Half Byte Loader for 6.30/6.31 Coming Soon
唯一有希望的Loader:Half Byte Loader for 6.3 6.31固件版本即将到来,以下为作者原话…Before the months end! That’s according to J416, who hassuccessfully ported Half Byte Loader to official firmware 6.31 (and6.30 too). J416 just needs a bit of time to polish her off and then HBLfor 6.31 will be ready for its unveiling. Stay logged on for an exactrelease date, as well, the name of the exploitable game will beannounced at the same time, within a week says J416.
We currently know this:
[*]The game is available on UMD;[*]Whether or not the game is available on PSN, we don’t know;[*]There are JP, US, and EU versions of the game;[*]Only the JP version has been tested with this hack;[*]There’s a good chance the other versions are affected too.Anyway, to keep things exciting we’re going to create our own gameout of this… Guess the exploitable game (via the comments) and ifyou’re right — we’ll send you a Dashhacks t-shirt. 求翻译…… 在几个月。这是根据j416hassuccessfully移植,半字节载入器载入官方固件6。31(and6。30太)。j416只是需要一些时间,擦了,然后hblfor6。31准备的揭幕。在与一个exactrelease日期的那种游戏会beannounced同时,一周之内说j416。
无论如何,把事情令我们去创造我们自己的gameout这个猜种游戏(通过评论)和ifyou是对 在几个月。这是根据j416hassuccessfully移植,半字节载入器载入官方固件6。31(and6。30太)。j416只是需要一些时间,擦了,然后hblfor6。31准备的揭幕。在与一个exactrelease日期的那种游戏会beannounced同时,一周之 ...
maihaoxian 发表于 2010-8-19 19:55 http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
这是哪门子翻译= =... 月末之前公布,那个正衰人作者J416已经成功菊爆了官方系统,在6.31和6.30上运行了自制软件,现在他在对自己的作品进行最后的调教,马上就可以拉出来见客了。各位痴汉请保持在线,本周之内,我们会把公布的具体时间贴出来。而那款导致6.31被推倒的游戏也会在同时公布。
谁能估出是那个游戏,我们有T 恤送。 在几个月。这是根据j416hassuccessfully移植,半字节载入器载入官方固件6。31(and6。30太)。j416只是需要一些时间,擦了,然后hblfor6。31准备的揭幕。在与一个exactrelease日期的那种游戏会beannounced同时,一周之 ...
maihaoxian 发表于 2010-8-19 07:55 PM http://bbs.newwise.com/images/common/back.gif
這翻譯看得我蛋疼... 继续等待,继续观望。 还是那句话,发现是一回事,发布又是另一回事 看到了2楼的翻译...有种蛋疼的感觉... 在发布之前一切都是浮云