Oy vey. It’s time for yet another rumor surrounding the 3DS. Today’s edition of the German newspaper Bild claims to have information about the release date of the upcoming portable in Europe/Japan, as well as details regarding pricing and launch titles.
Bild states that the 3DS will arrive on November 11 in Japan this year, but sometime in the first quarter of 2011 in Europe. Mario Kart 3D, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, and Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle were listed as launch titles in the newspaper. There was one additional detail Bild shared – it will supposedly cost 200 euros.
Even though you should most definitely take this rumor with a big grain of salt, there are a few things that should be noted. Bild is the best-selling newspaper in Europe, and they’ve apparently secured news prior to announcements. In 2005, when Satoru Iwata was set to unveil the Wii’s controller for the first time at the Tokyo Game Show, Bild was told about it two days before Nintendo’s president delivered his speech. So I suppose you could say Bild has a bit more credibility than your average newspaper, but I’m still not quite sure what to make of this rumor. Fortunately, it’ll only be three more days until we start hearing official information about the 3DS.
200欧,根据google的货币换算计算,折合人民币1802.7200 CNY
算上本朝JS的炒价,首发裸机价肯定超2K(还未算上日后的破解成本) 人家还说是20000日元1600左右呢 一切明天揭晓 1600左右的在天朝基本不可能,就算官方卖得再低,本朝JS肯定在“首发”这个敏感点上(除非你等到老任出N3DS LL ),狠狠杀你一回血,不然怎么叫JS?
现在我倒是比较好奇,老任会怎么出招对付盗版,毕竟“能破解”才是天朝的王道 1800我倒不如去买台XB360算了.. 等明天真相 首发我只要SF4就够玩到处烧录了- - 个人认为3DS不给力,无什么想买的。 4# 渣古
同感 就看老任这次怎么做了
相反如果主机价格太高,反而会吸引大批烧录卡商和大量黑客着手破解游戏 唉。。。。200欧啊。。。还是有压力啊。。 打算等等,看看实际游戏效果和独占游戏的发售情况,市场成熟之后再买 ls 翻尸+灌水 我保证 你会死的很惨~再见 坑爹呢這是