那天去regional比赛,听到有人说裁判在上次的regional说了黑旋风没有叠加效果,说是TCG方面另外出的调整,请问是真的吗?另外小白的问一下,TCG的调整在哪看?请发个网页连接给我。谢谢。 现在都是K 社,调整还有区别么? toLS,天空侠……
PS:toLZ,请看我签名档 以下是英文调整.
Black Whirlwind
RGBT-EN051 (Continuous Spell Card)
When a "Blackwing" monster is Normal Summoned to your side of the Field, you can add 1 "Blackwing" monster from
your Deck to your hand that has less ATK than that monster.
The effect of “Black Whirlwind” starts a Chain. If an effect is chained, so that the Summoned “Blackwing” monster is no longer face-up on the field when the effect of “Black Whirlwind” resolves, you cannot add a monster to your hand.
“Black Whirlwind” looks at the ATK of your newly-Summoned monster as it is on the field. If a Field Spell Card is
increasing the monster’s ATK, you can search your Deck for a “Blackwing” monster that has less ATK than the increased
ATK value.
If you control multiple “Black Whirlwinds,” you can activate all of their effects. They form a single Chain, and you add 1 “Blackwing” to your hand as each one resolves.
If control of the Summoned “Blackwing” monster shifts during or before resolution of “Black Whirlwind,” you can still add a card to your hand because you can still see the ATK. 不會又是一個自以為是的裁判吧..
ps. LZ是哪個国家的? 可以发嫁~~大师东....~~衣D常识~~点做裁判嫁个条友....叫他去查RULLING拉~ 按他那样说了岂不是当年3生札也只能发一个
肯定可以发的 不然黑旋风就废了 本帖最后由 伟大的生还者 于 2009-7-9 08:31 编辑
初心者jay 发表于 2009-7-9 07:48 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
toLS,当初还有人说用绊倒就能把齿轮天空混黑全部废掉了 OK~~谢谢各位...