【最新报道】 PSPGEN再次放话,6.00已经完全解密,但目前没有6.0GEN的计划
本帖最后由 cmgi 于 2009-9-12 08:34 编辑貌似已经确认了,6.00基本变化不大
PSP firmware 6.00 changelog:
Playstation Store Games can now be grouped and displayed in folders based on their expire date under Importing of playlist from the Media GO! applications is now supported under Music Under - has been chnaged to The number of Colors that can be selected under > has been increased In under > , the design for the oprion has been changed
The PSP Go! system can now connect to the Internet via a Bluetooth modem such as a mobile phone
*在Playstation Store中加入分组和显示文件夹的功能
*从Media GO中,导出播放列表,目前也支持下载音乐了
*在[设置] - [网络更新]已更改为[系统更新]
*在[设置] - [主题设定]可选择的颜色数量已经增加
*在[显示面板关闭选项]选项下的[设置]选项,下面的“[系统设置]选项,设计的[标准] 选项已被更改。
*PSP go现在可以通过蓝牙连接到互联网,就像移动电话一样!
http://dj01.psp.update.playstati ... 9d8274a8a/EBOOT.PBP
I've just seen that a new firmware update for PSP has been, finally released.
What's new?
* For those of you looking to customize your XMB (XrossMediaBar), a few new colors will be added under the Theme Settings. These new theme colors can be used on PSP models 2000 or after (PSP-2000, 3000 and N1000).
* A security patch has been added.
* has been renamed as .
Download. Will post a rapidshare mirror whenever i can.
Thanks for all the tips. Looks like there are many, many patches. Again, don't ask for a M33 Version.
*喜欢自定义XMB的玩家注意了,在主题设定菜单下,我们增加了一些新的颜色可供选择。新增的主题颜色可以在PSP2000或后继的版本上使用(PSP-2000、PSP-3000和PSP go)
*(网络更新)菜单已经改名为 (系统更新)。
Le novità nascoste del firmware 6.00
Il rilascio di un nuovo firmware ufficiale Sony è sempre motivo di discussione tra gli utenti PSP, sia per commentare le eventuali features aggiuntive introdotte con il nuovo aggiornamento sia per cercare di capire se Sony ha corretto eventuali bug presenti nelle versioni precedenti e se ha introdotto nuove misure anti-hacking. Poche ore dopo la release, il sito francese PSPGEN è già riuscito nell'intento di decriptare la nuova versione del software di sistema ed è in grado di fornirci le primissime informazioni al riguardo.
Da una prima analisi del nuovo firmware si possono notare dei nuovi .prx nominati 04g, destinati alla futura PSP Go! in quanto nello stesso firmware sono presenti anche file 01g, 02g e 03g previsti rispettivamente per PSP-1000, PSP-2000 e PSP-3000. La novità più importante però di questo 6.00 riguarda il POPS, l'emulatore PS1 stand-alone di Sony. Per la prima volta infatti è presente una versione di tale .prx specifica per una singola console. Come potrete notare dall'immagine a seguire, ha fatto la sua comparsa il file pops_04g.prx che, come spiegato precedentemente, è riservato alla ormai imminente PSP Go!. Le domande sorgono dunque spontanee. Come mai Sony ha deciso di introdurre questo nuovo .prx? La PSP Go! gestirà in modo differente l'emulazione dei titoli PlayStation 1? Le risposte si avranno solamente dal primo Ottobre, quando la nuova console sarà disponibile nei negozi europei
索尼官方发布了新的6.00固件,这次SONY推出的6.00固件中加入很多防漏洞补丁和新反黑客破解的更新。但在释放后几个小时后,法国网站PSPGEN已经成功解密了6.00固件,虽然成功解密,但这不带表一定能成功破解,对于破解我们还有很长的路要走 。
在6.00固件的初步分析可以看到新的pspGO的系统的访问。Prx任命04G,!相同的固件文件也01G,02G和03G,分别为PSP提供- 1000,psp的- 2000和PSP - 3000。最重要的关于以下这6点,主要讲的是发现了一个pops_04g.prx新模块,通常来说是pops.prx是各个PSP版本通用的,为何会出现独立的模块,看来可能PS1的模拟会有变化。
正如你看到的以下图片中, 不同的运作模式的PSPGO?会带来什么不同,这些问题的答案,会在第10月份当新的PSPGO将在欧洲的商店发售以后才能了解。
Team PSL 和 cf 5.55 psl的相关介绍:
Team PSL, began work on a CF, which allows you to start the ISO (not CSO) of games like GJOE, Tales of VS, Persona PSP etc. .. The team was founded by little but the damage was already off! The programming team is composed of the vocal tract, Jakbest and Dark-Dark-and smn Giovy96. The graphics are always Jakbest founder and Dark-Giovy96 but adds Darkmen and I Andrea1234567890, which I plan to Recovery!
Now these are for the info, but may even be deleted:
* 5:55 Journal (already have)
* Support ISO and Homebrew (No CSO and DAX) (in progress)
* Dayviewer
* Watch during Standby (not known)
* Cut, Copy and paste from XMB
* Ability to install the 1.50 kernel apart
* Icon of the homebrew PSP Media Center / shell to run your PSP (not included)
* Available languages English + 1 choice (in progress)
* Recovery Mode PSL (in progress)
* XMB in the game (available sources) (applicable in progress)
Then you are what you have written with the 3 dots, we are not doing a CF scmeo but you're kind of know, but where you live! The CF can not be fixed for the TA 88 and PSP 3000, but you should have a maximum of 5.03, then you can not install on a course because it does not read FW's Official Homebrew and then, as the installer like DA and GEN is in fact we in eboot EBOOT, but we do differently that will consume more than 2 MB, and I will do it at odds of less than 400 kb then obviously we'll include CF5.55 which will consume 25 MB as usual, however we are working seriously Every day, we are not crooks like those of the MX team, the Italians are the most honest way we did ... otherwise with screen shot, soon rialscio other screen
Senna and why we were created XD, however we have done to create a recovery in case of dark brick of the 1st recovery, this allows you to back up the flash 0 and 1, then the USB connection, connect the USB flash0 and flash1, then starts psp / game / update / EBOOT.PBP on your blog shortly image and of course here
现在大部分人对psl系统和Team psl 已经鉴定完毕,又一个骗子。
我英文水平差,不知道理解的对不对:Team psl现在所搞的cf 5.55 psl并不是一个自制系统,只是想通过刷写部分系统文件,试系统能够运行Gjoe等新游戏,看功能介绍,感觉更像是一个插件或者补丁。
对于真实程度,Andrea1234567890也一再回复绝对在努力工作,并提供psl恢复模式等截图,并且鄙视前段时间MX Team小组是骗子,承诺自己是诚实的...
6.00固件并没有太大的破解难度,现在让我们一起来看看最新的系统固件和上一个版本系统固件之间的比较吧。我们昨天已经向大家报道过了,pops组件发生了改变,而PSP GO使用的PS模拟组件也有所不同(详细情况可以参考之前发布的新闻)。而从此刻算起,我们可以正式宣布,6.00固件已经完全解密,我们可以慢慢的开始研究它了。
作为研究6.0固件的第一步,我们PSPGEN的开发小组已经做到了,接下来我们会继续进行研究,给大家带来更多的消息。请注意, Dark_Alex 已经说了,他并没有研究和开发6.00M33的计划。此时此刻,也没有什么6.00GEN的消息可以值得期待的。
有固件下载破解就快了!!!! 我想了解一下.....PSP上网有什么网站可以免费下载东西之类的? 我想了解一下.....PSP上网有什么网站可以免费下载东西之类的?
幻魔皇 发表于 2009-9-10 09:41 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
可以百度下歌啊,选另存就可以了,话说6.0完全没什么新功能吗! 虽然目前来说的游戏足够我玩了. 据说...有新功能的加入..DA就会破解.. 感覺時機快到了...
加油~努力~破~ 固件下载地址已经有了
等待破解吧 已升看看什么样 能玩中文魔王再臨了嗎? 10# kula
老的版本可以玩......你说的最新出的加强版的话要等破解,而不是等官方升系统...... 终于还是出来了啊···悲剧 我们终于可以骄傲的说... "我们不再怨念5.55了!" -_卅
怎么说也进入了6.XX时代了.也该破解了吧 - -... 我是来吐嘈6蛋蛋的 更新DA博客评论
咱们还是慢慢等吧 哈哈哈,真好笑. (毆)
在這九月當下,能那麼快發佈嗎..如果有. 殴打楼上叶子...
这个要是发布了,我就买新PSP...那个绿的终于寿终了,收拾到包装盒里收着。 看来,无论是谁,都讨厌伸手党 10# kula
幻魔皇 发表于 2009-9-10 14:32 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
美版不是5.55,可以直接玩. 更新PSPGEN网站的最新消息