babywong4号 发表于 2010-8-22 08:47:04



Going into the Light

What was expected to be routine heart surgery made religious and medical history, when a photographer took a picture of the patients etheric body that contains the spirit and soul leaving her body as she passed from this earth plane.
那被預期是例行的心臟手術做出宗教和醫療歷史,當一位攝影師拍一幀患者的乙太體照片,其中包含了 離開她身體的精神和靈魂,當她從這地球平面轉化。
The dramatic photo clearly shows a glowing and angelic looking spirit rising up off the operating table as the line on Karin Fischer's heart monitor went flat at the moment of her death, and while nobody in the operating theatre actually saw this manifestation as the 32 year old left her physical body behind on the operating table, scholars, clergymen and the Vatican itself are hailing the photo as the most dramatic proof of life after death ever.
戲劇性的照片清楚地顯示一光輝及天使般的精靈,從手術台升起 離開,當卡琳菲舍爾的心臟監測器內的線走平, 在她死亡的那一刻。雖然在手術室內沒有人真的看到這顯示,當 32歲的她在手術枱背後離開她的身體,學者、牧師和梵蒂岡本身在歡呼這照片,作為有史以來死後生命的最戲劇性證明。
This is it. This is the proof that true believers the world over have been waiting for,
" Dr. Martin Muller, who has conducted an extensive study of the picture told reporters in Frankfurt, Germany. Human beings really do have souls that live for eternity after the flesh grows weak and dies.
“對這照片進行了廣泛性研究的馬丁穆勒博士告訴 德國法蘭克福的記者。人類真確是有靈魂的,它活 在永恆,在肉體變得軟弱和死亡後。
" This picture is not only a sign and a revelation, its a confirmation of the Bible, continued the biblical scholar. " And in that regard, it might be the most important picture ever taken." The mind numbing drama unfolded when Karin Fischer entered Holy Heart Hospital for surgery to correct the defective heart valves she was born with.
Dr. Walter Springer said he knew the operation would be tricky, but he never
dreamed that the woman's heart would stop beating just 45 minutes into the
procedure- never to start again. Oddly enough, not one of the twelve doctors,
nurses and technicians in the operating theatre saw the glowing spirit leave the
woman's body, apparently because it was not visible to the naked eye.
But as a matter of routine the procedure was photographed by the hospitals
director of education, Peter Valentin, who found a single picture of the spirit
phenomena 72 prints that were made. I thought someone in the photo lab was
playing a trick on me, so I went down and asked them," what the heck was going
on?", said Valentin "they didn't know what I was talking about.

So I got in touch with a photo expert who studied the picture and negative and
assured me that they hadn't been altered in any way. " At this point, I showed the
picture to the priest here at the Holy Heart. The first thing out of his mouth was "
Father in Heaven- this is a human soul!"

At the insistant of the priest, Valentin sent copies of the photograph to clergymen
and scholars throughout Europe. Pope John Paul 2nd is said to have requested a
copy for Vatican analysis, and while there has yet to be an official announcement,
Vatican sources say the Pope will release a statement confirming that the picture
of the soul is authentic.

"The photo has been the focus of intense study and debate for several weeks now
and the consensus of both scholars and clergymen is that it is indeed authentic",
said Dr. Muller.That's not to say that there are not sceptics because there are, he
continued. The problem with their position is that they can offer no alternative
explanations for the glowing image on the picture. In fact their are no alternative

You either except the image in faith..... or you reject it. There is no in-between..

无名神风 发表于 2010-8-22 08:48:04


babywong4号 发表于 2010-8-22 08:48:44


单身情歌 发表于 2010-8-22 10:10:50


zdhzdh1977 发表于 2010-8-22 10:29:34


Gundaman 发表于 2010-8-22 11:01:25

zdhzdh1977 发表于 2010-8-22 10:29


我来自一中 发表于 2010-8-22 11:56:14


豆豆森林 发表于 2010-8-22 11:56:39


怡暮 发表于 2010-8-22 12:00:14


abchuai 发表于 2010-8-22 12:01:11


我来自一中 发表于 2010-8-22 12:04:15


zeroyjt 发表于 2010-8-22 12:26:33


kabuto2006 发表于 2010-8-22 13:55:11


阿努毕斯 发表于 2010-8-22 13:58:37

那个是基督教的宣传画 ..?

不死术士 发表于 2010-8-22 19:24:33


殘念 发表于 2010-8-22 20:04:17


光团子 发表于 2010-8-22 20:24:30


台北 发表于 2010-8-22 20:39:19


¥Genesis¥ 发表于 2010-8-22 20:46:52


多谢招待 发表于 2010-8-22 21:39:59

这是素描么= =
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