babywong4号 发表于 2010-9-20 00:30:22


Photograph of Indonesian undead? The walking corpse of Toraja.
Topic started on 18-9-2010 @ 03:37 AM by One Step Beyond...

Zombies, walking corpses and the power of giving life to the dead are things from fiction, right? Well, what do you think about this picture?

From what I could find, this picture was first present in this indonesian blog wich talks about a personal story involving the walking corpses of Tojara, Indonesia. But only recently the picture is gaining attention, making presence in many blogs and forums with the following text:
從我所能找到的,這張照片首次出現在這個印尼博客 ...它談到一個個人故事涉及印尼Tojara的彊屍。但衹最近照片才獲得注意,在許多博客和論壇出現並有以下文字:

Only in Indonesia (especially Toraja), a corpse is usually being carried up to the grave, but in Toraja, the corpse is woken up letting it walk to its grave (is rarely performed anymore)
The corpse is woken up using black magic. This is done because in Toraja the graves/cemetries is placed above limestones mountains.
屍體使用黑色魔術喚醒,這樣做是因為在托拉雅墳墓 / 墳場是置在灰岩山區上面。
The corpse walks by itself, and its guided by an expert in black magic behind it. But there is one prohibition, the corpse shouldn’t be appointed, once pointed, the corpse falls down and isn’t able to walk again.

Curiously, a website about turism in Indonesia give more depth to the history:

To Make a Dead Man Walk

In times past, when the villages of Tana Toraja were still extremely isolated and difficult to visit, it is said that certain people had the power to make a dead man walk to his village in order to be present at his own funeral. In this way, relatives of the deceased were spared the necessity of having to carry his corpse. One particular area, Mamasa ? West Toraja, was particularly well-known for this practice. The people of this area are not strictly speaking of the same ethnic group as the people of Tana Toraja. However, outsiders often refer to them as Toraja Mamasa. In many ways, the cultures of the two groups are similar, although they each have their own distingushing characteristics. In particular, the style of wood carving of the two groups is different.

According to the belief system of the people of Mamasa, the spirit of a dead person must return to his village of origin. It is essential that he meet with his relatives, so that they can guide him on his journey into the after-life after the ceremonies have been completed. In the past, people of this area were frightened to journey far, in case they died while they were away and were unable to return to their village. If someone died while on a journey, and unless he has a strong magic power, it would be necessary to procure the services of an expert, to guide the dead person back to the village.

This is not intended metaphorically-the dead person would be made to walk from wherever he had journeyed back home, no matter how far away that was. The corpse would walk stiffly, without any expression on his face, in the manner of a robot. If anyone addressed the dead man directly, he would fall down senseless, unable to continue his journey. Therefore, those accompanying the deceased on the macabre procession had to warn people they met on their path not to talk directly to the dead man. The attendants usually sought out quiet paths where the procession was less likely to meet with strangers. These days, the practice of walking the dead back to their place of origin has fallen out of currency.

Good roads now connect the villages of Tana Toraja, and people tend to rely on more conventional means of transportation for bringing bodies back home. The ability to bring the dead back to life has not been entirely forgotten, however. Sometimes, even now, the deceased is made to continue breathing and seems alive until all his relatives are gathered around him.More commonly, the skill is practiced on animals. At a funeral ceremony, when a buffalo has been sacrificed and its head separated from its body, the body is made to get up and walk for as long as ten minutes. A demonstration of this sort proves to the audience that the ability to bring the dead back to life has not entirely passed from the community.

Now I ask you ATS, what you think about the picture and the history of the Torajans? Hoax? Photoshop? Misunderstanding? Scientifically probable? Historically accurate?
現在我問你ATS會員,你怎麼想關於那照片和Torajans的歷史?惡作劇? Photoshop的?誤解?科學上可能?歷史上準確?
Sincerely I don't know what to think of it, I think the picture is real but doesn't show an undead but yes a corpse standing up due to bones and muscular rigidness but I really don't know, I am no forensic expert.

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本帖最后由 ロツクマソ 于 2010-9-21 18:51 编辑

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查看完整版本: 不死印尼人的照片?托拉雅的殭屍