cmgi 发表于 2009-8-19 15:05:51


本帖最后由 cmgi 于 2009-8-20 20:33 编辑

早在6月24日時, 有位署名Super_Secret的神秘用戶就已在n4g上爆出了不少有關SCE的內部資料. 而隨著剛正式公報的slim印證了其言. 確有理由相信PSP4000的存在


-傳聞之ps3”slim”是真的, 和現有ps3基本功能相同.(已證實)
-有120Gb及250Gb型號.(已證實, 250Gb型號有在gamecon會場有展示)
-沒有”新”功能. 如PS2兼容. 強化的周邊支持等 [可能有出入, “slim”確沒ps2 bc, 但多了Bravia Sync功能(不過現在不知是slim限定還是會包括在新FW內)]
-電源仍是內置式, 接口種類和數目和現有沒改變. 而且同樣有wifi(已證實)
-仍然可以自行換hdd, hdd更換口位置更變, 更換起來會比較易[證實為真, 改成在正面(隱藏在一堆HDMI, DTS….等logo下)
-體積約縮減50% (準確數字為32%)


-內部底板數目減少, 但仍未能一塊就包括所有功能.
-藍光光驅換成了平價的, 速度一樣但預期會有和競爭者相似的問題 (不知是不是指藍光光驅的競爭者)
-夸遊戲聊天功能預計會包含在FW3.0中, 視進度有可能會提早或延期. 目標是所有支持ingame XMB的新舊遊戲都能支持.
-3000將會被取替, 不過不是被PSPgo, 而是4000. 4000會保留UMD, 像PS3”slim”一樣, 基本上不會有什麼大改變



Wednesday, June 24, 2009 3:13 PM
It is real. It is a PS3 that’s been cut down as much as physically possible without preventing the loss of playback of any existing PS3 title out there. It still has blu-ray, it still has wireless, it still has bluetooth and it still has gigabit Ethernet. “Other OS” support has been removed.
You still get 2 USB ports. Hard drive sizes will be 120Gb and 250Gb flavours. It’s still replaceable and will actually be slightly easier as it has been relocated to the front of the console.
It will NOT have any ‘new’ features, such as backwards compatibility or enhanced peripheral support. It’s just a PS3, but slightly smaller and cheaper.
The power supply is still internal, but a different power cable will be used. Rear ports are still the same: 1x HDMI, 1x Sony AV port. 1x Optical, 1x Ethernet. And of course a power port.
Release date and official announcement are not final. Price is undetermined, but make no mistake, this is a “slimmed” PS3 in ever sense of the word. It’s as cheap as can possible be, so expect it to launch with a smaller price tag than what you’re paying now in your respective territories.
Internally, several daughter boards have been removed, but all functionality is still there. This is due to a more advance manufacturing process. It still uses a few extra boards, though, we’re not quite as PSTwo levels yet. A cheaper Blu-ray drive is being used. It wont be any slower, but expect to see similar issues that another competitor had a while ago. Touch-sensitive buttons on the front for power/eject are gone in favour of cheaper push buttons.
It’s has a slightly different startup screen. Only slightly.
It’s about 50% smaller than current PS3s.
It wont be called the “PS3 Slim”. The PS1 “slim” and the PS2 “slim” were never officially called the “slim” either.

In short, It’s a smaller PS3 but that’s it. No new features, no special hardware, just smaller and cheaper. And it wont have sex with you.

Cross-game chat is in the works as part of Firmware 3.0. It wont be out during the summer, but assuming all goes well. It will be out well before the holidays. Current timeframe places it around September, but it’s still very much WIP. If there are any major delays. That will slip and if there are very few delays at all, it might even arrive earlier, but don’t bank on it as it is a lot more complicated than you might imagine. At this point, it’s working quite well in the labs and supports several players at once.
It’s targeted to work with all past and future games that support ingame XMB. Much like text chat.
I’m not a betting man, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the “slim” shipped with this firmware installed (that doesn’t mean the slim will come first, remember).

Who said the 3000 wasn’t being phased out? It will be and sooner than you relies. However, the PSP Go isn’t what’s replacing it. The 4000 is. And Yes, it will have a UMD drive. And similar to the PS3 “slim”, its nothing to actually get excited about.

Keep a very lose eye on the hard drives shipped with the newer PS3’s. In a few months (or possible sooner), something strange is going to start happening.

There you have it, folks. That’s it. I’m done, I’m outta here. If you have any more questions, you’ll just have to wait like everyone else. This account is gone, never to be logged into again. You might see me in a few months time when I’ve got more awesome to tell you, but it wont be from this account and it probably wont even be on this site. Adios!




lmktaooo 发表于 2009-8-19 15:39:29


hman 发表于 2009-8-19 16:25:30


Nightmage 发表于 2009-8-19 16:54:01


Tormentor 发表于 2009-8-19 17:51:32


cmgi 发表于 2009-8-19 19:12:09




lishuo745 发表于 2009-8-19 20:02:59

本帖最后由 lishuo745 于 2009-8-19 20:47 编辑

4000=gbasp go=gbm~就是这个意思吧?

红龙 发表于 2009-8-19 20:06:41


02 发表于 2009-8-19 22:30:51



cmgi 发表于 2009-8-19 19:12

cmgi 发表于 2009-8-19 22:57:08


老任之所以被业界称为最有人情味的企业,到死都不肯放弃ROM,很大一部分就是要顾及一直以来和老任共同打拼的日本各大游戏通路商的利益,不然NDS也可以出个NDS GO,反正建个网站,搞个下载,加个数字认证是很简单的事情。





Moe叶 发表于 2009-8-20 05:53:43

(磨蹭磨蹭2k) 小P,我會愛你一輩子的.

坏叔叔猎手 发表于 2009-8-20 19:01:14


尜Mi鋒_LOVE街波 发表于 2009-8-20 19:04:34


dong3230 发表于 2009-8-20 19:09:40


极度邪恶☆ 发表于 2009-8-20 19:13:41


Tormentor 发表于 2009-8-20 19:39:04

dong3230 发表于 2009-8-20 19:09

tabris 发表于 2009-8-20 20:26:41

Tormentor 发表于 2009-8-20 19:39

DEN-O 发表于 2009-8-21 10:10:33


1K啊 我的1K开始有点坏了·

游器 发表于 2009-8-21 11:29:28


hman 发表于 2009-8-21 11:29:29

我要蓝牙= =
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