第三世界兒童是給美國的'實驗室老鼠'Third World children, 'lab rats' for US
Tue, 24 Aug 2010
Children of third world countries and nations in transition have become 'laboratory rats' for the US' clinical tests for new drugs, an Indian newspaper says.
Under US' 1997 legislation called the Pediatric Exclusivity Provision, intended to speed up development of new drugs for American kids, the trials were carried out in countries such as Uganda and India, The Times of India reported.
根據美國 1997年立法稱為小兒科獨家條款,目的是加快發展新藥物給美國的孩子,試驗在國家如烏干達和印度進行,印度時報報導。
Although the trials were carried out in such countries, using their children as laboratory rats, it is not clear if okayed medicines might ever become available there and whether they will be affordable for them.
Dr. Sara Pasquali, a pediatrician at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, whose findings appear in the journal Pediatrics, said that the situation raises ethical concerns.
“The trend that we describe brings up some scientific and ethical problems,” she said.
“Oftentimes, access to a study may be the only access to medical care a family has,” Pasquali added.
Among the 174 such trials the researchers examined, drugs against infectious diseases were most likely to be tested in the developing world, closely followed by heart, allergy and arthritis medications.
“We are now using vulnerable people in vulnerable countries as drug laboratories,” Dr Marcia Angell, another researcher said. “It is all about dollars and cents.”
http://presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=139852§ionid=3510212 某朝表示,米国还不如他们高效 "为了钱我们什么事都感做"