babywong4号 发表于 2010-9-3 13:51:10


Vitamin D really does prevent cancer, autoimmune diseases
Monday, August 30, 2010
by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) A new study out of Oxford University pinpoints vitamin D deficiency as a culprit in serious illnesses like cancer and autoimmune disorders. According to the report, which was recently published online in the journal Genome Research, genetic receptors throughout the body need adequate vitamin D levels to prevent these and other serious illnesses from developing.
(NaturalNews)一項出自牛津大學的新研究,突顯維他命 D缺乏作為嚴重疾病如癌症和自身免疫性疾病的罪魁禍首。根據最近在網上線基因組研究期刊出版的報告,在體內全身的基因受體需要足夠的維他命 D水平,以防止這些和其它嚴重疾病的發展。
Multiple sclerosis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Chron's disease, leukemia -- these and many more diseases are often caused by a lack of vitamin D. Your genes literally have receptors that need vitamin D in order to properly express themselves. If there is not enough of the vitamin, serious illness is prone to develop.
多發性硬化症、糖尿病、類風濕關節炎、歷代志的疾病、白血病 - 這些以及更多的疾病通常是由缺乏維他命 D,你的基因正確地有受體需要維他命D,以圖正確表達它們自己。如果沒有足夠的維他命,嚴重的疾病很容易發展。
The Oxford team made specific observations about the importance of vitamin D in the genome regions associated with autoimmune diseases and cancer, noting that the nutrient is absolutely vital in helping to prevent these diseases from forming.
牛津隊伍對維他命 D的重要性作出具體觀察,在基因區域相關的自身免疫疾病和癌症,指出營養是絕對至關重要的幫助去防止這些疾病的形成。
"Considerations of vitamin D supplementation as a preventative measure for these diseases are strongly warranted," expressed Sreeram Ramagopalan, author of the study.
“對這些疾病維他命 D補充品的考慮,作為一種預防性措施是強烈需要的”,研究的筆者Sreeram Ramagopalan表示。
However, current recommendations for vitamin D intake are unacceptably low, and many nations are considering updating their guidelines. The U.S. Institute of Medicine, for example, recommends getting a mere 200 to 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day, an amount far too low to have much therapeutic effect.
然而,目前建議的維他命 D攝入量是不可接受的低水平,和許多國家正在考慮修訂其指引,例如美國醫學研究所,建議每天獲得純 200至600國際單位(IU)的維他命 D,一太低的數額去有很大的治療作用。
Since summer sun exposure creates about 20,000 IU of vitamin D in the skin in just 15 minutes, supplementation with at least 5,000 to 10,000 IU of vitamin D daily, particularly during the winter, is preferable. Healthy blood levels of vitamin D are somewhere between 50 and 80 nanograms per milliliter (ng/ml), so many natural health professionals recommend having a "25 OH Vitamin D" blood test performed to check these levels.
由於夏天日光接觸皮膚在短短的15分鐘,造成約 20,000國際單位的維他命 D。每天 - 尤其是在冬季 - 補充至少5,000至一萬國際單位的維他命 D是可取的。健康的維他命 D血液水平是介乎於每毫升(納克 /毫升) 50至80微克,因此許多天然健康專業人士推薦,進行一“25羥基維他命 D”血液測試以檢查這些水平。

qwjqyaa 发表于 2010-9-3 14:00:15


???!!! 发表于 2010-9-3 15:03:56


qwjqyaa 发表于 2010-9-4 18:10:11

不动游星ICY 发表于 2010-9-4 18:03
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 維他命D確真的預防癌症、自身免疫性疾病