月神侠 发表于 2010-2-19 21:46:49


OPM’s Editor In Chief, Tim Clark, said they’d be talking about shooters in their next issue – Ghost Recon: Future Soldier, Vanquish and ”another very special game yet to be announced.”

Well, TheSixthAxis has spoken to Tim, and can reveal that the “special game” is this – the FPS under development by the guys behind Criterion’s Black. The title will be published by Codemasters and run on their EGO engine.

For everything on the new game, check out Issue 43 of the Official PlayStation Magazine (on sale 16 March)

ps官方杂志下期将刊载三款射击类游戏,其中三上真司监督的vanquish和ubi的幽灵行动未来战士已经公布。还有一款神秘作品也公开了,那就是ps2好评射击游戏黑煞制作小组的 fps新作。具体情报敬请期待下期opm 3月16日
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查看完整版本: 最新一期opm杂志,三大射击类游戏齐聚ps3,black(黑煞)小组新游戏即将公布