头全无了)
R5:对猫僧,1:2 X(心都凉了,8强无望)
R6:对光道,2:0 O
R7:对BW,1:2 X
R8:对猫僧,2:0 O

泉こなた 发表于 2009-7-2 12:10:39

话说那张表上温哥华的貌似一个都没看到0 0

METEOR G 发表于 2009-7-2 12:14:39

Charles Easton居然是冠军.....他得感谢我比赛前几天我把他的卡组打拆了...

毛扎 发表于 2009-7-2 12:42:10


alexsyf007 发表于 2009-7-2 13:45:19

好好好。。。吸取经验等这周末- -

notorious 发表于 2009-7-2 13:49:51

ps. 原來MG君真的是位...

METEOR G 发表于 2009-7-2 13:58:00


alexsyf007 发表于 2009-7-2 14:07:14


zhixing 发表于 2009-7-2 14:15:57

搞笑的是冠军的猫僧在写卡表是忘了写monster reborn,在8强被查出,所以在比赛中不能用monster reborn,但似乎不影响卡组,照样拿了第一。

宝玉泛滥男 发表于 2009-7-2 16:09:37


forge軍曹 发表于 2009-7-2 16:20:43


雅克 发表于 2009-7-2 17:22:47

Charles Easton居然是冠军.....他得感谢我比赛前几天我把他的卡组打拆了...
METEOR G 发表于 2009-7-2 12:14 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif


notorious 发表于 2009-7-2 17:38:46

本帖最后由 notorious 于 2009-7-2 18:08 编辑

ps. 可以发一下hopeless dragon的卡表嘛??

EXODIA THE FOBI 发表于 2009-7-2 19:43:05


泉こなた 发表于 2009-7-2 19:48:40

ps. 可以发一下hopeless dragon的卡表 ...
notorious 发表于 2009-7-2 17:38 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
KAI的hopeless就像RN那个卡组- -

黑色的从者 发表于 2009-7-2 20:02:42

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查看完整版本: Yu-Gi-Oh Canadian National Championship 2009 (TOP 8 Decklists完成)