PG 00 价格确定26,250円 系列最高价格~~ 附10月11月发售表
25,000 除税
* MG Astray Blue Frame Second Revise - October release, 5,040 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* HGUC Kshatriya - October release, 4,725 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* HG 1/144 00 Raiser with GN Sword III - October release, 2,100 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* BB Senshi Sangokuden Ting Feng (丁奉) Gundam - October release, 630 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* 1/100 Astray Mirage Frame - October release, 2,625 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* BB Senshi Sangokuden Jiang Wei (姜維) Gundam F91 - October release, 630 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* PG 00 Raiser - November release, 26,250 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* HGUC Unicorn Gundam Unicorn Mode - November release, 1,575 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* HGUC Unicorn Gundam Destroy Mode - November release, 1,890 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* BB Senshi Sangokuden Ma Su (馬謖) Gundam - November release, 630 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* BB Senshi Sangokuden Sun Ce (孫策) Physalis Gundam - November release, 630 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* BB Senshi Sangokuden The Five Tiger Generals with Ryuukihou Set - November release, 3,675 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* BB Senshi Sangokuden Ma Dai (馬岱) Gundam - November release, 630 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* 1/100 Van Savior Gundam - November release, 2,940 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* 1/72 Transformable VF-27γ Lucifer Brera's Unit - November release, 5,775 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* Keroro Gunsour Plamo Collection Destroyer King Tamama + Tama Horn - November release, 735 Yen (inclusive of tax). 不用想了,放弃,太贵了..... 我发现Bandai现在的东西涨价涨的好快啊。 好贵啊,买不起,看看得了 PG00按6算1500!够劲爆! 得拉,以后都改玩HG得了. 早就猜到贵了,不过比我想像中的更贵 HG OO with gn sword IIIbandai,我要问候你母亲。 25000 看来东西应该很多!最好连那大剑 价钱吓人,不过可能会有惊喜 能不能也搞个初回限定打折版啊~~~~~不过貌似武装很全啊~~~
GNミサイル A/S、GNコンデンサー、粒子撹乱ミサイル、ハンドミサイルユニット 在日本不贵,换国内大部分人也不贵。只是我们少数人穷了。。。。。。。 PG00淘宝上买的话按几算 价格不是问题,问题在于银行 价钱吓人,不过可能会有惊喜
125275284 发表于 2009-9-1 10:20
价钱已經是最大的惊喜 25000 包XN raiser 跟7剑吗........ 比我预计的28000便宜了3000yan= = TMD,样子丑的不在話下,還要兩萬六,真是的,太不值了。 PG直接无视啊 * 1/100 Van Savior Gundam - November release, 2,940 Yen (inclusive of tax).